Interesting and Humour - page 3911

Kirill Shushkevich:

brother caught a mammoth tusk in a trawl on the Ob River.

It's like all the depots are jammed and on TP to close.

Kirill Shushkevich:

my brother caught a mammoth tusk in a trawl on the Ob River.

What's the Ob River, where is it?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is the Ob River, where is it?

I'm sorry, I meant to write 'Ob'.)

Kirill Shushkevich:

What a bear

That's weird. Where's the shit that we have small bears.

Пожилой японский каратист голыми руками отбился от медведя
Пожилой японский каратист голыми руками отбился от медведя
  • 2016.09.02
  • фильм «Выживший»
Пожилой японский каратист вышел победителем в схватке с гималайским медведем. Об этом в пятницу, 2 сентября, сообщает издание The Mainichi. 63-летний обладатель черного пояса по карате рыбачил в провинции Гума. Никакого оружия у него с собой не было, поэтому отбиваться от вышедшего из леса медведя пришлось врукопашную. После нескольких ударов в...

Runglish. Hooked up the utilities on the tenant, along with the property tax.


Runglish. Hooked the utilities on the tenant, along with the propriety tax.

and rightly so - the main thing is to mitigate your risks



Runglish. Hooked up the utilities on the tenant, along with the property tax.

Asshole (job is done) - Job is done (Asshole afta profacap deadline very well and makes everyone happy.)

Sergey Gamayurov:
How will the US sanctions against Russia and Russia's retaliatory sanctions affect the dollar against other currencies and gold in particular?

But there are some thoughts about gold.

It is no secret that Russia has started mining the yellow metal at an accelerated rate.

This means that Russia is preparing for the coming war, which will be devastated ten times as much as WWII.

As soon as the TNWs go on a mutual strike, the dollar, the euro will surely fall below the plinth ,

and only gold will be accepted as payment for trade between countries like China, Iran, India, Kazakhstan and others.

So? That's right... The price of gold will go up and up.

Alexander Ivanov:

But there are some thoughts about gold.

It is no secret that Russia has started mining the yellow metal at an accelerated rate.

This means that Russia is preparing for the coming war, which will be devastated ten times as much as WWII.

As soon as the TNWs go on a mutual strike, the dollar, the euro will surely fall below the plinth ,

and only gold will be accepted as payment for trade between countries like China, Iran, India, Kazakhstan and others.

So? That's right... The price of gold will go up and up.

Maybe you should take a walk down the street to clear your head.