Interesting and Humour - page 4053

Yuriy Zaytsev:
If we talk about the Bible, in the context of the overthrow of society's established postulates, it is good that it did not say how the earth stands on three Whales. Otherwise, the old myth was shattered to pieces.And climbing the highest mountains of the world, climbers have not found Zeus. With the development of aviation and after the conquest of space, they have not found anyone in the heavens, although they have long broadcast and claimed the existence of a certain inhabited space beyond the firmament. Myths of legend are easily shattered with every scientific advancement - a discovery.

About myths and legends, I agree that many myths are fairy tales, but are they really tales. In ancient times word of mouth communication was common and the interpreter could add or subtract something of his, the overall sense of the story retained or could be lost. The further into the forest the more logs, but the facts remain facts. Even under the Soviet Union lived mermaids, no claim to truth, but there are witnesses, believe them or not everyone can. The result of these facts can be concluded, but are all in a fairy tale a myth?
go on, about fairy tales, usually say at the end "a lie lies but a hint in it, a good man a lesson," this suggests that in each work of folk wisdom is the wisdom that we discard and think that this is a foolish delusion or fiction, it is worth reflecting on what exactly in your mind Bible (or tale) that you discard without even trying to understand what it says and most importantly for what purpose.

Man is a social creature (herd), but only few individuals, independent and independent in their reasoning, move this society into the future, changing its life.
This (and not only) is told in the passage I cited from the Bible, just one line. he who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches.

with respect.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

They'll be overturned anyway, because there's no 'apprentice' sign, there's a 'novice driver' sign. The first one to put on the dressing gown is the doctor.

Cats have another saying - first come, first served.)

Vladimir Karputov:

That's right, these non-drivers don't care about "U" or "U"! - don't care! They don't even know that the "!" sign has been around for years :)

How do I address you? "that one"?

Well, it's a reminder to those who've forgotten that the russian section and the russian section are not one and the same.

we have a novice driver "w" sign.

Andrey Kisselyov:

Man is a social creature (herd), but only individuals, independent and independent in their reasoning, move this society into the future, changing its life.

It contradicts the conclusions of historical materialism, which states that for every historical mainstream there is an individual who will be the spokesman of this historical mainstream. The larger this mainstream, the more powerful the individual who is found, the smaller the competitors are. If there are several such historical rivers, there will be several personalities and expect disaster in the form of a civil war.

Andrey Kisselyov:

About myths and legends, I agree that many myths are fairy tales, but are they really tales. In ancient times word of mouth communication was common and the interpreter could add or subtract something of his own, the overall sense of the story retained or could be lost. the further into the forest the more logs, but these facts remain facts. even under the union lived mermaids, no claim to truth, but there are witnesses, to believe them or not everyone can do so. The result of these facts can be concluded, but are all in a fairy tale a myth?
go on, about fairy tales, usually say at the end "a lie lies but a hint in it, a good man a lesson," this suggests that in each work of folk wisdom is the wisdom that we discard and think that this is a foolish delusion or fiction, it is worth reflecting on what exactly in your mind Bible (or tale) that you discard without even trying to understand what it says and most importantly for what purpose.

Man is a social creature (herd), but only few individuals, independent and independent in their reasoning, move this society into the future, changing its life.
This (and not only) is told in the passage I cited from the Bible, just one line. he who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches.

with respect.

Repeatedly I have read in the memoirs of operatives and investigators about witness interviews. Something like this, burglars break into a savings bank, rob it and run away. They start interviewing witnesses. Someone says there were three, someone two, some say they had machine guns, others with pistols, etc. Especially the women in the auntie stage get confused.

So all these Jehovah's Mermaid Alien Witnesses are worthless.


The first artificial satellite was launched on 4 October 1957

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

how do I address you? "this"?

Well, that's a reminder to those who have forgotten that the russian section and the russian section are not one and the same.

we have a novice driver's sign called a "w."

"U" is a learner's permit sign.

The 'novice driver' identification sign is a large black exclamation mark in a bright yellow square. Some motorists refer to it as the "novice driver" sign. IMPORTANT: In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 24.03.2017 N 333 to Traffic Rules have been amended according to which novice drivers (with experience up to 2 years): it is forbidden to tow vehicles; transportation of people on motorbikes and mopeds. Besides, it is prohibited for a driver with less than 2 years' driving experience without a 'novice driver' sign!


Знак начинающий водитель: обязателен или нет 2017
Знак начинающий водитель: обязателен или нет 2017
Частенько можно наблюдать на наших дорогах такую картину — восклицательный знак на машине. Что бы это значило? Опознавательный знак «начинающий водитель» — это большой черный восклицательный знак в ярко-желтом квадрате. Некоторые автолюбители называют его – знак «Неопытный водитель». ВАЖНО! В соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от...
СанСаныч Фоменко:

It contradicts the conclusions of historical materialism, which states that for every historical mainstream there is an individual who will be the spokesman of this historical mainstream. The larger this mainstream, the more powerful the individual who is found, the smaller the competitors are. If there are several such historical rivers, there will be several personalities and expect disaster in the form of civil war.

You are talking about leaders, but I am talking about Newtons, Copernicus, Archimedes, Popovs, Teslas, Mendeleevs and others who are innovators in their field, do not think like the crowd, and society adapts to their achievements over time.

It is like a herd leader, there must be a herd leader whom the herd trusts, it is true that when the society splits, there are several leaders with the corresponding consequences for the society.

With respect.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Repeatedly I have read in the memoirs of operatives and investigators about witness interviews. Something like this, burglars break into a savings bank, rob it and run away. They start interviewing witnesses. Someone says there were three, someone two, some say they had machine guns, others with pistols, etc. Especially the women in the auntie stage get confused.

So all these Jehovah-mermaid-alien witnesses are worthless.

you forgot to highlight"to believe them or not is everyone's business". the testimonies that are on youtube can be considered fiction, forgery, or whatever, or one can allow for that possibility.
If we assume that there were no giants, then how come there are so many human skeletons more than 3-5-7 meters high... tales of giants exist in every nation, we do not know them and have not seen them, so they did not exist... archeologists find them, so they were there... it is up to everyone to decide what they think, i will not prove anything.


even that happens.