Interesting and Humour - page 3915


How do you measure "greatness"? I can't argue without knowing the scale of measurement.

In size, in km^2, and the rest is a waste, as long as population growth doesn't fail.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Only Russia has been able to pass on its heritage to worthy generations. This shows once again the greatness of Russia. In all schools of the world, history should be the main subject of instruction.

Of course it is desirable to know history, but at school age few understand the need to study it. And why do we have to memorize dates? I think it would be more useful if they would not mark history in school. A teacher could tell more, with greater detail, more colorful, not wasting time questioning students and assigning grades. But there would still be something left in the pupils' heads.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
In terms of size, and the rest is a gain.

If "greatest" in terms of size, yes.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
In size, and the rest is a gain.
Not just by size, but with a huge military potential and a self-sufficient, developing economy that allows for independent policies.
Lazar Buga:
What, again?

And then I'll be accused of politics. Have some conscience, don't hit the "complain" button.

The only superpower at the moment is the US.
Yes, nothing is everlasting under the sun, and they will decline at some point.
But don't let yourself be deluded at least today:

Putin meant "along with Russia", I guess.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
At least other countries, so far, are not mocking Russia. I repeat, everyone is annoyed by Russia's vast territory and does not understand that it was inherited from its great and invincible ancestors. There remains a relative weakness in cyberspace: Swift, Windows, internet and high tech are the costs of declaring cybernetics "pseudoscience". The good news is that Russian schoolchildren take first places in programming at almost all world olympiads. It means that parity in this field is not far off.

The invincibility of the ancestors is too exaggerated. We need to learn more about history.

Territorial greatness is the vast coastline of the Arctic Ocean.

The main danger for Russia is the infiltration of traitors such as Gorbachev and Yeltsin into power, and the external enemy does not fear it.

Here we go again... Both Gorbachev and Yeltsin were leaders legitimately elected by the people.


Let's talk more about cats (just a tip).

Ernest Hemingway and his cat. 1954.
Photo by Torre Johnson

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Putin meant "along with Russia", I guess.
No, Putin is not claiming that Russia is a superpower. He only wants the US not to dictate to all countries how they should live their lives.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

The invincibility of the ancestors is too exaggerated. We need to learn more about history.

Territorial greatness is the vast coastline of the Arctic Ocean.

I may not have studied history well, but its outcome does not need to be studied, it needs to be accepted without reservation.