Interesting and Humour - page 4084

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

it was not until the Radio magazine of September 1982 that the series of publications on Micro-80 began -- the creation of which began in 1978.

so either this deputy minister didn't say that phrase of his -- or he wasn't aware of what he was saying.Микро-80


1977 the first mass-produced Apple II appeared.

May, 1981 personal computer "Electronica NTs-8010" - first in USSR PC prototype built entirely with domestic chips and domestic architecture was developed.Персональный_компьютер


the deputy minister of radio industry is suspiciously ignorant.

The phrase is either taken out of context and edited -- or it is pure falsification.

Actually Gorshkov in this phrase meant that the personal computers can not be considered a real computer, in his opinion, as have a very low computing power and are not suitable for solving real-world problems.

You are in your repertoire


In general, Gorshkov meant in his phrase that the personal computers created cannot, in his opinion, be considered as a real computer because they have very little processing power and are not suitable for solving real-world problems.

You're just like that.

now -- you are getting better at it -- he didn't mean what he said, he said what he didn't mean, and he was misunderstood.

don't lose your temper -- go on generating some other crap -- politics is banned, it's hard for you to find a reason to jump out of your trousers now.

p.s. not in dialogue, so it's like pounding on a rail for me to answer.


I remember this article from a peekaboo like )))))))) so credibility is off the charts )))))))

Absolutely everything, you should always discuss on the merits, on the content.

I didn't notice anything.


I'm good at pressures.

On Everest = 0.3 is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, about 80% to 20%. On Everest the batch pressure of oxygen = 0.3*20%. The procedure for entering such an atmosphere has been extensively described.

In a spaceship, the pressure = 0.3. Since the atmosphere is purely oxygen, the batch pressure of oxygen is also 0.3 - there is enough oxygen, but not enough total pressure given by nitrogen. The procedure for changing from a normal, nitrogen atmosphere to a pure oxygen atmosphere is not described and it is not clear where the nitrogen that was in the blood will go when the pressure drops. The author assumes that if this is done quickly, the blood will 'boil'.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

There you go -- clarification already -- it turns out he didn't mean what he said, he didn't mean what he said, and he was misunderstood.

you, don't lose your form -- keep generating another nonsense -- politics has been banned, it's hard for you to find a reason to jump out of your trousers now.

p.s. not in dialogue, so it's like pounding on the rail for me to answer.

1. he said exactly what he meant. Problems of understanding - that's for a psychiatrist to deal with, not me.

2. you were responding to a "nigger" that wasn't "generated" by me.

p.s. Well, it's the same as always, in short...


2. you were responding to a "niggle" that wasn't "generated" by me.

p.s. Well, it's the same as always, in short...

like v.P. Said -- it's no problem jumping out of your trousers if you have something to show for it -- otherwise it's an embarrassment.

jumping out and embarrassing yourself is your forte.


Andrey F. Zelinsky:

as vP said, it's not a problem to jump out of your trousers if you have something to show for it; otherwise, it's an embarrassment.

jumping out and embarrassing yourself is your forte.

yours? the week before.

)))) like a baby... Do you even read the message you're replying to? When are you gonna grow up?

Where did I say I didn't post that? I said you were responding not to my post, but to the post of another forum member who posted the same picture.

p.s. Same as always 2....


)))) like a little child... Do you even read the message you're replying to? When are you gonna grow up?

Where did I say I didn't post that? I said you were responding not to my post, but to the post of another forum member who posted the same picture.

p.s. the usual 2....

well, that's right, you seek and post all kinds of nonsense -- and then you explain (as a participant of centenary events) "what Grishka Samozvanets talked about with Father Barlaam on the Lithuanian border" (c)

do not get distracted -- you and fedoseev and co are boring -- you have a lot of work to do.

p.s.2. not in dialogue, knocking on the rail is more profitable

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

That's right, you search and post all kinds of nonsense - and then you explain (like a participant of the Battle of Borodino) "what Grishka Samozvanets talked about with Father Varlaam on the Lithuanian border" (c)

you do not get distracted -- you and fedoseev and co are boring -- you have a lot of work to do for "good".

p.s.2. not in dialogue, banging on the rail is more profitable


Ok, I forgive you. Just don't lie anymore and before you reply to a post - read it ten times. No less!



OK, I forgive you. Just don't lie anymore and read the post ten times before you reply. No less!

Personally, instead of an epilogue, you can take this modzi as an epigraph to your work.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

personal to you instead of an epilogue

In Africa, overhead power lines are made of much larger cross-section wires than in Europe.

Do you know why?

It turns out because there are monkeys hanging on the lines and you have to protect them from breaking!