Interesting and Humour - page 4514

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

"Dental clinic? Extra -- three sixty-two!" -- of course it matters what and how much it cost.

And in the film "The Diamond Arm" the price of vodka is mentioned. I don't remember the exact phrase, but it said: "Beige Volga, number 28-70 OGO" That was the price before the Khrushchev denomination in 1961. Then the price was 2.87. The capital one was 4.12.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

"Dental clinic? Extra -- three sixty-two!" -- It certainly matters what and how much it cost.

Now the cheapest vodka, you can take somewhere in area of 300 rubles. Let's compare times. Let's take pension of 16000 rubles, we can buy 63 bottles of vodka.Let's not even take a pension from the times of Leonid Ilyich's developed socialism, let's take a salary of 120 rubles, for 120 rubles you can buy only 32 bottles of vodka. I.e. life became more fun, life became better.

Numbers are stubborn things, they speak for themselves.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Great, if it is important what and how much it cost. Now the cheapest vodka, you can take somewhere in the region of 300 rubles. Compare the times. Let's say we take a pension of 16000 rubles, you can buy 63 bottles of vodka.Let's not even take a pension from the times of Leonid Ilyich's developed socialism, let's take a 120r salary, for 3.62 for 120 you can buy only 32 bottles of vodka. I.e. life became more fun, life became better.

Numbers are stubborn things, they speak for themselves.


I bought a flat 7 years ago, the bill was 1,800, now it's 3,500

I looked on the Internet, gasoline was 23 roubles 7 years ago, now it is 43 roubles

I asked my mum how much she used to pay for utilities in the USSR, and she said she never even considered it as an expense, she used to pay 3 or 5 roubles - she says she can't remember

I don't know, I was too young in the USSR, I think it was 70 kopecks?

Well, figures are stubborn things... You can also count in loaves of bread, but take the weight into account ;)

Igor Makanu:


I bought a flat 7 years ago, the payment was 1,800, now it's 3,500

I looked it up on the Internet and the petrol was 23 roubles 7 years ago, now it's 43 roubles

I asked my mum how much she used to pay for utilities in the USSR, and she said she never even considered it as an expense, she used to pay 3 roubles or 5 roubles - she can't remember

I don't know, I was too young in the USSR, I think it was 70 kopecks?

Well, figures are stubborn things... Count in loaves of bread, but take the weight into account ;)

With utilities, yes. Petrol cost 7 kopecks a litre, not 70. We take a pension of 16000 rubles and utilities of 3500, we can pay 4.5 utilities.Let's take the saint times with a salary of 120 roubles and 3 roubles for the communal services and we can pay for 40 communal services. But you can buy more vodka and petrol now.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Great, if it is important what and how much it cost. Now the cheapest vodka, you can take somewhere in the region of 300 rubles. Let us compare times. Say we take a pension of 16000rub, you can buy 63 bottles of vodka.Let's not even take a pension from the times of Leonid Ilyich's developed socialism, let's take a 120r salary, for 3.62 for 120 you can buy only 32 bottles of vodka. I.e. life became more fun, life became better.

Numbers are stubborn things, they speak for themselves.

Damn, this is the Russian prime minister, hello, what brings you to this forum?

Just kidding, there was a joke about him in an interview where he measured the income of Russian citizens by bottles, no we also have enough morons in Kazakhstan, they are all the same whether they are in Russia or here. You have revolts, we also have rallies every week, so a revolution in both countries is inevitable.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Petrol cost 7 kopecks a litre, not 70. If you take a pension of 16,000 roubles and a 3,500-ruble community fund, you can pay 4.5 community fees. If you take the saint times, 120 roubles and a 3-ruble community fund, you can pay for 40 community fees. But you can buy more vodka and petrol now.

Pension is not 16 thousand, most people have 13 thousand, or even less, 16 thousand for those who came out before 2000, the pension was calculated differently there

how to explain.... So there's a lot more money spent on everyday life now.

as an example, i used to get 20 kopecks or 50 kopecks for 2 days at school, a bagel 7 kop, juice 3 kopecks, lunch 18 - 23 kopecks, i did not eat lunch and would go home via kiosks on saturday - i spent money there ))))

and now how much should a schoolboy get for it...?

ok, you can count forever, social security was strong under the soviet Union, but now it's the opposite, more than half of the family budget is being spent on everyday expenses


Had to do some bathing on the job. I came across some jokes - hilarious :)

But if we apply a scientific approach, it will immediately become clear that the simple Russian word "banya" is a complicated word. Not only that, but it is a borrowed word! "Ba-" comes from the Russian cry "Ba!" and "-nya" is "nyu" - from the French "golakom". So "ba-nya" translates to "Oopa-na! There's naked people in here! "

And it all started with the fact that the ancient Slavs on all sorts of holidays (Ivan Kupala, Boris Niryala, Oleg Kryahtela and Parku Poddavala) used to jump over the bonfire. While jumping over the fire, they began to notice that the lower part of their bodies warmed up briefly. And so, the most thoughtful of the Slavs (it's possible that they were Jews) began to wonder if it was possible to heat the whole body with a fire, or something else.

The custom of splashing water on the stove was the result of a long and fragrant search.We sprinkled lemon juice, vodka, slop, paraffin but all these liquids did not work, and water did.Then they started to use it to wash the steamed body, although in many Russian bathhouses water is still practically useless.

because people do very well with vodka and beer.

Vitaly Murlenko:

I stumbled across a fascinating device by accident. Does anyone know how to use it? What does it do?

It is used to test the knife - how easy it is to make all these notches with the knife.

Палочка Морса Кочански (Кохански)
Палочка Морса Кочански (Кохански)
  • 2019.08.28
При создании этого теста Кочански подошел к теме с практической точки зрения. Его тестовая палочка подразумевает, что на длинной палке необходимо сделать 15 элементов различных ловушек для животных. Эти элементы довольно просты. Но выполнив их все одним ножом за один раз владелец ножа понимает насколько удачна модель ножа и удобно ли работать...
Alexey Viktorov:

And in the film "The Diamond Arm" there is a reference to the price of vodka. I do not remember the exact phrase, but it said: "Beige Volga, number 28-70 OGO" That was the price before Khrushchev's 1961 denomination. Then the price was 2.87. The capital one was 4.12.

There used to be a concept called 'three-person hustle'. We each pooled a rouble. The three rubles were used to buy a bottle of vodka for 2.87 and a processed cheese for 13 kopecks.

After another price hike, vodka was worth exactly 3 rubles (yes, there was such a thing!). It started to be called 'select' - it took away the cheese.

And 4.12 was the price of vodka "extra", when plain vodka cost 3.62 (Stolichnaya was distributed only in narrow circles, so I don't know how much it cost).

I don't know why I know that. My father worked in geological exploration in the Urals. Then, when I was born, went into prospecting for industrial sites. He also scouted areas for civilian sites.

I also worked as a watchman at Special Vehicle Depot No. 2 on Lobachika 12 in Sokolniki - I talked to a lot of different people