Interesting and Humour - page 4228

Alexandr Saprykin:
You don't have to believe in tomorrow, you have to believe in today. Tomorrow is a day that will never come. When tomorrow comes, it's already today.

Although every time I quit smoking tomorrow, I'm really starting to doubt that there is a tomorrow(

Andrey Dik:

You always turn everything upside down, it's your nature.

No one is forcing you to kiss the hands of priests, carry your savings to church, kill and burn at the stake... God is in all of us, you don't have to go to church (mosque or wherever).

Become a Man first, and faith will come to you afterwards by itself. I don't think you can understand it.

The attitude is familiar - "I believe but I don't go to church".

It's strange not to go to church when you have faith.

"God is in my soul" or "God is in me", that's a whole new modern interpretation, many people say that, are they all Gods? .

And you say, God is in you. The question arises - how did He - pardon the pun - get into you? Has He always lived there?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

A familiar attitude - "I believe, but I don't go to church".

It's strange not to go to church when you have faith.

"God is in my soul" or "God is in me", that's a whole new modern interpretation, many people say that, are they all Gods?

And you say, God is in you. The question arises - how did He - pardon the pun - get into you? Has He always lived there?

Faith does not equal Church, understand that first.

Further, "God is in all of us" is just a metaphor. It does not mean that there is some grey-haired old man or spirit somewhere in the body. It means that each person may or may not be a Man in the image and likeness - that very free will.

Do not gloat, do not envy, Yura, love your motherland, love people around you and do good to them, become a Man. It will mean that you believed in yourself, believed that you can be good after all, so you believed. Of course, it's easier and easier to be bad and nasty, because there's no morality barrier, is there, Jura?

By making provocative statements on the forum, trying to get people emotionally - you are doing a very bad thing. Many times people have been banned precisely because of your provocations.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Sasha, it's just like a joke.

I'd love to go to Heaven, but I'd rather go to Hell.

At least it's fun.

As they say, to each his own faith.

Hell is hell.

Pastafarian hell, if it exists, is similar to heaven, except that the beer may be old and the strippers with STDs.)))))

Alexey Valeev:

I don't understand this desire to worship someone, to put restrictions on yourself, to imagine that someone is watching you all the time and therefore you need to behave. It feels like "very dangerous, scary" people, and without this feeling that they are being watched, they might do terrible things). I don't think there are any restrictions in this world that you can be punished for, they are there, and they are explicit! You can't walk off a cliff, you can't brake sharply at 120 km/h. You can't point a faq in the sky during a thunderstorm, etc. Here are the explicit prohibitions, for violation of which the punishment awaits inevitably) And what is bad and what is good, it is up to people to understand, treat people the way you want them to treat you, do what you want them to do for you, etc. About faith, you have to believe in tomorrow, in your dreams, ideas, love, etc.

PS: I didn't want to offend, offend, or change your mind, but since they started describing different religions here, I decided to describe mine.

It's called simply - causality. Everything that happens to us is the result of our past actions. In no way is it God's punishment or punishment. Many people call it karma, but only because not all cause and effect relationships can be established.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Hell is hell.

Pastafarian hell, if it exists, is similar to heaven, except that the beer might be old and the strippers with STDs.)))))

:))) no, no...

To each according to his faith shall be given.
I believe in the Hell that the anecdote depicts.

And old strippers with venereal diseases, they should be boiled in cauldrons with old beer.
Andrey Dik:

Faith does not equal Church, understand that first.

Further, "God is in all of us" is just a metaphor. It does not mean that there is some grey-haired old man or spirit somewhere in the body. It means that each person may or may not be a Man in the image and likeness - that very free will.


Oh, Andrew, it is always interesting to talk to you.

When someone says that he has God inside him ... even metaphorically, which is the same concept as hyberbolically. You have to understand, he's exaggerating a lot.

p. s.

There is no provocation, don't make a cult out of me and make a villain out of me.

I am kind, I love dogs and cats, I feed pigeons.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I am kind, I like dogs and cats, I feed pigeons.

Got any seeds?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

A familiar attitude - "I believe, but I don't go to church".

It is strange not to go to church when you have faith.

Here I agree with Andrei to some extent.
It is no secret that all so called "organizations for the worship of gods, houses of worship, etc." are just one kind of business, which is also tax-free. And you don't have to go there to pray, you can pray anywhere. And the employees of these organizations sin just as much, if not more, than ordinary believers.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

A familiar attitude - "I believe, but I don't go to church".

It's strange not to go to church when you have faith.

Exactly, because everyone knows that in a conditional church the signal level is higher (the base station is closer), the speed is higher and the channel is wider ))