Interesting and Humour - page 4485


I have both inverted commas and colons in Russian. Quotes 2+Shift. Colon 6+Shift. Try yours, maybe you have them too.

Yes, I checked it now - same thing.
But for me it's impossible, as most of the time I spend with "English keyboard" ... and separately remember the "russian keyboard" (it should be remembered to automatism ...).

Sergey Golubev:

I remember a few months ago I was in St. Petersburg, and a man came up to me with a backpack (I thought he was a tourist).
He said something like this: "Please excuse me for approaching you this way, but could you please listen to my lowest request ..." and so on ...
I - I just - I just - I just - I just - I just - I just - I thought "junkie".

Then my son explained to me that the man was a local and he just wanted to ask me for a cigarette.


How could Peter have changed so much in a few years?
I used to live there...
In my day you couldn't walk down the street at night... and now (at night) - "Please excuse me for addressing you in this way..."

I remember when I came on a business trip to Peter in the 90s, I remember ... office ... Institute of Theoretical Astronomy - where they named small planets after our famous people (e.g. Alla Pugacheva's planet) ... if the Aurora goes off, it will go straight to that institute (so they joked to me).

Behind the Big House is the UN office (and Sobchak's office at the time), and on the other side is a good canteen where staff have lunch and dinner. Cheap and exceptional quality food! For everyone, of course. And opposite is the "left" entrance to the "army" canteen ... quite cheap ... 20 or 30 rubles for everything ... (Locals call the FSB building "The Big House", and it is very easy to distinguish a local from a visitor ...)

Across the bridge is a zoo with a planetarium.

And in every "courtyard" is a beer garden ...
And in this courtyard, many of the windows are covered with paper, like during a blockade with bombs (I've been inside - I know).

So - back then it was impossible to just take a walk around St. Petersburg at night ...

And now - "excuse me please ..."
I tell my son about how I lived there, but he (who lives in St. Petersburg) - does not believe it ... says that I did not go there :)

Sergey Golubev:


So - back then it was impossible to just walk around Peter at night ...

And now - "excuse me please ..."
I tell my son about how I lived there, and he (who lives in St. Petersburg) - does not believe it ... says that I did not go there :)

They took me there ... I came on a business trip to their factories, where they produced body armour and so on (for the police). By the way, all their "gadgets" like handcuffs, etc.. - very coolly called as the official name (now name I do not remember, something like - handcuffs "Tenderness" as the factory name ...).
They put me opposite the zoo (with some granny) ... and her husband played classics half the night in the next room on the piano ...
And you can't go outside... Hooligans...


Yeah, about the girls.

Alexei, where did you find the kind of ladies you reported in your posts?
Local ladies, do you know what they call themselves? Petersburgers.
The word "Peter," they think of it as "from the liquor store."
To meet them, you have to wear a tuxedo by Cardin...
I guess all your ladies aren't from around here.

Sergey Golubev:

When typing in Russian, if you need to make inverted commas in a word, then translate the keyboard to English, make inverted commas, then translate the keyboard back to Russian...
The same way - to colons .... and so on.

In general, I would prohibit software and keyboard manufacturers to produce bilingual software or keyboards.
I would rather have one computer for English, and another for Russian.
You just move from one chair to the other.

Inverted commas = Shift+2 in "RUS" layout, colons = Shift+6 in "RUS" layout...

Artyom Trishkin:

Quotes = Shift+2 in "RUS" layout, colons = Shift+6 in "RUS" layout...

Yes, they did, thank you.


If we meet in St. Petersburg, we'll go to the zoo.
I used to live near the zoo there, but I've never been there.


That's it...
There should be a song about Peter from YouTube, but I don't like Rosenbaum and I don't know anything else.
Bye, then.


Found a good (and cute) youtube resource for honing the pronunciation of some English sounds

Artyom Trishkin:

Yikes... I'm sorry too... And so's Lollipop.

Artem, you and Barabashka have nothing to apologize for. On the contrary, you've made some concessions in your time and allowed me to keep the scalper branch. You may have put the .mq4 codes in my blog.

And in general, I have no complaints to anyone. When Golubev starts his nightingale about how Englishmen need Russian progragers, I just feel a little ridiculous. Gay Europe doesn't need proggers.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Artem, you and Barabashka have nothing to apologize for. On the contrary, you've made some concessions in your time and allowed me to keep the scalper branch. And you allowed me to post .mq4 codes in my journal.


So where are these "millions?"

Go ahead and post it, reanimate it - it's interesting to read and watch and money to pour into the signal/PAMM.

When the subject of boobs is not covered, it's a bit of a downer...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Artem, you and Barabashka have nothing to apologize for. On the contrary, you've made some concessions in your time and allowed me to keep the scalper branch. And you have allowed me to put the .mq4 codes in my blog.

And in general, I don't have any complaints to anyone. When Golubev starts his nightingale about how Englishmen need Russian progragers, I'm starting to laugh a bit. Gay Europe doesn't need proggers.

Good threads are needed everywhere, in any part of the forum.
I've been getting a bit worked up because you've been posting a lot about the deleted thread in the English section, and telling it in different words.
So I got stuck in here.

And I realized that there was a thread there that I couldn't find in the deleted ones, and which you said was deleted by the English moderators without warning.
And I also realized that you are taking revenge for it, calling them different words and telling them about it at every opportunity.
Did I get it right?
And we've been talking about it for days now (at your "instigation") ... with little interruptions... about this thread... and about the "gay moderators" who ("bastards") deleted this thread a year ago ...


I'll be in St. Petersburg soon, let's go to the zoo? I'm not being ironic ... I used to live there, but I never went...
There's a nice park nearby.

Sergey Golubev:


And we've been talking about it for days now (at your 'instigation') ... ...intermittently... about this thread... and the "gay moderators" who ("bastards") deleted this thread a year ago...



Do you know why broker discussions are banned or restricted on the forum?
My version - because different teams of brokers can make a war on the forum (as it was, for example, on tsd forum) and the forum itself will lose a lot and some one will win ... By destroying the forum ...

It's like having a gunfight with your enemies on a busy street in the city ...

I mean, that's exactly what you're doing now (and more than once, and many, many times).
And it's a bigger infraction than the fault of the Angl moderator for removing your thread from the Angl part without warning.

So you are more to blame, bigger and more serious.


So all your further posts about the deleted thread and about "gay moderators" etc. - will be deleted without warning.
Consider that I am the one who warned you for all my further actions.