Interesting and Humour - page 4484

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Sergei, do you really not read what I write? All right, you were clearly worked up at the weekend, that's normal. But today is Thursday, I think we can talk calmly.

Once again, I'm not upset that my thread in the English-language forum was closed for unknown reasons. I was saddened that I couldn't find out the reason for the closure and which Euro-tolerant person closed it. Total cowardly euro-tolerance. Shit, and anonymously into the bushes.

Here's an example of a moderator's response from the forum where I am currently active. Are you still able to feel the difference? After all, almost all interesting personalities have left mql5! I come here sometimes and see that nothing interesting happens. Everyone has been banned and dismissed.


Dear VDev,

You have violated the rules of the Forum ******

Reason for the violation: L) Advertising a non-partner resource, including through a signature, refslink, message on the forum (violation of paragraph 15 of the rules of the forum).

Please observe the rules of the forum and the rules of good manners adopted on our forum:

// I will not copy further.

It's all glitchy again. I made a post where I provided a link to a site that analyses rebate services. Yes, according to the rules of that forum I can't link to such sites.

But mind you, they sent me a polite email explaining what I was wrong about.

And here they are just cowardly whipping out of the closet.

Alexey Volchanskiy:


This is just a cowardly under-the-table pissing.

Yes you have mentioned many times that your thread has been deleted (and it's not the first time). You could have created several threads in that time ... or at least one positive post and PR it (as I wrote about above).

And I was looking for a branch.
Because moderators can not physically delete branches - all so to speak "deleted" branches go to a special section.
So - long I searched, and your deleted branch is nowhere to be found.
All I found was a branch you'd forgotten about... I think that's the branch you think you've deleted.


Will you stop talking about the branch already?

Why are you picking a fight with me?
I've been helping you ... and I will help you (if I have to)...
And I always apologize for my mistakes ...
Have you seen anyone here (other than Renat from MetaQuotes who apologizes - you can search for it - it's 15 pages long - here!) - who else apologizes for his mistakes?
Nothing to apologise for? Is everyone so fluffy?


Sergey Golubev:

Yes you have mentioned many times that your thread has been deleted (and it's not the first time). You could have created several threads in that time ... Or at least one positive post and PR it (as I wrote about above).

And I was looking for a branch.
Because moderators can't physically delete branches - all so to speak "deleted" branches go to the special section.
So - long I searched, and your deleted branch is nowhere to be found.
All I found was a branch you'd forgotten about... I think that's the branch you think you've deleted.


Will you stop talking about the branch already?

Why are you picking a fight with me?
I have helped you ... and I will help you (if I have to)...
And I always apologize for my mistakes ...
Have you seen anyone here (other than Renat from MetaQuotes who apologizes - you can look it up in a search - it's 15 pages long - here!) - who else apologizes for his mistakes?
Nothing to apologise for? Is everyone so fluffy?


Yikes... I'm sorry too... And so's the little bugger.

Alexey Volchanskiy:


But mind you, they sent me a polite letter, explaining what I was wrong about.



You are loved and respected here (no irony).
Your posts are welcome here (your various posts ... all kinds ... are welcome ...) ...

You can open threads, but - bear in mind - the rules for all language parts of the forum are the same (and moderators of different language parts of the forum communicate with each other in critical cases ... even a Chinese moderator, I remember, asked for help because of spam ...).


And if you are offended by something - you can tell me off in a few posts here in this Humor thread ... whatever ... I have no problem :)
I love Peter, I've lived there for a long time and your posts here on this forum are interesting to all ... But only if they are - without offense.


By the way, there is a thread in the English part of the forum (which I myself started many years ago when I was an admin on the tsd forum) where anyone can "send" me (for something). And this anyone will not be banned for it (he can be banned if he "sends" several posts for the same fault several times - banned for spam).
And so ... once ... "send" ...
For God's sake ...
And be offended about it?

You yourself feel that you're one of the active/popular ones on the forum.
And there aren't too many of those popular ones whose opinion is listened to by the majority (and you are one of those who is listened to).


Sergey Golubev:

And I always apologise for my mistakes ...

You say that word "I'm sorry" (in Russian, "I'm sorry+sya" or "I apologise to myself") so often (I'd say, without measure):

On the one hand, "I'm sorry" sounds kind of rude: it's an expression that suggests that the person who bumped you doesn't really need your forgiveness. If you say: Saying "I'm sorry" means he's done with the incident, whether you forgive him or you continue to be angry. So saying 'I'm sorry' after an unfortunate act towards another person is another rude, insensitive thing to say, which is like saying 'I'm certainly guilty, but I don't need your forgiveness'. In fact, the meaning of the expression is 'I apologise to myself for the hurt I have caused you'.

See more here


When typing in Russian, if you need to make inverted commas in a word, you have to translate the keyboard into English, make the inverted commas, then translate the keyboard back into Russian...
The same way - to colons .... and so on.

In general, I would prohibit software and keyboard manufacturers to produce bilingual software or keyboards.
I would rather have one computer for English, and another for Russian.
You just move from one chair to the other.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

You say the word "I'm sorry" (Russian for "I'm sorry+sya" or "I apologise to myself") so often:

On the one hand, "I'm sorry" sounds a bit harsh: it's an expression that suggests that the person who pushed you around doesn't really need your forgiveness. If you say: Saying "I'm sorry" means he's done with the incident, whether you forgive him or you continue to be angry. So saying 'I'm sorry' after an unfortunate act towards another person is another rude, insensitive thing to say, which is like saying 'I'm certainly guilty, but I don't need your forgiveness'. In fact, the meaning of the expression is: 'I apologise to myself for the hurt I have caused you'.

see more here

I read an article about that once a long time ago.
Then I listened to the humorist Zadornov say that "apologizing is when you apologize to yourself.

But there's no time for sentiment.



If you need something from the moderators (from me, or whatever ...) - tell me.
But - you like, respect, your posts and threads are welcome here (and it's true).


By the way - Alexei - if any posts here in our discussion should be removed (excessive emotions, for example, or even what ...) - write in the private message to any moderator (me, or anyone), and will remove.
For information.

Sergey Golubev:

When typing in Russian, then, if you want to make a quote in the word you have to translate the keyboard into English, make inverted commas, then translate the keyboard back to Rus ...
The same way - to colons .... and so on.

In general, I would prohibit software and keyboard manufacturers to produce bilingual software or keyboards.
I would rather have one computer for English, and another for Russian.
You just move from one chair to the other.

I have both inverted commas and colons in Russian. Quotes 2+Shift. Colon 6+Shift. Try it on your own, maybe you have them too.


I remember a few months ago I was in St. Petersburg and a man with a backpack came up to me (I thought he was a tourist).
He said something like - "Please excuse me for approaching you this way, but could you please listen to my lowest request ..." and so on ...
I - I just - I just - I just - I just - I just - I just - I thought "junkie".

Then my son explained to me that the man was a local and he just wanted to ask me for a cigarette.


How could Peter have changed so much in a few years?
I used to live there...
In my day you couldn't walk down the street at night... and now (at night) - "Please excuse me for approaching you this way..."