Interesting and Humour - page 3882

George Merts:

What kind of indicators is that? I can see that people are simply living much better than they were in 1989.

Just like the Chukcha - what I see is what I sing.

In your particular place it may be so.

And now a statistic that fills your meaning of "a whole lot better".

But bread and potatoes are what people eat:

The most interesting thing about these charts is the drop between 1990 and 1995. Those were the years when everything was in the shops. And the country started to eat less. It's clear from your posts that you personally started eating more, but at the same time someone else started eating less.

So your personal experience has very little to do with the reality in the country

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Tamogawks don't fly one at a time, one fell by itself, and the natives immediately dance

Exactly. Under the influence of REB, the Tomahawks join together in packs and carry those who fall to the shelter themselves.

A little bit of a dipshit:

Two new software products!

another linux clone with new wallpaper and wow "30 whole programs"!

and a new graphic editor (judging by the interface, many times more primitive than the gimp or

it's an achievement..... hurrah hurrah......

what idiots are they so proud of?

At least something... has caught your sophisticated attention.

Andrew Petras:

Exactly. Under the influence of REB, the Tomahawks join together in packs and carry those who fall in themselves to the shelter.

At least something... has caught your sophisticated attention.

Never mind that. It's just trolling. The topic had nothing to do with programming - it was discussing the idea of multi single missiles. A fact on programming is pulled out of a clip on the topic of many single rockets, with the silence that this is the current week's result, and mockery ensues.

George Merts:

There was also a Ukrainian referendum.

How, I wonder, did Ukraine want both "non-independence" and "preservation of the Union"? It was one or the other. Non-independence" was chosen. We are now in the process of cleaning up the results.

Well, that is a paradox. They voted for independence, not for the collapse of the Union...
Read it if you're interestedВсеукраинский_референдум_(1991)

What is all this about Ukraine? Ask a Tajik who is now running from the Russian migration service whether they wanted to secede or not. I am sure that the answer will be unequivocal.

I didn't ask any Tajiks at the time. But I would venture to guess that THEN they really wanted to separate...

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The most interesting thing about these charts is the drop between 1990 and 1995. These are exactly the years when everything appeared in the shops. And the country started to eat less. It is clear from your posts that you personally started eating more, but at the same time someone else started eating less.

So your personal experience has very little to do with the reality in the country.

Well look, these graphs show that life has gotten better. The consumption of "products for the poor" has decreased. And "food for the rich" has returned to its previous level.

If you look at the roads, where you can't push through foreign cars (and even in Ukraine), if you look at the mansions around the cities - there is no doubt.

Vladimir Suschenko:

Well, that's the paradox, they voted for independence, not for the collapse of the union...
Read it if you're interestedВсеукраинский_референдум_(1991)

That is, they voted "for the break-up of the union, not for the break-up of the union".

As a result, one thing had to happen. And it did. Ukraine gained "self-determination and non-independence",

George Merts:

I didn't ask the Tajiks at the time. But I would venture to guess that THEN they were very much willing to secede...

96.2% of Tajiks voted in a referendum to preserve the USSR.
George Merts:

That is, they voted "for the break-up of the union, not for the break-up of the union". ....

Just for a federal structure.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

To call Gorbachev a quitter is utter nonsense. Even at 86, hecan twist anyone into a sheep's horn with his will.

