Interesting and Humour - page 4587

Ihor Herasko:

We are not talking about universal solutions, but about some particular cases where a solution can be found more easily and quickly than in the general case.

Programmatically, multiplication works faster. 300.0 * 0.01 * 40.0

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

You have no proof that he wrote it, or wrote it that way :)

Why should I? Who do I have to prove anything to? I treat Andrei with all the kindness in the world, he made a mistake, it doesn't happen. And you're demanding some kind of proof. Do you want to get at him for a mistake?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Then rephrase the "find 40% of 300" problem as "find 43% of 367" -- and dividing each number by 10 does not change the quality of operations, on the contrary, it makes them more complicated.

Andrei, that's for schoolchildren. And they only have a calculator, division by 10 cannot be considered an operation at all, while multiplication on a calculator is only one operation


Ihor Herasko:

We are not talking about universal solutions, but about some particular cases where a solution can be found more easily and quickly than in the general case.

I wanted to pass by, but the post is relevant.



Uladzimir Izerski:

I was going to pass it by, but the post is relevant.

All right.


OKAY. Waiting)))




-I said answer yes or no! You can always answer yes or no to a simple question; I don't think it's difficult.

-- Imagine, it is," Carlson interjected. -- I'm going to ask you a simple question and you'll see for yourself. Now, listen, have you stopped drinking cognac in the morning, so answer yes or no?

Miss Bock was out of breath, as if she was about to collapse. She wanted to say something, but could not get a word out.

-- There you go," said Carlson triumphantly. -- I repeat my question: have you stopped drinking cognac in the morning?

-Yes, yes, of course," assured Little Man, who wanted to help her.

But then she went completely mad.

-No!" she shouted, losing her head.

Babe blushed and picked her up to support her:

-- No, no, she didn't!

-- Pity, pity," said Carlson. -- Drunkenness doesn't do any good.

[Astrid Lindgren. Three Tales of Kid and Carlson]

It is better to gladden the heart with a cup of wine,
Than to mourn and praise old times.
A sober mind puts the soul in fetters.
The sober mind puts the soul in its fetters.
-- Respectable housing maintenance company, please turn on the heating. My woman has stopped walking around the flat naked and it makes me sad.