Interesting and Humour - page 4307


And also... ...who do you all think the Chinese are?

There are many different nationalities and religions in China ... and they are all Chinese... even the colour of their skin...
And they're all chinese... just like we have Russians, or former Soviet citizens...


That's it, I'm done... or I'll get banned :)


I love Turkey very much ...
I have nothing there (no flats, no acquaintances and I do not know their language) ... But I love Turkey...
And when I heard this Taiwanese singer's song - I think - is it about Turkey?
"Promised Love" ...


And lastly ... where I started - why are we even talking about this Taiwanese singer and composer?
Because of one song of his... and because of that song he became world famous - that song -

I mean the forum (not the countries).

Time loop proven to exist

Scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia have demonstrated that in terms of quantum mechanics, two different events can precede each other simultaneously. Breaking the causal chain has been demonstrated by polarizing photons in an interferometer. This is reported by Science.

I hope they were wrong there ))))

Доказано существование петли времени
Доказано существование петли времени
  • 2018.08.20
  • Ag Quantum / DPA /
Ученые Квинслендского университета в Австралии продемонстрировали, что с точки зрения квантовой механики два разных события могут предшествовать друг другу одновременно. Нарушение причинно-следственной связи удалось продемонстрировать с помощью поляризации фотонов в интерферометре. Об этом сообщает издание Science. В ходе исследования физики...

Time loop proven to exist

Scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia have demonstrated that in terms of quantum mechanics, two different events can precede each other simultaneously. Breaking the causal chain has been demonstrated by polarizing photons in an interferometer. This is reported by Science.

I hope they made a mistake there ))))

Parallel worlds, though)


Time loop proven to exist

Scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia have demonstrated that in terms of quantum mechanics, two different events can precede each other simultaneously. Breaking the causal chain has been demonstrated by polarizing photons in an interferometer. This is reported by Science.

I hope they were wrong there ))))

It is very difficult to determine which event precedes the other: whether the return of polarized components at the beginning of the paths gives the appearance of the passage of the photon along A and B simultaneously (photon first goes down one path and then the other), or split "split" photon at the end of each path causes a simultaneous return of the components at the beginning of each path (and then the photon really goes through both paths simultaneously).

To solve this problem, scientists have conducted a series of experiments, each time inserting additional lenses, which change the spatial distribution of the beam of light. This allows the photon's polarisation to change at the moment when the quantum waves overlap each other again. If each photon in the beam first took one path and then another, the resulting photon polarisation must correspond to a certain value. However, the researchers have found that in the experiment it is impossible to determine which event actually causes the other. In other words, both processes are cause and effect of each other.

It's like what came first the chicken or the egg :)


I couldn't be more precise.)



Physicists from Austria and Australia have described Einstein's equivalence principle within quantum mechanics. This discovery will probably resolve the contradictions that arise in attempts to create a unified theory describing gravitational and other kinds of fundamental interactions. The scientists' paper has been published in the journal Nature Physics.

According to the equivalence principle, in a uniform gravitational field (on the surface of the Earth), all bodies move just as if they are in a uniformly accelerated coordinate system in the absence of gravity (accelerating in empty space lift). In other words, gravitational and inertial masses are equal. This principle also explains why all bodies, regardless of mass, fall to the ground at the same speed. Bodies with a large mass require a lot of force to move, but they are also attracted by gravity more than lighter objects.

The equivalence principle underlies Einstein's general theory of relativity, but it applies only to the macrocosm. Quantum mechanics, which explains the fundamental interactions in the microcosm, and the theory of gravitation have proved to be incompatible, although each describes physical phenomena on their respective scales as accurately as possible. This is partly because it was not known how the equivalence principle can be applied to fundamental particles, which, for example, can be in superposition - simultaneously in two mutually exclusive energy states.

In the new work, scientists have shown that the equivalence principle can be fulfilled in the quantum world. The new formulation takes into account the superposition of energy states, and, since energy can be expressed through mass, the superposition of masses. Thus, physicists have postulated equivalence between a particle's rest-mass, inertial mass and gravitational mass. However, scientists note that experimental research would be needed to prove the principle.