Interesting and Humour - page 3826

Dmitry Fedoseev:
We do not know about all of them, but the story about Korolev is very interesting.

That's for sure. The truth is completely unnecessary for liberals.

Article 58 is of course a repression of the bloody regime and Stalin personally against a man who was subsequently blessed by the regime, against a man who was provided with unlimited resources by the same regime for his work.

And what is the concrete content of this politically convenient word "repression" in the case of Korolev.

It is known that Korolev prevented a certain Kostikov (a future very deserving person) from taking the place of the director of the institute. I.e. the meaning of the word "repressions" in Korolev's case is a simple propping up for career reasons in the field of rocket-building and has no relation to the phrase "political repressions".

And if we put aside the purely political word "repression" and begin to delve into Korolev's accusation, we see that he was accused of embezzlement, the meaning of which was that he continued research work that he had been banned from doing. This is the real fact, which was exploited by this very Kostikov.

Repression. What a convenient word! And most importantly politically correct.

But one thing: it steals from us the real life of people, the real structure of society, the relationships between people.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

That's for sure. The truth is completely unnecessary for liberals.

Article 58 is of course a repression of the bloody regime and Stalin personally against a man who was subsequently blessed by the regime, against a man who was provided with unlimited resources for his work by the same regime.

And what is the concrete content of this politically convenient word "repression" in the case of Korolev.

It is known that Korolev prevented a certain Kostikov (a future very deserving person) from taking the place of the director of the institute. I.e. the meaning of the word "repressions" in Korolev's case is a simple propping up for career reasons in the field of rocket-building and has no relation to the phrase "political repressions".

And if we put aside the purely political word "repression" and begin to delve into Korolev's accusation, we see that he was accused of embezzlement, the meaning of which was that he continued research work that he had been banned from doing. This is the real fact, which was exploited by this very Kostikov.

Repression. What a convenient word! And most importantly politically correct.

But one thing: he steals from us the real life of people, the real structure of society, the relationships between people.

He's been well pampered - to the point of breaking a crooked jaw and so on and so forth. You, monsieur, are a pervert. No one needed Korolev, they needed his rockets to maintain world domination.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The biggest lie of the liberals and their derivative Russophobes is that the rise of the USSR before the war was the west + the Gulag.


For starters. built 9600 factories, not 1500.

Next. And who worked in all those 1500 factories? Were they Americans who came to USSR to escape starvation in their own country? By the way, diplomatic relations between the USSR and the US were established in November 1933. How did they manage to come to us before that?

Where did all the Soviet technical intelligentsia that ensured weapons parity during the war and parity in all military sectors after the war come from?


Here's a tableau.

The chart shows that the number of prisoners is about 1% of the country's population. Did that 1% solve the problem of industrialisation? What did the other tens of millions do? I note that the number of prisoners in USSR has always been about the same or slightly less than in other western countries: USSR = 583 (30s), Russia = 647, USA = 626 (90s).

A lie, as outrageous as ever, as an outrageous lie is the endemic alcoholism in Russia since the dawn of time.

By the way, when the liberals got to power in the 90s, and found out the real numbers of Gulag prisoners, the subject of the Gulag, promoted in the period of glasnost, was hushed up. But the lying liberals themselves should have been honest in admitting that we had fucked up the numbers. To be more exact, they should have told us lies to sow dissatisfaction and seize power on the wave of dissatisfaction.

P. S.

He who in his youth is not a liberal is a scoundrel.

He who is not a conservative in his old age is a fool.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Classically pampered - to the point of a broken jaw crookedly fused, etc. etc. You, monsieur, are a pervert. No one needed Korolev, they needed his rockets to maintain world domination.

Sometimes it seems that you have very serious problems with your head.


Korolev's broken cheekbone had NOTHING to do with his death - he died immediately after a surgery to remove a sarcoma of the rectum.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Sometimes it seems like you have a very serious problem with your head.


Korolev's broken cheekbone had NOTHING to do with his death - he died immediately after the end of surgery to remove a sarcoma of the rectum.

No, now it's very clear who's in over their head here. Go on.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

For those who can't read:

The Tablets of Georgia:

  1. May the earth's population never exceed 500,000,000.[,] staying in constant balance with nature ...
Behind this beautiful wish there is a systematic attitude: - striving to reach this number of population on earth by all possible means. This includes the bombing of civilian populations with phosphorous and radioactive bombs and shells, napalm, supplying underdeveloped countries with GMO foods, the use of inoculations that render girls sterile, the creation of viruses that act selectively for certain races and much more, which we are not aware of ...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

By the way, when the liberals got to power in the 90s and found out the real numbers of the Gulag prisoners, the Gulag theme, promoted during the period of glasnost, was hushed up.

We should have told the liberals in all honesty that we had fucked up the numbers. Or rather they should have been told that we lied to sow discontent.

P. S.

He who in his youth is not a liberal is a scoundrel.

He who in his old age is not a conservative is a fool.

The Gulag idea has been taken to its logical conclusion by the liberals.

They are going to erect monuments to the Gulag prisoners.

To whom is that?

At least 70%, and at times even more, were ordinary criminals in the camps. Are these monuments to them?

After the war, more than half sat in camps "collaborators of the Nazis" - are these monuments to them?


More than 27 million died in WWII, about 9 million were soldiers and the remaining 18 (eighteen!) million were civilians. The organisers of their extermination were the Germans, but the direct executors of the extermination of 18 million civilians were those same "accomplices" of the fascists.

Then Khrushchev pardoned them and today we are witnessing them. And soon we will even be able to see monuments to them.

Behind the beautiful wishful thinking there is a systematic attitude: - striving to reach that number of people on earth by all means possible. This includes bombing civilian populations with phosphorous and radioactive bombs and shells, napalm, supplying underdeveloped countries with GMO products, using inoculations to make girls infertile, creating viruses that act selectively for certain races and much more that we are not aware of...

Everyone understands this to the extent of their mental capacity. I can see that it says "staying in constant balance with nature" and I don't know what you are thinking.

СанСаныч Фоменко:



Over 27 million people died in WWII, about 9 million were military personnel, and the remaining 18 (eighteen!) million were civilians. The organizers of their destruction were the Germans, but the direct executors of the destruction of 18 million civilians were those same "accomplices" of the fascists.

Then Khrushchev pardoned them and today we are observing them. And soon we will be able to observe even monuments to them.

Why are you talking only about World War II, you Russian schofinist? Let me tell you, it was not only the Second World War, but there was a Second World War with a much larger scope.

And how long can we dwell on the past?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Everyone understands this to the extent of their mental capacity. I can see that it says "being in constant balance with nature", but I don't know what you are thinking.

It's not hard to find out - just read my post to the end). I hope you can read, not just write.)