Interesting and Humour - page 3905

Lazar Buga:
OK, if that's the rules here, then let's not break them.
It is true that there is such a fine line between news, politics and the same fundamental analysis.
Maybe we should just follow the culture of communication and not limit each other in the list of allowed topics?

This is not working.
In my memory, posts have been deleted by lists and there have been many bans ... Does not help. Old-timers of this branch remember different things ...
After all, content removal and especially bans are always bad for everyone (for a resource it is also bad).

And it's such an offtop branch, where it's difficult to keep the line (and such an offtop can only be one in the Russian part, the other is also one in English, in the Chinese part, too one). There was even a suggestion to remove a branch altogether...


About the USSR was a discussion - it seems the line was not crossed. True, there were many deleted posts yesterday anyway. But as soon as they started talking about Ukraine, bans started ...


It is better to choose neutral topics, technical subjects for example.
And you have to watch out for order.

For example, right at the bottom of every post (appears if you hover your mouse) has a link Complaint:

This is not an innocent thing: if you "complain", it is visible to all moderators and all admins. So if one moderator won't respond, another will (and there are several moderators in each language area) and if the moderators don't respond, the admins will.
This way the situation in the threads can be regulated.


Uladzimir Izerski:

Interest and interest should not be confused. They are very different concepts. Be understanding.

I meant interest as a sense of curiosity. When you learn something new about something you're interested in (or curious about, whatever you want to call it).
What other different concepts are there?

George Merts:

Exactly. That's why the whole industry had to be rooted out, that a plane can't be cheaper than a train.

At the moment everything is slowly coming back; I don't see any reason to moan about "fucked up polymers". Everything has been preserved and increased. People have clearly started to live better, on the previous pages one could see graphs of consumption, cheaper products have become less affordable, and more expensive ones. Which just goes to show that the people are clearly not poor.

I had to fly by plane quite often on business trips. Although a plane ticket was more expensive than a train ticket, the faster the daily subsistence allowance was less, and it was generally more profitable for the company to send its employees on business trips by air. But now tickets are expensive, mainly because they are leased by foreign companies and they have to pay a lot of money for it. And the industry collapsed not because of that, not only that industry collapsed then, but almost the entire industry. It is clear that they are restoring it little by little. But it was possible to reform without such losses. Some things could have been cut, some things could have been consolidated and we could have continued to produce our own passenger planes, albeit in smaller quantities. Instead of this: everything was closed, the equipment sold off, the lock was put up, and the workers were put out on the street.

Now they are going to design and produce airbuses together with China, but when they will appear, I think, very soon. I'll probably never see it coming).

Sergey Golubev:

This is not an innocent thing: if you "complain", it is visible to all moderators and all admins. That is, if one moderator does not react, another moderator will react (and there are several moderators in each language part of the forum), and if the moderators do not react, the admins will decide.
That way the situation in the threads can be regulated.


Good, I got it. So I'll complain, but not because I don't like discussing political topics or even pressing contemporary issues.
It's because I think it's inadmissible to leave some statements unattended. For example, if I see misinformation, I consider it my duty to try to neutralize it.
If I understand correctly, such a message falls under modern politics. Threw in a complaint.

Update: deleted faster than the wind)

I remembered a plane crash in 1994. The commander put his son in the pilot's seat. B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!

I had experienced something similar once, when the car skidded on a slippery road in winter. Couldn't straighten the course, spinning on the road until the speed was off. Good thing there were no oncoming cars and all turned out well, I got away with nothing.


Last night's lesson -

If anyone thought moderators were so evil that they delete posts and ban a few people at a time, last night all the illusions were dispelled even by the most skeptical - it became quite clear that it is part of the users (non-moderators) wish that there would be many bans and removals, and if not - then they complain and threaten, demanding their (bans and removals).

Public gratuitous hatred of programmers towards each other sometimes goes off the scale here.


Good morning!


Nature, the river:

Nature, river, away from the city


Happy beautiful morning.
Photo by dubnaphotos


I remembered a plane crash in 1994. The commander put his son in the pilot's seat. B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r... chills on the skin!

I had experienced something similar once, when the car skidded on a slippery road in winter. Couldn't straighten the course, spinning on the road until the speed was off. Luckily, there were no oncoming cars and everything turned out OK, I got off with a minor scare.

You have to learn how to skid out of a skid - it could save your life.

The pilots of passenger planes must also be able, at least on a trainer, to steer planes out of any critical roll in normal flight. But it seems that it can be done only by test pilots. As it is not the only case. There was an air crash in Russia, when a plane went over the height of a thunderstorm and went into a spin. The pilots were also unable to get out of the corkscrew into normal flight, although they tried to do so with mats, with one of the young pilots crying and shouting that he did not want to die.


You have to teach novice motorists how to steer out of a skid. It can sometimes be life-saving.

Pilots of passenger planes should also be able, at least on simulators, to bring planes to a normal flight out of any critical roll. But it seems that it can be done only by test pilots. As it is not the only case. There was an air crash in Russia, when a plane went over the height of a thunderstorm and went into a spin. The pilots were also unable to get out of the corkscrew into normal flight, although they tried to do it with mats, with one of the young pilots crying and shouting that he didn't want to die.

Couldn't sleep till 1 a.m. last night after that video. I was very impressed.