Interesting and Humour - page 3404

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Turns out Trump has appeared in 16 films! Here are clippings from them

You know, I'm not a fan of this shit, but willingly or unwillingly.

I get to see all this stuff.

1. I look at this woman - well yes, she tries, she smiles, she does the right thing, she says the right things,

the impression, on the whole, is positive, but ! there is no life ! no sincerity ! obliging ! late brezhnev ... in a word a dead man ...

2..... this guy, shaggy, ridiculous...........but he is sincere and from his heart...............................

3... the americans got bored with the right shit, they chose sincerity and freshness...

Single-molecule optomechanics in “picocavities”
Single-molecule optomechanics in “picocavities”
Trapping light with noble metal nanostructures overcomes the diffraction limit and can confine light to volumes typically on the order of 30 cubic nanometers. We found that individual atomic features inside the gap of a plasmonic nanoassembly can localize light to volumes well below 1 cubic nanometer (“picocavities”), enabling optical...
Во времена сухого закона в США владельцы виноградников производили полутвёрдые концентраты виноградного сока, называемые «винными брусками», которые затем продавали с обязательным предупреждением: «После растворения бруска в галлоне воды не оставляйте получившуюся жидкость в ёмкости в шкафу на двадцать дней, чтобы избежать её превращения в вино». 
Of course, no one thought to violate the instructions ))))
a fun nuclear physics problem

A play on the imagination or the mysterious number 108?

Tibetan monks have 108 beads on their rosaries. And the first flight into space lasted exactly 108 minutes. It was the time of Gagarin's flight that took man to the next level of understanding reality. There is no doubt that this magic number connects the ancient and modern world in the literal sense of the word. The system of calculations was invented by the first Vedic saints who were famous mathematicians and astrologers. The number 108 in the Vedas is considered to be the magic number of perfection and success. This number represents all being and means a full circle of repetitions.

Here are some interesting arguments: - The number 108 adds up to 9 and represents wholeness. Multiplying any number 9 times, adding all the numbers together gives 9! 9 x 2 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9) 36 x 9 = 324 (3 + 2 + 4 = 9) 285 x 9 = 2565 (2 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9) - Ancient texts say that the universe is built of 108 elements. In the periodic table of chemical elements there are slightly more. - The diameter of the Sun is 108 times that of the Earth. - The distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately equivalent to 108 Suns lined up in a row. And the distance from the Earth to the Moon is 108 moons. - The 9 planets move through 12 signs to form an existence of 108 (9 x 12=108). All major planets go in a complete circle, having visited all the signs of the Zodiac. - It is stated that man has 108 senses: 36 are related to the past, 36 to the present and 36 to the future. - The human body has 108 pain points. - It is believed that after making 108 attempts (repetitions) in any activity one rises to the next level of mastery. This is also connected with the fact that one's memory consists of two parts: temporary and permanent. Temporary memory is designed for short-term storage of information during the period when the action is performed while the permanent memory retains information for life. So, by repeating the information 108 times, you put it into the internal (permanent) memory forever. - There are 108 forms of dance and 108 basic "asanas" in yoga in the Indian culture. - On New Year's Day in Japan, the bell in the Zen Temple rings 108 times. - 108 prayer cylinders are placed around the Bodhnath stupa in Kathmandu. - The world famous prehistoric monument Stonehenge consists of 108 feet in diameter. Various forms of the number 108 appear in many fields of knowledge, cultures and religions. And with such massive use of this number there is obviously some invisible special reason - a sign of something greater.

Read more on Rambler/Horoscopes

Загадочное число 108 – Рамблер/гороскопы
Загадочное число 108 – Рамблер/гороскопы
Число 108 во многих странах, религиях и культурах считается особенным. Ему приписывают мистические свойства, выстраивают философии и даже преклоняются.
Uladzimir Izerski:

A play on the imagination or the mysterious number 108?

Tibetan monks have 108 beads on their rosaries. And the first flight into space lasted exactly 108 minutes. It was the time of Gagarin's flight that took man to the next level of understanding reality. There is no doubt that this magic number connects the ancient and modern world in the literal sense of the word. The system of calculations was invented by the first Vedic saints who were famous mathematicians and astrologers. The number 108 in the Vedas is considered to be the magic number of perfection and success. This number represents all being and means a full circle of repetitions.

Here are some interesting arguments: - The number 108 adds up to 9 and represents wholeness. Multiplying any number 9 times, adding all the numbers together yields 9! 9 x 2 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9) 36 x 9 = 324 (3 + 2 + 4 = 9) 285 x 9 = 2565 (2 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9) - Ancient texts say that the universe is built of 108 elements. In the periodic table of chemical elements there are slightly more. - The diameter of the Sun is 108 times that of the Earth. - The distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately equivalent to 108 Suns lined up in a row. And the distance from the Earth to the Moon is 108 moons. - The 9 planets move through 12 signs to form an existence of 108 (9 x 12=108). All major planets go in a complete circle, having visited all the signs of the Zodiac. - It is stated that man has 108 senses: 36 are related to the past, 36 to the present and 36 to the future. - The human body has 108 pain points. - It is believed that after making 108 attempts (repetitions) in any activity one rises to the next level of mastery. This is also connected with the fact that one's memory consists of two parts: temporary and permanent. Temporary memory is designed for short-term storage of information during the period when the action is performed while the permanent memory retains information for life. So, by repeating the information 108 times, you put it into the internal (permanent) memory forever. - There are 108 forms of dance and 108 basic "asanas" in yoga in the Indian culture. - On New Year's Day in Japan, the bell in the Zen Temple rings 108 times. - 108 prayer cylinders are placed around the Bodhnath stupa in Kathmandu. - The world famous prehistoric monument Stonehenge consists of 108 feet in diameter. Various forms of the number 108 appear in many fields of knowledge, cultures and religions. And with such massive use of this number there is obviously some invisible special reason - a sign of something greater.

Read more on Rambler/Horoscopes

1. the system of calculus was not invented by some "Vedic saints", but was invented in ancient Mesopotamia a thousand years before the Vedas were written.

2. There is no mention of 108 elements in any "ancient texts".

3. The periodic table has 117 elements, not "slightly more".

4. The diameter of the Sun is 110 Earth diameters, not 108.

5. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 107.5 Sun diameters.

6.The distance from Earth to the Moon is inconstant as the Moon moves along an ellipsoid.

7. 9 planets (let's say) move through 13 signs of the Zodiac.

Well, and so on.


1. the numbering system was not invented by some "Vedic saints" but was invented in ancient Mesopotamia a thousand years before the Vedas were written.

2. There is no mention of 108 elements in any "ancient texts".

3. The periodic table has 117 elements, not "slightly more".

4. The diameter of the Sun is 110 Earth diameters, not 108.

5. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 107.5 solar diameters.

6.The distance from Earth to the Moon is inconstant as the Moon moves along an ellipsoid.

7. 9 planets (let's say) move through 13 signs of the Zodiac.

Well, and so on.

you're a nerd )

Физики боятся математики?
Физики боятся математики?
  • 2016.11.12
В предисловии к своей научно-популярной книге «Краткая история времени» Стивен Хокинг обещал, что в ней будет только одно уравнение: E=mc2. Физик аргументировал это тем, что формулы отпугивают читателей («Некто сказал мне, что каждое уравнение, которое я включу в книгу, отпугнет половину читателей...»). Оказывается, с научными статьями...