Interesting and Humour - page 4231


Otherwise you can sink into obscurantism,

no offence, you just have the basic signs of zombo insanity (it's easily curable through divine light) and it can be checked by a simple scientific test...

want to do good science?

So who says that nirvana-divine grace is unattainable during one's lifetime?

If we refer directly to this concept in its original interpretation, final nirvana - parinirvana(परिनिर्व鏮ण)- is attainable only after death, much less mahaparinirvana

ordinary nirvana is attainable after the destruction of all the illusions (which is a very difficult task)

There is also a difference in the understanding of nirvana in different schools of Buddhism and Hinduism.

in Advaita it's the state of non-dividedness

But if we strip away the religious hullabaloo, then in the ordinary sense nirvana is a state of bliss and serenity after the discarding of all attachments

so it's possible to get close to it.


an unexpected twist...

Have you forgotten that we are talking about a purely practical methodology based on a scientific approach?

I mean, it's possible to get close to it.

Wouldn't you like to, for example?



Nirvana is a state of bliss and tranquillity after casting off all attachments

If you cast off the astral beast + divine light and nirvana is provided for you purely by the laws of the world around you...

don't miss your chance))


No offence, you just have the basic signs of zombo lunacy (it's easily curable through divine light) and it can be checked by a simple scientific test...

You want to do good science?

If I were you I wouldn't stop at just that test and check him for witchcraft as well, he's a very suspicious guy...


no offence, you just have the basic signs of zombo lunacy (it's easily curable through divine light) and it can be checked by a simple scientific test...

Would you like to do good science?

Not at all... well how can you be offended by such cute nonsense?

if you want me to write "divine light" - please, it's not difficult for me: divine light

the other thing is, what's behind those words?

Since you use your image/mind-form, you need to define it by common attributes to communicate it adequately

but I am somehow certain that you will not succeed and your divine light is only immanent to your consciousness

probably it will be possible to correlate it with the generally accepted concept of God as the bases of existence that automatically makes conversation non-productive

For God, being by definition transcendent to the world, has no manifestation (at least for most observers).

so it's back to Russell's Teapot.

You can't refute that greatest universal phenomenon of cosmogony - the Teapot in a divine elliptical orbit between Earth and Mars


If you get rid of the astral beast + divine light and nirvana is ensured purely by the laws of the world around you...

don't miss your chance))

@transcendreamer, take it - as long as it's not expensive, two for the price of one! )))

I've told you for the 3rd time that there is no need to believe, these are objectively existing phenomena, objectively verifiable in practice... I hope you can handle it so you don't have to say it five more times?

We're waiting for some proof and objective verification of your astral beasts... we can't wait...


If you get rid of the astral beast + divine light and nirvana is provided purely by the laws of the world around you...

don't miss your chance))

will keep in mind ))))