Interesting and Humour - page 3904

Alekseu Fedotov:
No, not just a bully,
the man came to make money
and he made it.

I agree - the whole country knows him now. Now he's famous.

Then he'll pay a fine, he'll be pardoned, he'll be a presenter on some TV channel, and someone else will punch him in the face during the reportage...
The other one gets caught, pays a fine, gets pardoned and is made host of another channel (because the whole country knows him).
And so on ...

And here you sit sitting...

Sergey Golubev:

I agree - the whole country knows him now. Now he's famous.

Then he'll pay a fine, he'll be pardoned, he'll be made an anchor on some TV channel and someone else will punch him in the face...
The other one gets caught, pays a fine, gets pardoned and is made host of another channel (because the whole country knows him).
And so on ...

The TV show is a minute of fame. This is instead of the Soviet "Hello, we are looking for talent".

A few days ago I happened to turn on RBC. Some girl was seriously explaining that the most effective advertising is provocation. And the consumer properties and the price are of very little importance. So the show is on TV for a reason, and for years I thought that morons were shown for the amusement of the public. Well, no. These are the people in charge at the moment.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

the most effective advertising is provocation. In this case, consumer properties and price are of very little importance.

just like in the sales consultancy department

Sergey Golubev:


For example, I once watched a film made in the 40s or 50s of the last century - about anarchists during the October Revolution or the Civil War.
There was a ship, and there were anarchists serving on it. A grandmother came to them (the film is in black and white and very old) and said that her purse was stolen.
The captain lined up the sailors and asked the granny to show who stole it. The grandmother showed. The sailor was immediately shot.
And then the granny stepped aside, rummaged through her purse, and happily reported that she had found the wallet. The grandmother was immediately shot


I think it's "The Optimistic Tragedy."

I don't think so, it's exactly 31:20.


Yes gentlemen, it's time to put a stop to this buffoonery. No one will get anything but a ban.

I tried to steer the conversation in the direction of the branch andSergey Golubev tried to steer it, but no one paid any attention.

Let's get a grip on our nerves and leave the thread only forInteresting and Humour.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I think it's The Optimistic Tragedy.

I don't think so, it's exactly that - at 31:20

Yes, from this place (only the link gets it):

Оптимистическая трагедия
Оптимистическая трагедия
  • 2011.11.01
Смотрите и скачивайте наши фильмы в App Store - Google Play -
Uladzimir Izerski:

Yes gentlemen, it's time to put a stop to this buffoonery. No one will get anything but a ban.

I tried to steer the conversation in the direction of the branch andSergey Golubev tried to steer it, but no one paid any attention.

Let's get a grip on our nerves and leave the thread only forInteresting and Humour.

So what is interesting for you? Everyone has different interests and sense of humor, too.
Someone is interested in philosophizing, someone the political situation in the world to discuss the news, and more.
Everyone will not be pleased. The main thing is to communicate without insults, and so you can discuss any topic, no?
Lazar Buga:
So what's interesting to you? Everyone has his own interests and his sense of humour, too.
Someone is interested in philosophizing, someone wants to discuss the political situation in the world, the news and other things.
Everyone will not be pleased. The main thing is to communicate without insults, and so you can discuss any topic, no?

It's better not to discuss political topics.

Sergey Golubev:

It's better not to discuss political topics.

OK, if that's the rule here, then let's not break it.
It is true that there is such a fine line between news, politics and fundamental analysis.
Maybe we should just watch the culture of communication and not limit each other in the list of allowed topics?
Lazar Buga:
So what's interesting to you? Everyone has his own interests and his sense of humor, too.
Someone is interested in philosophizing, someone the political situation in the world to discuss the news and other things.
Everyone will not be pleased. The main thing is to communicate without insults, and so you can discuss any topic, no?

Interest and interest should not be confused. They are very different concepts. Be understanding.