Interesting and Humour - page 3582

I probably don't dream, and anyway, I can't remember everything I did in the evening in the morning, so there are new thoughts and decisions every day. One thing that is not entirely convenient is that you forget what was done yesterday and what needs to be done today.
Vitaly Muzichenko:
I probably don't dream, and anyway, I can't remember everything I did in the evening in the morning, so every day there are new thoughts and decisions. One thing that is not entirely convenient is that you forget what was done yesterday and what needs to be done today.
I need more time :)
Alexey Volchanskiy:

And now in my dream I have decisions on this hedge, I clearly understand how to solve everything, in my dream I place orders and positions on some huge transparent board with my hands (it looks like a glass, but it is not), close them mentally by OrderCloseBy(...), I am in profit))) I work out some situations. The board is about 20 meters high, 15 meters wide, the orders are usual entries in green on the background of matte white board.

And the profit in the dream is not important, what matters is the feeling that I have solved the problem )) I remember I had this many times during real developments, usually a breakthrough comes afterwards in real life as well.


Does it happen to you?

It doesn't.

It's enough to walk around in circles and talk through the ideal. Then talk through what you have. Then talk about how to go from perfect to possible. Finally, sit down and do it. And if it's nighttime, lie down and sleep like a normal kid.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
...more often the ideas come either before going to bed or right after a night's sleep.
+1. Or need to switch from an unsolvable task and rest.
Alexey Kozitsyn:
+1. Or you need to switch from an unsolvable task and take a break.
More often ideas come

1 before going to bed - then sleep is over
2 immediately after sleep - ideal case
3 during walks
4 when explaining to someone
5 when walking home from work - shit sometimes I would even turn around and go back to work and implement

When I lived alone, I used to get up in the middle of the night and pee until... It's probably a decision I've had to make that keeps me awake. I guess it's just my tired brain that can't give out what's in it. And after a while, with a little rest... get it and get back to work...
Alexey Viktorov:
When I lived alone, I used to get up in the middle of the night and pee until... It's probably a decision I've had to make that keeps me awake. I guess it's just my tired brain that can't give out what's in it. And after a while, with a little rest... get it and get to work...
YES!!! that happens too :-) even now
when you don't live alone and have an extra room in your house, it's not a problem.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
YES!!! that happens too :-) even now
when you don't live alone and have an extra room in your house, it's not a problem.
It's not about a room, much less a separate house.

How can you trade a real woman for a plastic keyboard? :-) But more seriously, the enthusiasm has probably gone, or there's simply no such an exciting or very necessary project.
Alexey Viktorov:
When I lived alone, I used to get up in the middle of the night and pee until... It's probably a decision I've had to make that keeps me awake. I guess it's just my tired brain that can't give out what's in it. And after a while, with a little rest... get it and get to work...
There was also the following: we had a problem, we worked till evening, then midnight the problem is not solved, one or two o'clock in the morning the problem is not solved. And the deadline is the next day, with lunch at the most.
So it's a dead end.
After a couple of failures, I learned how to solve such problems and motivated my colleagues to go home early in the morning to come to work.
And really at 1 am or at 23 you go home, you come at 5 or 6 in the morning and practice has shown that the solution comes in 15-20 minutes, sometimes an hour! And it really was not just once.
And here, Lesha, I think that in my sleep at night, my brain is boiling in search of a solution, although I myself am asleep.
I think in this mode a direct channel to the knowledge of the universe opens :-)))) and the problem is solved in the morning - tested more than once.
Alexey Viktorov:
It's not about a room, much less a separate house.

How can you swap a living woman for a plastic keyboard? :-) But more seriously, you've probably lost all enthusiasm for the project or there's just no such an exciting or very necessary project.
No wait, why change! ??? You have to combine!
there's a subtlety here, when your mind is bubbling over looking for a solution, to do the woman you love ? Yes, that's whatyou're talking about, it can turn out very badly,
but there is a way out, you can try to switch and introduce the problem into another process, you can do it as a role play, solutions are sometimes found afterwards too - I checked it :-)