Interesting and Humour - page 3666

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I see you've got blue ones too.)

And there were four before that ))

Nah, I had three.))

It's gonna be all right, Sanka. Let's go for a drink or something. These people are hopeless, they'll die out on their own. And we'll raise a new generation. Everything will be fine.

When I was 4-7 years old people did not lock their doors, they were not afraid of anyone, and people were not afraid to let children out into the street... And now people have become callous.

...They dug a huge deep trench in the street for pipes, such a 1-1.5 m in diameter. Through the trench, someone carefully laid a board to make it easier to cross the street. Then my parents bought me a bike Lyovushka, a great bike. It was spring, there was a lot of water, the ditch was filled up to the brim. I was crossing the ditch and fell into the water. I couldn't let go of my new bike, my parents would kill me! Sitting on the bottom under the water, holding onto my bike, I thought that my parents would scold me for getting my feet wet... After a few minutes, I was lifted out of the water by some unknown force, it was uncle Vasya who saw me plunge into the water and rushed over to help. I got on my bike and rode home happy that the bike was not lost in the trench. I didn't say thank you to uncle Vasya, I was too young, but now I remember that uncle sometimes, he must have died a long time ago....


Goose hasn't been around for a while. With his hoku...


Andrey Dik:

...And we will raise a new generation...

Don't. Use a condom.
Aleksey Levashov:
Don't. Use a condom.
You need it more.
Looks like some of the people on this forum have taken a bite.
Some of the eggs didn't even have time to dry ... and they were eaten.

... We should operate with hot appetizers... Cold ones... only the landlords who weren't cut by the Bolsheviks...

Andrey Dik:
It was said in the sense that I wouldn't be surprised if they broke his nose, then at least the little man wouldn't be whining for nothing. What's there to whine about if they didn't break anything?

Turns out they did break it, though, you goody-goody:

"United Airlines passenger forcibly dragged off plane ended up with a broken nose and knocked out teeth

United Airlines passenger David Dao, who was forcibly dragged off a plane for refusing to give up his seat to an airline employee, needs the services of a plastic surgeon. Dao, 69, suffered a broken nose, lost several teeth and was also diagnosed by doctors with a concussion."

Насильно вытащенному из самолета пассажиру потребовалась пластическая операция
Насильно вытащенному из самолета пассажиру потребовалась пластическая операция
  • 2017.04.14
  • Julio Cortez / AP Photo
Пассажир United Airlines Дэвид Дао, насильно вытащенный из самолета за отказ уступить место работнику авиакомпании, нуждается в услугах пластического хирурга. Об этом в пятницу, 14 апреля, сообщил адвокат пострадавшего Томас Деметрио, передает ABC News. У 69-летнего Дао сломан нос, он лишился нескольких зубов, также врачи диагностировали у него...
Andrey Dik:

You are confused, I never complain about life in Russia,
That's exactly what you do, you complain about life in Russia :)
What am I talking about when you're surrounded by such soulless creatures?
Vadim Baklanov:
That's exactly what you do, you complain about life in Russia, you've been crying here for days :)

In case you didn't understand, I was talking about soulless people, they are the problem. This is all in response to others' posts about the government and the housing authorities being thieves.

If you were too lazy to write that post to try to get back at me, feel free to flip through a few pages to see where it all started.

And how do you characterize people who argue about whether there will be a gap on Monday or not, when the world powers are deciding how to prevent World War III? These people cannot be called anything other than soulless creatures. And when you tell them to go and break the ice in the street where you live so that your children could not walk in puddles, they reply "higher education does not allow, let the housing and utilities department handle it!

Christ is Risen! Amen.

What about the gap, have you decided? Will it or won't it? Which way?