Interesting and Humour - page 4523

Denis Sartakov:

"What is a webcam?

A webcam. Did you get the gist of the blackmail?

Igor Makanu:

just google the text of the email and backup, which is important on a PC, if you don't have an external drive, then good thing cloud storage is now offering 10-50GB for free - you can backup there.

You are not going to offer something to extortionists, are you?

Google has an excellent answer to your question, highlight 2-3 lines and right-click search

Yes, such letters of happiness came even 15 years ago, what's with the jitters, I do not get it?

Shit, guys, I used to drive around with two TT-hams in the jolly 90s, and you e-bots are afraid. You and your Euro-tolerance have come to a head.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

Webcam. Did you get to the bottom of the blackmail?

I have a camera, I didn't get into it much - I see they are asking for money...

I've visited poprno-websites, of course, but who hasn't?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yes such letters of happiness came as far back as 15 years ago, what's with the jitters, I don't get it?

Shit, guys, I used to drive around with two TT-ha's in the jolly 90s and you e-bots are scared of me. You and your euro-tolerance.

I agree, they probably just want to trick you for luck. Just in case someone bites.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I agree, it's probably just a lucky trick. In case anyone bites.

I have several emails, but this one came to an email

known to the antivirus company

At the same time a letter arrived from the firm offering to buy an antivirus from them...
Denis Sartakov:

I have a camera, didn't get into it too much - I see they're asking for money...

I've visited poperno-websites, of course, and who hasn't?

No one is accusing. In the future, you'd better unscrew or seal it so that such a thing could not happen even in theory.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yes such letters of happiness came as far back as 15 years ago, what's with all the nervous trepidation, I don't get it?

Shit, guys, I used to drive around with two TT-ha's in the jolly 90s and you e-bots are scared of me. You and your euro-tolerance.

Alas, the future has already arrived - people on social networks measure each other's dicks, and online earnings have already overtaken "factory jobs".

i.e. TT is already an authority! ))))

Denis Sartakov:


There are still people who read all sorts of weird emails that come to them. If he had full control, he could have done something funnier than sending an email.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

There are still people who read all kinds of emails that come to them. If he had full control, it'd be fashionable to do something funnier than send emails.

Yeah, there are, the last of the Mohicans!

Denis Sartakov:

yes we do, last of the Mohicans !

I think the views on solving the problem are different.... Did you contact the forum to find out why this is so?

I, for one, immediately ask myself - what to do?
