Interesting and Humour - page 4375


The weekend's coming up ...

How England has changed! They used to leave without saying goodbye, but now they say goodbye but don't leave.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

harsh... :-) but it made me laugh. thanks.


I wonder how he does it with a jump rope?

A new batch of T-34s was brought, so as not to go back empty-handed, they took a load of T-34s.
Omsk upgraded a batch of T-72 tanks for Laos After this Laos handed over its old T-34s to Russia, it has become known that the first batch of upgraded Russian T-72B1 tanks has arrived in Laos. The vehicles arrived in that country just before the New Year. Omsktransmash is in charge of the upgrading of these armored vehicles.

It has become known that the first batch of Russian-made upgraded T-72B1 tanks has arrived in Laos. The vehicles arrived in this country before the New Year.

Омск модернизировал для Лаоса партию танков Т-72
Омск модернизировал для Лаоса партию танков Т-72
После этого Лаос передал России старые Т-34.

A colleague has started a thread calling for "glass robots, share your experiences" ( ). What is the problem?

Russia is full of "glass robots" nowadays, they all have glassy eyes, walk around with glasses and stagger around as robots should (and sometimes fall down). And they will be happy to share their experience with anyone, all they need to do is to bring with them the glass and the fuel they pour in it, i.e. "fuel" for robots.

Стаканные роботы поделитесь опытом ?
Стаканные роботы поделитесь опытом ?
  • 2019.01.19
Здравствуйте товарищи!) (как некогда говаривали в советском союзе))) Кто из Вас пытался строить / строит стаканных роботов...
Aleksey Ivanov:

A colleague has started a thread calling for "glass robots, share your experiences" ( ). What's the problem?

Russia is full of "glass robots" nowadays, they all have glassy eyes, walk around with glasses and stagger as robots should (and sometimes fall down). But they will share their experience with great pleasure, they just need to take with them the glass and the food they put in it.

Try to build these robots and you'll see what the problem is)