Interesting and Humour - page 3414

Server Muradasilov:

I don't understand what Kaspersky is crying about. Soon there will be a Russian analogue of Windows as part of import substitution:

Крымский вуз начал разработку аналога Windows
Крымский вуз начал разработку аналога Windows
СИМФЕРОПОЛЬ, 18 ноя — РИА Новости. Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского приступил к разработке уникального продукта, который позволит отказаться от услуг компании Microsoft и перейти на операционные системы отечественного производства, сообщил ректор КФУ Сергей Донич. "На протяжении года в КФУ реализуется создание гибридной...
Igor Konyashin:

I don't understand what Kaspersky is crying about. Soon there will be a Russian equivalent of Windows as part of import substitution:

And they'll bang their heads in the same place!

And then they will develop their network protocols that are not supported by Windows and will impose them on service providers and in an instant millions of Russians with Windows will lose access to the network. Then everyone will rush to buy a new operating system, which will cost in the region of $50-100 USD, update the firmware on mobiles and tablets and business will go uphill. When the excitement dies down, will be combined protocols that can be downloaded for free and installed on vindovs. And those who still did not wish to pay for the new operating system will always be able to buy them on disk, with a new freshly baked batch of viruses that no anti-virus can detect, but now working not for the CIA, but for our native SVR.

Sergey Basov:
They won't develop anything, they will play with linux for a while, make "non-boring wallpapers" and that will be the end as usual. And there will be no revolution, except for a little money from some budget for pocket expenses ))
Maybe so, they've been working on it for years.
Look at the insta forum who has it working or not?

Good morning!

Good morning!


There is an urban village called Novhorodske in the Donetsk region.

So - until 1951, the village had the official name of New York.

The full name before the renaming was New York, Dzerzhinsky district, Stalin region.


There is an urban village called Novhorodske in the Donetsk region.

So - until 1951, the village had the official name of New York.

The full name before the renaming was New York, Dzerzhinsky district, Stalin region.

that's the joke.

There is an urban village called Novhorodske in the Donetsk region.

So - until 1951, the village had the official name of New York.

The full name before the renaming was New York, Dzerzhinsky district, Stalin region.

Lugovoye is abolished village in Konstantinovsky district of Amur region, Russia. Was liquidated in 1941.

It was founded by settlers from Circumpolar Sea. Original name New York was given after Ekaterinoslav colony ofthe same name.Blumenort Mennonite community. In 1931 the collective farm Energia was organised. The whole population was deported on 15-16.11.1941.