Interesting and Humour - page 4498

Sergey Golubev:

Good morning

And good morning to you...


Wait for it, the dollar is about to crash :)

On Wednesday the so-called yield curve inversion occurred in the US market - a situation in which the yield on 10-year US government bonds became lower than the yield on two-year securities for the first time since 2007. An inversion of the yield curve is considered a signal of an imminent recession.

Here is another interesting article on currency deposits.

Доходность 30-летних гособлигаций США впервые в истории упала ниже 2%
Доходность 30-летних гособлигаций США впервые в истории упала ниже 2%
  • 2019.08.15
МОСКВА, 15 авг — ПРАЙМ. Доходность 30-летних гособлигаций США в четверг снизилась до исторического минимума, опустившись ниже отметки 2%, свидетельствуют данные торгов. По состоянию на 7.00 мск доходность тридцатилетних US Treasuries снижается до 1,972% против 2,027% на предыдущем закрытии торгов. "Ставки очень низкие по последним стандартам...
Vitalii Ananev:

It's about time the dollar collapsed :)

Finally, I thought I'd never see it coming!



About the panini and ciabatta sold at the Soyuzpechat (formerly, now called Press) kiosks - here in this post#283
Now there's a new one.

Right now, in the grocery store, the bun and coffee section.
A granny walks up and asks (probably wants a drink) -
"what's in the cup?"
The salesgirl says, "It's tiramisu, with terracotta on top."
Grandma walked away, did not swear (why in a foreign language), did not interrogate ... quietly left the grocery store...

Here's the thing... this deli... which is what I call a 'gastronome', it's a big supermarket, called Euro Spar.
This supermarket is located behind the village of Romanovo just after the village (it's not even a village, but three huts) called Salsky Povorot.

And there you have to get up at 5 a.m. and milk a cow. Because if you don't milk her, she goes to the herd (and there are fields and fields around...), and then you have to go there yourself across the fields (for the cow). And if the shepherd is also in trouble (when a bull likes some cow) - that's bad, because he has to chase this bull away from his mate (because everybody needs calves).

And this supermarket opens at 7am, just after milking. The bread department there is called in German - Königsbäcker.
They sell panini, ciabatta, pizza pepperoni, tiramisu and terracotta in cups, rolls and bread (but this is also called in a foreign language).
Vitalii Ananev:

Wait for it, the dollar is about to collapse :)

Igor Makanu:

Finally, I thought I couldn't wait! I cried my eyes out!


The U.S. has defaulted five times in its history, when it could not pay the interest on government bonds. So what? The president convened the congress and decided to print the necessary amount of money.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The US has defaulted five times in the history of the state, when they could not pay the interest on government bonds. So what? The president convened the congress and the decision was made to print the necessary amount of money.

There has never been a default in the US. And what you are writing is an increase in the national debt ceiling


looks natural, very positive