Interesting and Humour - page 3596


Hail to the powder!


Dmitriy Svetlichny. Winter Sunday
Old church. Serpukhov. Winter.

Oh, man... there's a language to choose from at the top right

Moral Machine
Moral Machine
A platform for public participation in and discussion of the human perspective on machine-made moral decisions
Билл Гейтс предложил ввести налог на роботов
Билл Гейтс предложил ввести налог на роботов
  • 2017.02.20
  • Василий Сычев
Американский предприниматель Билл Гейтс предложил ввести налог на роботов. В интервью изданию Quartz миллиардер объяснил, что новый налог позволит финансировать профессиональную переподготовку людей, чтобы они могли занимать рабочие места, пока закрытые для роботов. В первую очередь речь идет об уходе за детьми и престарелыми. Сегодня многие...
Andrey Miguzov:

Oh, man... there's a language to choose from at the top right

Like children, honestly.

Suppose there is a neo-Luddite organisation, a group like Anonymous.

Its members register in such a free ficha and stupidly shit the results virtually killing all the babies.

And happily rubbing their hands together, waiting for how AI will fail during next test, so that to say: we warned you.

If you do such a fic, then registered users must at least have a certificate from a psychiatrist, and some additional guarantee of his honesty (something like a lie detector).

In general, everything with people is very, very complicated. Even opinion polls often show things that are not what they really are (remember the Hillary story).

михаил потапыч:

On a table in a completely dark room lies a deck of 52 cards. Ten of them are turned upside down and scattered around the deck. You can't distinguish them by touch, you can't turn on the light, you can't take the cards out of the room.

The task is to divide the deck into two parts so that each has an equal number of cards lying face down.
mikhail potapitch:

Vitalie Postolache:

British scientists have found out that cockroaches "hear" with their feet.

In an experiment, a test subject (cockroach) was placed on a table. A random series of taps on the table were then given and the cockroach ran away.

The subject's limbs were removed and the experiment was repeated but the cockroach did not hear the tapping and stayed where it was.
Nikolay Demko:

Like children, really.

Suppose there's a neo-Luddite organisation, a group like Anonymous.

Its members register in such a free feature and stupidly shit the results virtually killing all the babies.

And happily rubbing their hands together, waiting for how AI will fail during next test, so that to say: we warned you.

If you do such a fic, then registered users must at least have a certificate from a psychiatrist, and some additional guarantee of his honesty (something like a lie detector).

In general, everything with people is very, very complicated. Even public opinion polls often do not show what is real (remember the story with Hillary).

That the result will be crooked, I agree 100%.

But the fact that in 5-10 years there will be cars driving along the street and at certain moments of time they will decide whom to hit (an old lady, children or me) is a little annoying :) Before this test never thought about it. It is clear that the algorithm will lay people, but this, strains even more :))).

I can imagine Lada official website in about ten years:

"Bug fixed on collision with pedestrians when traffic lights don't work - urgent firmware update" :)))