Interesting and Humour - page 4294

Sergey Golubev:

No money ...


And in English - Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Thailand, Cambodia ... etc.
India ... Namibia, South Africa...

I mean, many people have less money ... but they're in English, not in Russian... originally in English!
Although the main content (eg for articles) - all they have translated from Russian ... etc.

The Chinese (from China, not Hong Kong etc., but from mainland China)-in English ... and ask for articles which are in Russian ...


Something needs to be changed in the Russian forum ...

Change what? What do you mean, start sprechatting in Cambodian? You seem to be Russian, but for the second post you cannot formulate an idea clearly and in Russian, that's the mystery! )
What don't you understand in that incomprehensible that you wrote here? Well, Russian is difficult for the Thais, English is simpler, more common, so the average Indonesian sits on the English side of the forum and communicates with the Chinese in English, it is more understandable to him, and there he sits.

Sergey Golubev:

Aleksey, you`re talking about yourself.
You were not banned there, but such branches as you tried in English - nowhere "nizyaya".
I suggested how to do it there, you refused... and I "left" ... and there are more moderators ...
No one has banned anyone there.
But for such (as you suggested) - you can't anywhere, and moderators have nothing to do with it.


I have a lot of respect for you, but I'm not talking about specifics ...

Sergei, I didn't write about the ban, I wrote that the branch was taken down. Well, never mind, let's develop other resources if you do not need it here.

I have started a branch with sources, everything is in the Vault. It will be EA with many strategies in it. Can I make English version in English part or it is not allowed too? Once again, everything will be in source code.


About the money in the English part. As soon as I post something there, immediately I get a bunch of emails, mostly from the Middle East, asking me to write an EA. I reply, let's work through freelancing, leave an application, write the TOR and let's work. The answer is always the same: noooooo, we need it for free.

Russians like freebies, but they are willing to pay, and they do. These people are willing to accept freebies ONLY, and paying is nonsense to them. But at Market, yes, English-speaking buyers predominate there. But on the forum there are only paupers and beggars, that is my impression.

Как самому создать советника или индикатор - Алгоритмический трейдинг, торговые роботы - MetaTrader 5
Как самому создать советника или индикатор - Алгоритмический трейдинг, торговые роботы - MetaTrader 5
Для разработки торговых систем в платформу встроен собственный язык программирования MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5), среда разработки MetaEditor и инструменты тестирования стратегий. Любую информацию о разработке торговых стратегий на языке MQL5 можно найти на официальном сайте На этом же сайте в разделе Code Base могут быть...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Sergey, I did not write about the ban, I wrote that the branch was taken down. Well, the hell with it, let's develop other resources, if here is not necessary.

I' ve opened a branch with sources, everything is in the Vault. It will be EA with many strategies in it. Can I make English version in English part or it is not allowed too? Once again, everything will be with sources.

In the repository (not on the branch)?
That's how other English moderators will look at it (they are programmers, I am not). If there will be a branch as a "self-promotion" - they will remove a freshly created branch.

And why not in a branch? It's simple - source in a branch, then a few pages later another version with the source in a branch ... why complicate things?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

About the money in the English part. As soon as I post something there, immediately I get a bunch of emails, mostly from the Middle East, asking me to write an EA. I reply, let's work through freelancing, leave an application, write the TOR and let's work. The answer is always the same: noooooo, we need it for free.

Russians like freebies, but they are willing to pay, and they do. These people are willing to accept freebies ONLY, and paying is nonsense to them. But at Market, yes, English-speaking buyers predominate there. On the forum alone paupers and beggars graze, that is my impression.

You must be teasing them...
To me here's just one message a week with a request to code something for free (I do not have it written anywhere that I'm not a coder).

People are different ... There are those who will never pay (so they "knock" to you). And there are those who always pay (they probably also knock on your door, but less so).

So you're teasing them ... You "entice" them with something, and then you "dump" them.


А. Kazantsev "The Arctic Bridge"

The murky spots of streetlights reflected in the wet pavement. It squelched beneath his feet. The rain poured down relentlessly. The walls of the houses, with their dark window openings, went upward, where they merged with the mist. The crack of the street seemed to be the bottom of a deep and damp gorge, and huddled and stooped men huddled under the cornices and ledges of the walls. It was still a long way till morning. The Gothic church, which sealed the street, was a black silhouette. Columns on the stock exchange building, near which people were crowded for fear of missing the opening minute, seemed like gray streaks. Who knows what upheavals a new morning might bring?

- They will fall, they will fall again, mark my words, gentlemen! The tunnel will eat them up.

- They fell fifty-three points in one day yesterday.

- Damn that tunnel, it's ruining us! Who could have thought that the steamship business would go down? What could be truer than steamship stocks? Could the Atlantic Ocean have dried up?

- Nothing was truer, Uncle Ben! Nothing! But then the tunnel was halfway through, and...

- ...and the steamship stocks went to hell, like the ocean leaked through a hole in the earth's shell.

- And with it, our hard-earned dollars.

- I expect the stock will drop another fifty points today.

Uncle Ben, as heavy as ever, but not as good-natured, got angry:

- Don't cave! I've been saving my money for forty years and I've invested every last penny in steamboat stocks. Damn that tunnel! He took my youngest son from me. He wants to take away my dollars...

- ...of which I barely have half left.

- I'd gladly give you that half if I could get my Henry back!

- Yeah... I knew your son. He was such a good-looking boy.

Uncle Ben's face turned red:

- Bastards! Scoundrels! Lured my boy under the water and killed him! They nearly drowned all the workers.

- A cursed structure indeed! But where is the tunnel prosperity? Where is this prosperity? Where? I'm asking Mr. President...

- Prosperity!" grinned Uncle Ben bitterly. "I had two sons and one daughter. Now I've got one son left, and my daughter has to go to Alaska to marry a mere fitter. Things are bad in New York Here I had service in Mr. Elwell's shipyard, and now the shipyard is closed. Nobody wants to order ships. And old Ben's out of a job. And his savings are melting like snow put in a side pocket.

- Of course, gentlemen, it's not profitable at all to hold steamship stock now. As for me, I prefer to sell all three of my steamboat shares to buy one tunnel stock.

- If you get anything for your steamers," muttered old Ben.

- Yes," sighed somebody in the crowd, "I reckon John Ripplein's pocket will be worth millions.

- He'll just go down the steamer chimney.

- I'd say the Arctic Bridge chimney.

- And us along with him," someone laughed bitterly.

The conversation fell silent. People were shivering, shaking off the raindrops.

By the time the stock exchange opened, both Broad Street and Wall Street were crowded with excited people. A speculative fever had taken over New York. If all night the ill-fated owners of steamboat shares had been here, by morning people had turned up to buy at least one share of the Tunnel Concern or the Steel Syndicate, whose shares invariably crept upwards. With some finesse it was possible to make a fortune in a few days with a good deal. A gold rush took hold of people. In the underground, in the tram, on the street, at work, in the club and in the cafeteria - everywhere there was only talk of stocks, of points, of oncollection accounts and dividends. The upside game that had begun a month ago, a game of what they called "big bulls", was already bearing fruit. The first victim was the Atlantic Steamship Company. Its shares had plunged under the influence of newspaper frenzied agitation for the imminent completion of the transcontinental tunnel.

- Buy railway shares! Never has the railway business been so profitable as now that the underwater tunnel is ending! Buy railroad stocks!

- Dick Oldstead, the one who married a rich widow last year, made a hundred thousand dollars a week on steel stocks. The Steel Trust is having another impending delivery for the tunnel. His stock is flying up.

- I sold five shares last week and made good money, but now I regret it. I would have made twice as much on them today.

- Happy is the man who can make his own trades in the stock market. He gets all the cream. They pay a few hundred thousand dollars for a place on the stock exchange.

- And they make millions!

- They say Mr. Ignace rakes in a million every day.

- Steamboats are finished!

- I wouldn't give my old car for a bundle of steamer stocks.

- Tunnel! Tunnel! Mr. Kanderbl is about to finish it. There's already talk of laying a pipe along the west coast to connect Alaska with San Francisco.

- I'd be happy to put my spare money into it.

- Buy the railroads!

- I wonder how the steamboats will be quoted in the morning?

People were pushing. Everyone wanted to be the first to rush into the building to get a quote and make a quick trade.

- Go to hell! Don't try to get in before me," Uncle Ben shouted. "You want to make money on my losses! Let me sell my stock first!

- Don't push, old chap. If you've got steamers, you're in no hurry. Wait two more days and you won't have to bring your shares any more: the scavengers will come to your flat for them.

- Go to the devil! Quiet, don't push! They're about to open.

If the doors had not been opened a few minutes later, they would undoubtedly have been broken down. Stumbling, falling down, people rushed up the wide steps. In an instant the crowd filled the main hall, trying to make their way to the barrier to get hold of the deal-making broker. The names of the major stocks lit up on the huge matte board. Everyone gasped: the underwater tunnel stock jumped unprecedentedly high. One would have thought that tomorrow the tunnel would already be underway. But no, the work of completing the gigantic construction will take several more years. What is it? What explains this unprecedented excitement? Why are real values being devalued and the ones that don't yet exist being blown up?

- Tunnel! Tunnels! Give me the tunnels!

- No offers, sir. Not for sale.

- Tunnel shares! Buy me any price!

- Not for sale. No offers, sir.

There's stock telegraph writing running on a glowing ribbon under the ceiling.

- Look! Tunnel! Tunnel! Someone has sold. But at an unprecedented price! Look! The stock was up another fifteen points from yesterday.

Uncle Ben, leaning over the barrier, was beating the sweating broker, who was being torn from all sides:

- Boy, boy! You've got to sell my steamers as soon as possible. Boy, I'm begging you, it's got all my savings in it!

- Yes, sir, at the earliest opportunity. But nobody's buying them. Excuse me, sir, are you asking for tunnel shares? No, sir, not for sale. What's your asking price?

- Look, look! There's been another trade for tunnel stocks. They're up another five points!

- My God, broker! Sell my steamers!

- Only for nothing, sir. I'm ashamed to offer you the price one of my clients is willing to pay.

On hearing the amount, Uncle Ben broke into curses. He looked around helplessly. People were running back and forth like madmen. They watched the numbers light up, stared at the telephones, paid exorbitant fees, or besieged stock brokers. Money to buy shares was borrowed at great interest, in the expectation that today the shares would be sold again, and that the profit, in spite of the interest, a pure, enormous profit, would ring in the pocket of gold.

- Ten shares of steel! Mr. Broker, arrange this deal for me at once!

- Yes, sir, I'm on it.

- Who asked for tunnel shares? There's an offer... What? Is the price too high? Then I'm sorry, I have another client.

- Look, someone bought tunnel shares again, at an even higher price.

- So, what's up, Uncle Ben? Still pondering whether or not to part with your steamer stock?

- Look," said a perplexed Uncle Ben, "how come? Steamships, real steamships, sail the Atlantic Ocean, carrying freight and passengers. They will carry them for a few more years before the tunnel is completed and will undoubtedly continue to do so after the tunnel is completed. I, as the owner of several shares, am the owner of some part of the steamers and they want to pay me pennies for my shares. Where has my money gone? Where? I don't understand.

- Come on, Uncle Ben. By the time you do, your stock won't be worth a penny.

- But where did my money go? I earned it at the loom.

- Heh, old boy! It goes into the pockets of whoever bought the tunnels cheaper yesterday and sold them higher today. It's a lot better than working at a machine.

Nearby shouting:

- Tunnel, steel! They're up again! Somebody's gambling on the upside and buying up a huge amount of stock.

- Give me the tunnelers, Mr. Broker!

Uncle Ben was still standing there thinking. How could he concede his right to own even a few cogs of the Atlantic giants for nothing! After all, he had once given up his forty years' savings for that ownership right.

At last he pulled himself together and addressed the stockbroker again:

- "Sir, I beg of you...

- What? Steamboats?'' The stockbroker shrugged it off. Hardly anyone would buy...

- Look, look! Huge bargain!

The stock exchange telegraph noted a new decline in steamship stocks.

Uncle Ben was shoved, scolded, and reprimanded, while he stood in the midst of the room, holding in his hand the paltry sum he had received in exchange for his forty-year savings.

Robbed! That was clear to him. But who had robbed and how, that he could not understand.

Sweating men with wandering eyes, hurrying about, arguing gruffly with brokers, scurried past him, invariably hurting his enormous carcass.

Who had robbed him? Where had his money gone? What is the government looking at? How could such an undoubted robbery exist legally? After all, he had the money and now he doesn't. At the same time he had done nothing wrong. Yet the steamships he proudly thought he owned continue to sail. What's the matter?

Uncle Ben had a thin wad of dollars in his hand. The short man next door with the moustache is bulging in his pockets. He's just sold shares in the Bilta Railway Company, Now he's buying tunnel shares. So how did Ben's money end up in the pocket of this weasel stockbroker? He didn't put his hands in old Mr. Smith's purse! Where are the police? Where...?

Ben stepped out into the street and staggered morosely down the wet pavement.

Sergey Golubev:

In the repository (not on the branch)?
That's how the other angl moderators will look at it (they're programmers, I'm not). If there will be a branch as a "self-promotion" - they will remove the freshly created branch.

And why not in a branch? It's simple - source in a branch, then a few pages later another version with the source in a branch ... why complicate things?

In the branch is the rustic way and everything gets lost in a few pages there, while the Vault is specifically designed by MQ to store programs. OK, this is an issue I will resolve with the moderator-programmers. To ask a question.

Sergey Golubev:

You must be teasing them ...
I just get a message once a week asking me to code something for free (I don't have anything there that says I'm not a coder).

People are different ... There are those who will never pay (so they "knock" to you). And there are those who always pay (they probably knock on your door too, but less so).

So you tease them... "entice" them with something and then "dump" them.

Yes, I dumped them because the branch was deleted! It's Lesha's fault again ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

In a branch is the rustic way and everything gets lost in a few pages there, while the Vault is specifically designed by MQ to store programs. OK, this is an issue I will resolve with the moderator-programmers. I'll pop the question.


We don't understand each other -

  • you think I'm making a restrictive offer on your thread,
  • But from my point of view - I'm helping to promote your scalping theme with your name (and others for example).

Because such a branch (as I propose it - the sources in a branch and some versions in CodaBase, and CodaBase, by the way - updated with versions) - is like your eternal and free banner, with your name and surname, and in big letters - SCALPING.

I, for example, have branches 15 years old here in english (adopted from tsd forum), and some such branches are still alive.

You're still thinking about commerce ... well ... the back of your mind... branches shouldn't just open for no reason ... so I suggest ...


Example - I started some threads in English a long time ago, I traded, then the coder created an EA and posted the source code in a branch, I optimized it with claud by timeframe and pairs, posted all results, then I backtested, then traded on demo, then the coder made another version ... then another... all - in the thread and then in CodaBase ...
then the coder got orders on Freelance... I can see that - I have 1,633 friends... I see it in my profile in the News Feed where, for example, "Left feedback to customer for job" ... sometimes - once a day orders!
I am pleased as my branch is promoted and the coder is still in Freelance ...

Examples - below -


  1. How to Start with MT5, a summary !

  2. All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud

  3. ASCTREND SYSTEM summary(incl 2 good EAs)


  5. PriceChannel Parabolic system(incl 2 versions of the EA)

  6. Market Condition Evaluation(2 EAs were created)

  7. All about mql OOP

  8. Ichimoku

  9. Financial and trading videos - Table of Contents

  10. All about Calendar tab and Macro Economic Events

  11. All about MQL5 Wizard : create robots without programming

And the promotion of forum threads goes automatically to Metakvotex social networks + promotion is done by individual users. And promotion of CodeBase is going strong at all, not only outside, but even on the forum ... everyone will know you.

You are trying to keep control over each of your public scalper versions, but by doing so you are dramatically narrowing the reach of your potential clientele, and that clientele is in the hundreds of thousands ...

That's why I'm making you suggestions on the branch where you get the highest coverage ...
It's kind of a long-playing branch in English.

Get lost you say?
It won't get lost in CodaBase. And it won't get lost in the branch either.
Look at this page here - there below each post - what indicators the chart was made with, and there are branches and CodaBase (each post!).

And newbies ask - which EA to start with? You said that they're asking you for free ... Here's your branch to help them. Do they want to improve something? No problem - the simple things you can do in the branch, if something more complicated - then Freelance.

Press review
Press review
  • 2018.07.11
This link provided to me by RaptorUK, give me the idea that it would be interesting to have a place here on the site to share such links...
Sergey Golubev:


We don't understand each other -

  • you think I'm making a restrictive offer on your branch,
  • and from my point of view - I am helping to promote your scalping theme with your name (and others for example).

Because such a branch (as I propose it - the sources in a branch and some versions in CodaBase, and CodaBase, by the way - updated with versions) - is like your eternal and free banner, with your name and surname, and in big letters - SCALPING.

I, for example, have branches 15 years old here in english (adopted from tsd forum), and some such branches are still alive.

You're still thinking about commerce ... well ... the back of your mind... branches shouldn't just open for no reason ... so I suggest ...


Example - I started some threads in English a long time ago, I traded, then the coder created an EA and posted the source code, I optimized it with claud on timeframes and pairs, posted all results, then I backtested, then traded on demo, then the coder made another version ... then another... all - in the thread and then in CodaBase ...
then the coder got orders on Freelance... I can see that - I have 1,633 friends... I see it in my profile in the News Feed where, for example, "Left feedback to customer for job" ... sometimes - once a day orders!
I am pleased as my branch is promoted and the coder is still in Freelance ...

Examples - below -


  1. How to Start with MT5, a summary !

  2. All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud

  3. ASCTREND SYSTEM summary(incl 2 good EAs)


  5. PriceChannel Parabolic system(incl 2 versions of the EA)

  6. Market Condition Evaluation(2 EAs were created)

  7. All about mql OOP

  8. Ichimoku

  9. Financial and trading videos - Table of Contents

  10. All about Calendar tab and Macro Economic Events

  11. All about MQL5 Wizard : create robots without programming

And the promotion of forum threads goes automatically to Metakvotex social networks + promotion is done by individual users. And promotion of CodeBase is going strong at all, not only outside, but even on the forum ... everyone will know you.

You are trying to keep control over each of your public scalper versions, but by doing so you are dramatically narrowing the reach of your potential clientele, and that clientele is in the hundreds of thousands ...

That's why I'm making you suggestions on the branch where you get the highest coverage ...
It's kind of a long-playing branch in English.

Get lost you say?
It won't get lost in CodaBase. And it won't get lost in the branch either.
Look at this page here - there below each post - what indicators were used to make the chart, and there are branches and CodaBase (each post!).

And newbies ask - which EA to start with? You said that they're asking you for free ... Here's your branch to help them. Do they want to improve something? No problem - the simple things you can do in the branch, if something more complicated - then Freelance.

Sergiy, there is no discrepancy. It will be like this:

1. In the posts, code parsing, advice on how to use the EAs posted, the published code will be attached.

2. The entire project will be stored in MQL5 Storage, so everyone will be able to download and compile it themselves.