Interesting and Humour - page 3765

михаил потапыч:

Of course it does. In fact, cars were invented first ))))

( post paid for by the state department )

Well, they used to bury people without coffins in ancient times,

when did they start burying in coffins?

Well, the image of a coffin, for example, has nothing to do with the shape of today's military vehicles.)

The post was paid for by Transaction Repeater Full

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Well, they used to bury without coffins in ancient times,

when did they start burying in coffins?

Well, the image of a coffin, for example, has nothing to do with the shape of today's military vehicles.)

Yeah, yeah, they buried them in cars.

when did this form of coffin even come into being?

was that the shape of the coffin in question?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:


was that the shape of the coffin in question?

It's about right. Without the protrusion on top.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's about right. Without the protrusion on top.

Military vehicles are shaped like this to have a better chance of ricocheting, I don't know what you call it.

I don't know when they started making coffins like this, it's harder to make and usually more expensive than a normal box, maybe that's where the shape comes from.

Гроб — Википедия
Гроб — Википедия
Общеславянское слово «гроб» имеет первоначальное значение — «яма», «могила». Древние славяне в дохристианский период не хоронили покойных в том гробу, который подразумевается современным значением этого слова. Умершего опускали в могилу, выкопанную в земле в виде большого дома, клали туда его одежду, съестные припасы, сосуды с напитками и...

There is some good news

михаил потапыч:

There is some good news

"if a man doesn't start working on himself, the devil will find another job for him to find faults in others?"
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
"If a man doesn't start working on himself, the devil will find him another job - to find faults in others?"

Have you met Golubev? Promised to ban and cheated, the dog. Can't do anything.

You'll see, give him a kick in the pants to speed him up.

михаил потапыч:

There is some good news

What's that? Did the nephew ask his uncle to put in a good word?