Interesting and Humour - page 3896

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The lumpen are the backbone of the revolution, they will bend to any power for a bite. And communism is a great motivational story for suckers.

After the new revolution you think you'll be successful and rich. HA-HA.

And now you can't do that?

Vladimir Suschenko:

As our teacher used to say on such occasions: "Read primary sources".
Then you won't have to guess and speculate where the words were, and where someone made up something for himself.

Karl Marx, "The Class Struggle in France from 1848 to 1850". ("Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Politisch-ökonomische Revue", 1850, nos. 1, 2, 3):

"... as a necessary transitional step towards the destruction of class distinctions in general, towards the destruction of all production relations on which these distinctions rest, towards the destruction of all social relations corresponding to these production relations, towards a revolution in all ideas deriving from these social relations."

Uladzimir Izerski:

After the new revolution you consider becoming successful and rich. HA-HA.

And now is weak for you?

You're making too much up for me.


The attempt is uncounted. The country is torn apart. The critical mass of people at all levels has turned out to be g.

"crosses, ranks, rubles."

Back to square one.

So what's next? What now, do we live by Darwin?

I think so!

by Darwin - yes, always, there are no exceptions and there never was... and by Adam Smith too...

"All the men of this party were catching rubles, crosses, and ranks, and in this catching they were only following the direction of the weather vane of the tsar's favor, and just when they noticed that the weather vane had turned to one side, all this trumpetpopulation of the army began to blow in the same direction, so that it was all the harder for the tsar to turn it to the other." (Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace, 175, IX)

It's the same now - isn't it?


It is useless for you and me to debate who is right and who is wrong.

History will judge.

Everything is already known at the moment, and tomorrow there will be new events.

There is no use pounding water in a puddle.


according to Darwin - yes, always, there are no exceptions and there were none... and according to Adam Smith too...

"All the men of this party were catching rubles, crosses, and ranks, and in this catching they were only following the direction of the weather vane of the tsar's favour, and just when they noticed that the weather vane had turned to one side, all this trumpetpopulation of the army began to blow in the same direction, so that it was all the harder for the tsar to turn it to the other." (Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace, 175, IX)

It's the same now, isn't it?

Exactly the same.


according to Darwin - yes, always, there are no exceptions and there were none... and according to Adam Smith too...

"All the men of this party were catching rubles, crosses, and ranks, and in this catching they were only watching the direction of the weather vane of the tsar's favour, and just when they noticed that the weather vane had turned to one side, all this trumpetpopulation of the army began to blow in the same direction, so that it was all the harder for the tsar to turn it to the other." (Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace, 175, IX)

It's the same now - isn't it?

It's not quite the same now. Forthe"drones' population" to exist, conscious (or duped) bees must work. Produce surplus product. "For (on) themselves and for (on) that guy".

In Russia, oil and other resources played the role of "surplus product". Bees weren't needed. The drones multiplied. But not for long. If "bad money" were removed, it would be just like Darwin.


What's wrong with communism?

For example, when you go to work, you make a conscious effort all day long, get a free canteen, in the evening you go to the store (?) to change worn-out trousers, go to the shop (no shop assistants), get something to eat, if you fall ill, call for a doctor (consciously), go on holiday, get on the train, and go wherever you want. No money, no guards, no criminals, no rent. The country would have several centres for distribution of funds and labour resources, etc. centres by districts. Governance would be (I assume) based on management exams, not elections.

Scientists study, engineers design, workers work, villagers grow, management wisely.

What an economy of everything, how much can be done in the foreseeable future.

Who is bad? Who prevented the USSR from building it? Why is it a utopia?

Was it even possible to build it? Maybe the collapse of the USSR was a matter of time and chance?

And communism was built, for a small select group of people, the top leaders of the country.

But everyone else - the 99% - couldn't change their worn-out trousers for free. But many people could go on holiday with a certain level of comfort, in fact for free - this was real.
It was real, there was more peace of mind than there is now, there was confidence in the future. There was no unemployment, everyone could count to the end of life on a salary of 120 rubles, what he could and could not do. Let us assume that the maximum working term was 35 years - 35*12*120 = 50,400 rubles ... A dacha would cost about 5,000 rubles, a car 8-10 thousand rubles, a nice house 20-30 thousand rubles. Just by the end of my life, before I die, a house, a dacha and a car.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

And communism was built, for a small select group of people, the top leaders of the country.

But everyone else, the 99%, could not change their worn-out trousers for free. But to go on holiday with a certain level of comfort, actually for free, was possible for many - it was real.
Realistically, life was more peaceful than it is now, there was confidence in the future. There was no unemployment, everyone could count up to the end of life on a salary of 120 rubles, which he could and could not.
Not everybody was getting 120r. The commander of a nuclear submarine squadron on Kamchatka received 1500 rubles, more than the minister. And I, then a lieutenant on a surface ship, got 360.
Not everyone got 120 rbl. The commander of a nuclear submarine squadron in Kamchatka received 1500 rubles, more than the minister.

It is better to start from an average.
It was not bad in the north in those years either, with an average of 800-1000 roubles.