Interesting and Humour - page 4012

Andrew Petras:

There was no samizdat in St Petersburg? Really?

What does samizdat have to do with it? It was published, then banned and removed from libraries.

And I've seen samizdat mostly in the form of printouts from the VC in terrible quality.

Andrew Petras:


Alexei, here, read it too. You wouldn't believe me.

I couldn't find Tais Athenian, but I borrowed it from my sister to read. Although it doesn't say anything at all. Circulation is small, the country is big.

I also read Tais, but not many books were published. I remember collecting waste paper and getting a coupon for the right to buy a book for some tens of kilos. There was nothing to ban Efremov, he was just a loyal sci-fi writer.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What does samizdat have to do with it? It was published, then banned and removed from libraries.

And I've seen samizdat mostly in the form of printouts from the VC in terrible quality.


Alexey Volchanskiy:
Not true, I read it in my youth. In general in Soviet times there was a lot of censorship.
A strong association: censorship was samizdat.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

And I read Tais, but not many books were published; I remember collecting waste paper and getting a coupon for the right to buy a book for some tens of kilos handed in. There was no need to ban Efremov, he was just a loyal sci-fi writer.

Reading his books you could start to understand the specifics of the political regime in the country.

Andrew Petras:


A persistent association: censorship is samizdat.

That's right, but I understood it was the official edition. I read it in the official edition for sure. And in the form of printouts Bulgakov, Altist Danilin, something else was brought in by those who worked in the VC.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

But for some reason there were no libraries, it was impossible to buy them. I managed to read it only after perestroika.

This is bullshit - I. Efremov's Bull Hour was published for more than a year in Technika Molodezhi and Molodaya Gvardiya magazines - a list:

-- Youth Tehnika 1968'11 magazine, 1968.
-- "Technica-Young 1968'10" magazine, 1968.
-- "Tehnika-Young 1968'12" magazine, 1968.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'01" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngen 1969'02" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'03" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'04" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'05" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'06" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'07" magazine, 1969.

-- "Young Guard" magazine 1969'01", 1969.
-- "Young Guard" magazine 1969'02", 1969.
-- "Young Guard" magazine 1969'03", 1969.
-- "Young Guard 1969'04" magazine, 1969.

Or was the circulation of Technika Molodezhi limited, unavailable in libraries?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

By reading his books, one could begin to understand the specifics of the political regime in the country.

But young people were already aware of everything without him. I remember at school they used to say that in America the working class was for communism, but the evil imperialists were oppressing everybody. People laughed afterwards. The teachers were lying and didn't blush.

I got kicked out of the Komsomol around 1985).

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Bullshit -- I. Efremov's Bull Hour was published for over a year in Technika Molodezhi and Molodaya Gvardiya magazines -- a list:

-- "Technica-Young 1968'11" magazine, 1968.
-- "Tehnika-Young 1968'10" magazine, 1968.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1968'12" magazine, 1968.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'01" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngen 1969'02" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'03" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'04" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'05" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'06" magazine, 1969.
-- "Tehnika-Youngster 1969'07" magazine, 1969.

-- "Young Guard" magazine 1969'01", 1969.
-- "Young Guard" magazine 1969'02", 1969.
-- "Young Guard" magazine 1969'03", 1969.
-- "Young Guard 1969'04" magazine, 1969.

Or was the circulation of Technika Molodezhi limited, not available in libraries?

I used to subscribe to Radio, Tehnika-Young, Science and Life, Chemistry and Life, and other things. But with books there was really a problem. Even technical books on electronics. I am not even talking about fiction. I read a lot of books at that time, but now I am no longer interested in such works.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I used to subscribe to Radio, Tekhnika-Young, Science and Life, Chemistry and Life, and other things. But books were really a disaster. Even technical books on electronics. I am not even talking about fiction. I read a lot back then, but now I've moved on.

However, Fedoseyev did not subscribe to magazines - he spent all his time on this forum aimlessly.

We used to write out small models. Rarely did it come, but when it did, we were delighted. I remember an Il62 LOT, a Su 7, a floating tank, and a British Lancaster bomber.
There's also a young technician app. But everything there had to be photocopied and coloured in by yourself.