Interesting and Humour - page 4051

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And I'm a reptiloid, so what?

Oh no...

And this man is asking me

Dmitry Fedoseev:



I think I'm gonna take myself out of the fight today.



Andrew Petras:

Oh no...

And this man is asking me


I think I'm gonna take myself out of the fight tonight.

Find an excuse not to answer the question?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And I'm a reptiloid, so what?

Absolutely nothing. I have no right to force you to treat ME with respect. All I'm asking is that you don't classify others as creatures.

I have long been surprised by people who do not respect themselves. You must respect others for something in particular. For professionalism, for goodwill, one can enumerate many reasons, but for yourself...

Once on the road I met a car to the rear window which was attached to the sign "PLEASE, I first day driving", who, in your opinion, self-respecting, this driver or the one who glued to the glass sign with boiling kettle? As in, "beware of me, I'm inadequate on the road...".


The promenade in autumn

Alexey Viktorov:


I once encountered a car on the road with a sign attached to the back window that said "I'm sorry, it's my first day behind the wheel", ***

This is a real courageous and honest act.

Sorry, it's my first day of driving

Attention and respect from motorists is guaranteed. And it definitely lifts your spirits.

Alexey Viktorov:

Absolutely nothing. I have no right to force you to treat ME with respect. All I'm asking is that you don't classify others as creatures.

I have long been surprised by people who do not respect themselves. You may respect the other probably for something in particular. For professionalism, for goodwill, you can enumerate many reasons, but for yourself...

Once on the road I met a car to the rear window which was attached to the inscription "PLEASE, I first day driving", who, in your opinion, self-respect, this driver or the one who glued to the glass sign with boiling kettle? As in, "beware of me, I'm inadequate on the road...".

You're too preoccupied with yourself, that's all. I don't treat myself at all, except that I'm me and that's it.

Beginner driver with a teapot, how he has it with himself I do not know, but it is obvious that the other road users he respects, because he warned. Why the conclusion about his inadequacy? Inexperienced. And given the number of real neglected inadequates on the road, the idea of a teapot is very good.

Vladimir Karputov:

This is a real courageous and honest act.

Attention and respect from motorists is guaranteed. And it lifts your spirits, for sure.

For a woman, "manly action"... is something... :)))

I've seen printed text almost the full width of the glass, on the bottom.

Vladimir Karputov:

This is a real courageous and honest act.

Attention and respect from motorists is guaranteed. And it definitely lifts your spirits.

What's good about it? It covers 25% of the rear window.

it's not a manly and honest act -- it's the act of an inadequate man.

there are certain signs for such purposes that everyone can see, understand and take into account.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

You are too preoccupied with your own personality, that's all. I don't treat myself in any way, except that I am me and that's it.

A novice driver with a teapot, how he is with himself I do not know, but obviously he respects other road users, because he warned. Why the conclusion about his inadequacy? Inexperienced. And given the number of real neglected inadequates on the road, the idea of a teapot is very good.

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Interesting and Humorous

Alexey Viktorov, 2017.10.04 09:05

Absolutely nothing. I have no right to force you to treat ME with respect.

And that says it all.