Interesting and Humour - page 4305


A new dumpee ...

Before you say nothing, think about what you want to say.

I've been rebuked for harassing a technical forum with tales. That's it, I'm done with humour and life, I'm only going to give dry summaries of the news. No more emotion, long live asceticism and moral asceticism. And you should change your ava to a meaningless drawing.

The package is free, there is a 30 kubit emulator and I think there will be remote access to a quantum computer. The proprietary programming language Q#, I understand, can be written under VS 2017 and only under Windows 10. Already installed it out of interest.

Microsoft выпустила пакет средств разработки для квантовых компьютеров
Microsoft выпустила пакет средств разработки для квантовых компьютеров
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Корпорация Microsoft объявила о выпуске бесплатной предварительной версии пакета средств квантовой разработки Quantum Development Kit. Новый инструментарий ориентирован на разработчиков, желающих научиться программировать на квантовых компьютерах, независимо от их уровня подготовки. Квантовые компьютеры состоят из элементарных вычислительных...
Artyom Trishkin:
Break already.
That's enough.
Don't make me out to be a bad bath attendant.
what a good bath attendant looks like
Vitaly Muzichenko:

I, a fool, should have read from the end. I laughed my ass off at my naivety.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

I, the fool, should have read from the end. I laughed at my own naivety.

You are not alone, in the sense of a "fool", but belong to the vast majority of citizens who try to draw information from the media, especially the internet.

99% of all public information is just that - just bin convenience. The only thing missing is the headline, e.g. "Efficient use of banana peels".


A group of physicists, includingRoger Penrose, have found evidence in favour of conformal cyclic cosmology, a theoretical model according to which the distant future of one Universe turns out to be the singularity from which another Universe begins its expansion. According to the researchers, fluctuations in the cosmic radio-wave background, called B-modes polarization, are the result of evaporation of black holes in the previous universe.The paper's preprint is published in thearXiv.orgrepository.

Conformal cyclic cosmology is proposed by Penrose in 2005, the scientist tried to explain the discrepancy between the second law of thermodynamics, according to which the entropy of the universe must increase with time, and the inflationary model, which implies that a random choice of certain cosmological constants led the universe to its present state (that is, the universe was more disordered at birth). Penrose suggested that the apparent disorderedness actually belonged to the previous Universe with the maximum level of entropy, but only part of the states (degrees of freedom) passed from it through the singularity of the Big Bang.

In other words, Penrose believed that an infinitely expanding Universe, in which all matter becomes electromagnetic radiation, is mathematically indistinguishable from the singularity from which the next Universe will begin its existence. According to the physicist, if this hypothesis is correct, there must be anomalies in the cosmic radio wave background.

In his new work, the scientist and his colleagues have shown that such anomalies may be relic B-modes polarisation - the so-called "swirls" of the polarisation of relic radiation, which arise from inhomogeneities in the medium due to gravitational waves. Researchers have shown that the twenty B-modes recorded by BICEP experiment detectors in 2014 were evaporating supermassive black holes in the previous Universe. The time lines of these holes can be seen as 'Hawking points', leaving a gravitational trail in the new Universe.


A group of physicists, includingRoger Penrose, have found evidence in favour of conformal cyclic cosmology, a theoretical model according to which the distant future of one Universe turns out to be the singularity from which another Universe begins its expansion. According to the researchers, fluctuations in the cosmic radio-wave background, called B-modes polarization, are the result of evaporation of black holes in the previous universe.The paper's preprint is published in thearXiv.orgrepository.

Conformal cyclic cosmology is proposed by Penrose in 2005, the scientist tried to explain the discrepancy between the second law of thermodynamics, according to which the entropy of the universe must increase with time, and the inflationary model, which implies that a random choice of certain cosmological constants led the universe to its present state (that is, the universe was more disordered at birth). Penrose suggested that the apparent disorderedness actually belonged to the previous Universe with the maximum level of entropy, but only part of the states (degrees of freedom) passed from it through the singularity of the Big Bang.

In other words, Penrose believed that an infinitely expanding Universe, in which all matter becomes electromagnetic radiation, is mathematically indistinguishable from the singularity from which the next Universe will begin its existence. According to the physicist, if this hypothesis is correct, there must be anomalies in the cosmic radio wave background.

In his new work, the scientist and his colleagues have shown that such anomalies may be relic B-modes polarisation - the so-called "swirls" of the polarisation of relic radiation, which arise from inhomogeneities in the medium due to gravitational waves. Researchers have shown that the twenty B-modes recorded by BICEP experiment detectors in 2014 were evaporating supermassive black holes in the previous Universe. The time lines of these holes can be seen as 'Hawking points', leaving a gravitational trail in the new Universe.

Truly, such reasoning puts the dream in a trance. Bravo.