Interesting and Humour - page 3570


They have no concept of residence registration. They have a place of actual residence.

So it's a utility bill or a receipt from the bank

Yuriy Zaytsev:

and Photoshop to help!

Yeah, that's how I usually do it. The bank account certificate has already been redone probably five times. + an acquaintance has had his last name corrected like that.

They have no concept of residence registration. They have a place of actual residence.

So it's a utility bill or a receipt from the bank

Yuriy Asaulenko:
No way.

Of course it will.

What will they check? How?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

of course they will.

Are they going to check? How?

Not because they won't check, but because utility bills or bank receipts are the real proof of residency.
Not because they won't check, but because utility bills or bank receipts are the real proof of residency.

It's understandable.
There are many situations in life
You may have more than one property and they all do not have to match your passport registration.
You can open a bank account in any city.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

That's easy to understand.
There are many situations in life
There may be more than one property and they do not all have to match the registration in the passport.
You can open a bank account in any city.

It does not matter in which city the bank account is opened.

What matters is the postal address to which the bank sends your receipts, bills, etc.


It does not matter in which city the bank account is opened.

The important thing is the postal address to which the bank sends your receipts, bills, etc.

The bank sends receipts, invoices, etc. to your e-mail address or mobile phone app. If you want to re-issue a card, you can take it to any branch of the bank. Which doesn't have to be the same as his place of residence.
The world has changed, a long time ago.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Email, only.

It's to email here, but their reports come in the post.

So utility bill, landline phone bill, etc.


It's to email here, but their reports come in the post.

So utility bill, landline phone bill, etc.

They live in their own world, their world is different from the world other people live in. It is difficult for us to understand them, they do not understand us. Conflict arises. I somehow like a world where statements come electronically.
They are behind in their development, on some issues we are lagging behind in others.
It's important that they do not try to force us to live by their rules.
I do not have a landline, I do not need one.
They probably do not understand it either,
as you can see from the questionnaires.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

The important thing is that they do not try to force us to live by their rules.

You trade through a European broker (not a Russian one) and yet you don't want to comply with the trading rules set out in European law?

Yeah ....