Interesting and Humour - page 4332

Sergey Golubev:

I found a serious instruction on the English-language program forum about what to do if it worked yesterday and stopped working today.
The thread is serious and is called"It worked yesterday, I swear!"


"If something worked yesterday and doesn't work now, then either you have nondeterministic behaviour (like race condition) and the fact that it worked yesterday was just luck,
or something has changed between yesterday and now, and you need to find out exactly what has changed.

How exactly you find out what is going on and how it can be fixed depends on the specifics of the situation,
But you should always be methodical in addressing the causes, i.e. don't change 5 things at once in the hope that it will help;
first find out which specific thing caused the problem, and perhaps write everything down so you can review again when it happens again in 3 weeks' time.

Using appropriate diagnostic tools (debugger, profiler, network analysis tools) can also make a big difference."

Because the most common question that gets sent to me in my Facebook personal message is, "How does it work?"

"It" can work in different ways, depending on what "it" is.

And the most difficult questions (this is in the English part of the forum) - "Why doesn't it work for me when I've done everything right!"


Since the English part of the forum is already full of such branches/questions, I will send everyone to the Russian part here.

For example, here is a branch in English part(this). My friend has installed EA, but on the chart - some face (unhappy). He asks what it is and what that face means. Since he's probably done everything correctly (but just doesn't know why there's a face on the chart), he needs an answer with pictures.

The English part is full of newbies, so now I will send everyone here to the Russian part.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

If Bill Gates' toilet bowl works the same way as the wind, you could end up without a butt.) Especially achtung will sit on the toilet when he installs updates.


In front of the Wailing Wall?