Interesting and Humour - page 3597

Andrey Miguzov:

I 100% agree that the result will be crooked.

But the fact that in 5-10 years there will be MACHINES driving along the street and at certain moments they will decide whom to hit (an old lady, children or me) is a little tense :) Before this test never thought about it. It is clear that the algorithm will lay people, but this, strains even more :))).

I can imagine Lada official website in about ten years:

"Bug fixed on collision with pedestrians when traffic lights don't work - update firmware" :)))

Karoch, they can not drive on our roads, let them build their own underground and crush each other there.

We ourselves know how to crush people, we do not need smart cars for that )))).


From personal life

Constantly calling with advertisements on your home phone.

- offer to diagnose your plastic windows for FREE.

- OK, come in.

The handyman comes in, stresses again that all that will be done is FREE.

- Foreman: your rubber seals are dried out and it is blowing from the windows. We will change the gaskets on all your windows for FREE. You have to pay for the gaskets.

- How much?

- 1 lm = 420 roubles. You will need about 50 metres in total, total over 21,000. But the work is FREE.

- OK, call back tomorrow.

I'm looking online. 100 metres of sealant costs 2700 roubles. The job is to pull the old seal out of the special groove in the frame and insert the new one. No glue is provided.

Calling to buy.

- I need 50 meters of your sealant.

- Please. 1 meter costs 100 rubles (no longer 420), the total is 5000 rubles.

- But your site has a price of 2700 for 100 meters.

- That's right. 100 meters costs 2700, and you are buying 50 meters, for this price of 1 meter, so 5000 rubles.

- Okay, I take all 100 meters. How much is delivery?

- We have FREE delivery.

- OK, bring it.

- No we can not, because FREE delivery of orders that cost more than 3000 rubles, and if less than that, we do not deliver for FREE.

- OK, I'm willing to pay for delivery. How much will delivery cost?

- We do not have free shipping.

- OK. I will take your 100 meters for 3000 rubles.

- No, you can't do that, we have the price on the computer, so we can't make delivery

This one, who for 21,000 roubles wanted FREE delivery of a gasket, maybe he was right?


I slept through the winter. The windows don't seem to be blowing.

Andrey Miguzov:

I 100% agree that the result will be crooked.

But the fact that in 5-10 years there will be MACHINES driving along the street and at certain moments they will decide whom to hit ( an old lady, children or me) is a little tense :) Before this test never thought about it. It is clear that the algorithm will lay people, but this, strains even more :))).

I can imagine Lada official website in about ten years:

"Bug fixed on collision with pedestrians when traffic lights don't work - update firmware" :)))

They're not going to decide who gets hit. There, in almost all variants, you can slow down with the engine and then press the car against the kerb and stop. And where there is no roadblock - just slow down with engine, even with a risk of gearbox breakage, but the speed will be lower than the killing speed and there will be only injuries, and even that if pedestrians are blind, deaf-mute and have no time to disperse.

This is the dumbest test by dumbest test makers and the problems are sucked out of your fingers.

This is where it is really hard to choose the right option:

God forbid anyone should ever have to make that choice in real life...


How they tested the scouts' logic

I'm a sucker, 8 out of 13 got it right. The quality of the drawing is crap, though.

Как проверяли логику у разведчиков
Как проверяли логику у разведчиков
Перед вами рисунок вымышленной местности. Ниже следуют вопросы, ответы на которые можно найти, внимательно рассмотрев этот рисунок – в нём сокрыто множество подсказок! Попробуйте ответить на них, не заглядывая в ответы! Вот эти вопросы: 1. Много ли времени осталось до новолуния? 2. Скоро ли наступит ночь? 3. Какое время года на рисунке? 4. В...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

How they tested the scouts' logic

I'm a sucker, 8 out of 13 got it right. The quality of the drawing is crap, though.

Wow - I can't believe I didn't notice that the bottom red light was on.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Wow - I can't believe I didn't notice that the bottom red light was on.

I noticed it, but I couldn't tell which light was which from the b/w drawing. And the traffic lights on the railway are the same as the normal ones, I wasn't sure. Well, it's just the first time I've heard about the blowhole ))

The voting results on VestiFm sheds light on the paucity of interesting topics here. Not only do they delete posts for the slightest deviation from the party line, but most are also readers.


Alexey Volchanskiy:

The voting results on VestiFm sheds light on the paucity of interesting topics here. Not only do they delete posts for the slightest deviation from the party line, but most are also readers.

What does it shed light on, you say :-)
What's there shedding, light you say :-)
The third level of darkness ))
What is there to shed light on, you say :-)
And if you add it all up and divide by 5, you get the popularity of long-eared hedgehogs.