Interesting and Humour - page 3824

Andrey Dik:

don't f*ck with me. The US, a country that has never had anything but small local wars, can only attack the weak, wreak havoc and destruction, and then profit from selling arms and food to these countries, forcing them to sing to their tune. Why do they not fart towards Russia or China? Are you too shy? But provocations and other "petty" nasties are always welcome.

Are you referring to Ukraine? - The USA has nothing to do with it, it's Russia's fault? - They sold out for "lace panties" and now let them clean it up themselves and pay 3 times as much for coal to the same americans.

What's that jargon, girl?

Get a grip on yourself.

What's with the lingo, girl?

My "girl" is not going in your mouth.

For those who can't read:

The Tablets of Georgia:

  1. Let the earth's population never exceed 500,000,000[,] staying in constant balance with nature
  2. Reasonably regulate the birthrate[,] enhancing the value of life preparation and the multiplicity of mankind
  3. Find a new living language [,] capable of uniting mankind.
  4. Be tolerant in matters of sentiment, faith, tradition and the like
  5. Let just laws and impartial courts stand up for peoples and nations
  6. Let every nation solve its internal affairs by submitting the problems of the nation to a world tribunal.
  7. Avoid petty lawsuits and useless bureaucrats.
  8. Maintain a balance between individual rights and public duties.
  9. Above all, value truth, beauty and love, striving for harmony with the infinite.
  10. Don't be a cancer to the earth, leave room for nature too!

Point 1 - being in SUSTAINABLE balance with nature. That is, in a natural and harmonious way.

Andrey Dik:

That's it, you've been demoted to the bluebirds again.

It's your own fault.

Andrey Dik:

The biggest lie of the liberals and their derivative Russophobes is that the rise of the USSR before the war was the west + the Gulag.


For starters. built 9600 factories, not 1500.

Next. And who worked in all those 1500 factories? Were they Americans who came to USSR to escape starvation in their own country? By the way, diplomatic relations between the USSR and the US were established in November 1933. How did they manage to come to us before that?

Where did all the Soviet technical intelligentsia that ensured weapons parity during the war and parity in all military sectors after the war come from?


Here's a tableau.

The table shows that the number of prisoners is about 1% of the country's population. Did that 1% solve the problem of industrialisation? What did the other tens of millions do? I note that the number of prisoners in USSR has always been about the same or slightly less than in other western countries: USSR = 583 (30s), Russia = 647, USA = 626 (90s).

A lie, as always outrageous as the outrageous lie is the endemic alcoholism in Russia since the dawn of time.



Военные преступления против человечества. США, НАТО. Империя Зла.
как же я их ненавижу.......Все правительство сша... Но они заплатят за это все... демократы хуевы. Ваш план удался на славу, Вы сильны, вы вечно правы, У вас есть выбор, у вас есть право. Ваш бюджет – бюджет смерти, все расчеты проверьте У вас есть бомбы, у вас своя честь. Я надеюсь, Что вы утоните в нефти, Надеюсь, Что вы взорвёте себя...
СанСаныч Фоменко:


Where did all the Soviet technical intelligentsia that ensured arms parity in the war and parity in all military branches after the war come from?


It is not known about all of them, but the story about Korolev is very interesting.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
I do not know about all of them, but the story about Korolev is very interesting.

What's interesting there - an ordinary enemy of the people. He was a poor man - Grizodubova took him out of death row at the last moment.

and that's why he died afterwards.


Industrialisation should be dealt with as early as 1905-1914, the prerequisites, so to speak. Why the USSR was forced to industrialise and why the USA sided with the USSR rather than Europe.

Andrew Petras:

Industrialisation should be dealt with from 1905-1914, from the preconditions, so to speak. Why the USSR was forced to industrialise, and why the USA sided with the USSR rather than Europe.

What is the "side of Europe"?