Interesting and Humour - page 3887

Dmitry Fedoseev:

It was heavily censored in the Soviet Union (there was nothing without censorship) and became a cult symbol. Or was it done by a fifth column again?

"Russian" vs "shit of unknown nationality" (which turns out to be Kursk, which means Russian from Kursk) - a sign of chauvinism?

I didn't come in today for nothing, it was a good evening, thank you.

Andrew Petras:

Are you even slightly aware of how many industries have been shut down? That entire industries have been destroyed and have not yet been restored (instrument-making, machine-tool construction)? That factories have been bought out for pennies, bankrupted in order to destroy competitors of Western manufacturers?

Kindergarten, it would have been fine if the Dima's had written...

What kind of "kindergarten" ??? Who needed those factories???

No one gave a damn about them! Everyone opted for hams and chinese consumer goods.

I came up with... "instrumentation, machine tools"... They were right to eliminate unprofitable industries. The money should have been used for other things. Now they are slowly starting to revive, when these sectors are needed.

And you suggest, then, to feed the freeloaders of machine tools and instrument making for dozens of years, when the people need to eat and wear clothes?

Andrew Petras:

"Russian" vs "shit of unknown nationality" (which turns out to be Kursk, which means Russian from Kursk) - a sign of chauvinism?

I didn't stop by tonight for nothing, it was a good evening, thank you.

Problems with logical thinking?

And it does not matter at all whether it is a feature film or not, whether this scene was in reality or not, it is in the film - one of the foremost cult films.


I would like to addressDmitry Fedoseev specifically

What are the criteria for determining that life has improved since the Gorbachev thaw?

George Merts:

What "kindergarten"? ??? Who needed these productions???

No one gave a damn about them ! Everyone opted for hams and chinese consumer goods.

I came up with... "instrumentation, machine tools"... They were right to eliminate unprofitable industries. The money should have been used for other things. Now they've slowly started to revive it when those industries are needed.

And you, then, propose to feed the freeloaders of machine tool and instrument making for decades, when the people need to eat and dress up?

They used to fly their planes and it was more profitable to fly than to travel by train. And now they fly on imported planes and tickets are not cheap. Didn't anyone need planes either?
Uladzimir Izerski:

I would like to addressDmitry Fedoseev specifically

By what criteria can we determine that life has become better after the Gorbachev thaw?

I will refrain from answering, lest the oxygen be completely cut off.

They used to fly on their own planes and it was more profitable to fly than to travel by train. And now they fly on imported planes and tickets are not cheap. Didn't anyone need planes either?

Exactly. That's why the whole industry had to be rooted out, because a plane couldn't be cheaper than a train.

Now everything is slowly coming back, I do not see any reason to moan "fucked up all the polymers". Everything has been preserved and multiplied. People have clearly started to live better, on the previous pages one could see graphs of consumption, cheap products have become less consumed, more expensive ones. Which just goes to show that the people are clearly not poor.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I will refrain from answering, lest the oxygen be completely cut off.

Then I will answer.

The 5-10% got a better life. They got factories, factories, means of production and the rest got mobile phones, access to porn sites, drugs.

The 90% enjoy life and the 5% are working.

George Merts:


People have clearly started to live better; on the previous pages they gave consumption graphs - and the cheap products have been consumed less, the expensive ones more. Which just shows that people are clearly not poor.

The graphs are still there!

Which of the products in those graphs were consumed MORE in 2015 than in 1991? NONE!

Why are you twisting things around?