Interesting and Humour - page 3996

Andrew Petras:


Of course it's a lie, because it's not useful. Everyone sees what they want to see and hears what they want to hear.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

cure for what?

ZS: or rather, "what are you trying to cure me of with cyanide? )

ZZZY: Let me guess: from alcoholism? )

ZZZYZZY: definitely after cyanide I won't drink any more, can we consider it a recovery? )
You yourself refute the words Paracelsus cited, you can't cure yourself with poison.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Of course it's a lie, because it's not useful. Everyone sees what they want to see and hears what they want to hear.

"Tobacco clears the air" (c) an old Russian proverb.

You want to see a horror film, see it.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:


Although cyanide is a cure-all: the dead don't get sick )
Just like the guillotine is a great cure for dandruff).
Vitaly Muzichenko:


Uh-huh, I was just eating in front of the monitor ))

Andrey Kisselyov:
You yourself refute the words of Paracelsus that you cited, you cannot cure yourself with poison.


What am I supposed to cure myself of?

You suggested I drink poison. I said: "Thank you, I'm fine now!"

Where is there a rebuttal to what Paracelsus said?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Everyone sees what they want to see and hears what they want to hear.

Not really, everyone justifies to themselves why they do certain things, without going into details, but why they want to do them and where it came from.
When a man has been trying to prove to himself for 5-10 years that smoking is not that bad it is hard to tell he was wrong all these 5-10 years. only those strong in spirit can do this without lying to themselves.

With respect.

Andrew Petras:

I'll tell you the scary part.

There is no statistically significant evidence of harm from smoking tobacco (I emphasise tobacco, not the mixture sold as cigarettes).

I don't care about statistics, I judge from my own experience. When I quit smoking 13 years ago, a month later my sense of smell opened up and I could smell what I'd forgotten. Then I rushed to a bus and was surprised that I could run so easily and didn't get out of breath. Also, my coughing in the morning was gone. And many other improvements. I don't give a shit about the research of American tobacco corporations, they'll do anything for the money.

Just like the guillotine is an excellent remedy for dandruff).

The guillotine treatment for dandruff is a side effect of this medicine )

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I don't care about statistics, I judge from my own experience. When I quit smoking 13 years ago, a month later my sense of smell opened up and I could smell things I'd forgotten about. Then I rushed to a bus and was surprised that I could run so easily and wasn't out of breath. Also, my coughing in the morning was gone. And many other improvements. I don't give a shit about American tobacco research, they'll do anything for the money.

That's about the same time I quit, maybe earlier.
