Interesting and Humour - page 4586

Nikolai Krylov:

Uh-huh, then why did the admin lift the ban you imposed? ;)

Because he's kind.


It seems to be without politics, but the tone and some of the grimaces seem suspicious. We need the opinion of the local expert community.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Seems to be without politics, but the tone and some of the grimaces seem suspicious. We need an opinion from the local expert community.

A psychiatric evaluation would be more appropriate. The grimaces are very telling.


10 математических подсказок, которые научат вас считать очень быстро
10 математических подсказок, которые научат вас считать очень быстро
Умножение? Проценты? Дроби? Да запросто! С математическими лайфхаками всё это больше не будет представлять для вас проблемы. А детишкам-школьникам наша шпаргалка пригодится ещё больше! Мы предлагае
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

nonsense, not advice -- 40/300*100 (2 operations)

nonsense advice -- 40/10, 300/10, 4*30 (3 operations)

Andrew, there's something wrong here... Did you do the math before? ....

Alexey Viktorov:

Andrei, there's something wrong here... Did you do the math before? ....

You have no proof that he wrote it, or wrote it that way :)


Andrey F. Zelinsky:

nonsense, not advice -- 40/300*100 (2 operations)

Alexey Viktorov:

Andrey, there's something wrong here... Did you do the math before? ....

Division and multiplication are mixed up. It should be 40*300/100 = 120.

Sincerely, Vladimir.

Alexey Viktorov:

Andrei, there is something wrong here... Did you do the math before? ....

It's not about the number of operations, it's about the quality of the operations. Division/multiplication by 10 is a very simple operation.

Ihor Herasko:

It's not about the number of operations, it's about the quality of the operations. Division/multiplication by 10 is a very simple operation.

Then rephrase the problem "find 40% of 300" to "find 43% of 367". -- and dividing each number by 10 in no way changes the quality of the operations, on the contrary, it makes them harder.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Then rephrase the problem "find 40% of 300" to "find 43% of 367". -- Dividing each number by 10 does not change the quality of operations, but rather complicates them.

We are not talking about universal solutions, but about some special cases where the solution can be found easier and faster than in the general case.