Interesting and Humour - page 3330

Windows 10 update, version 1607, is currently being installed. Anyone out there who's had a go at it yet?

In English the word glitch as a technical term is translated as glitch, and there are only 4 sheets in search of this word (compared to 129 sheets in the Russian search here for the word glitch).

But in their English search - not attaching on 46 sheets. What is 'not attachable'? It is to attach. This is when you see the indicator in the Navigator window of the Metatrader, attach it to the chart but it is not attached to the chart.

Conclusion: ours glitch more and theirs less, but theirs does not attach.

Sergey Golubev:

The name of the branches here in a search for the word future:

  • The future
  • Our future
  • The future or the lure. Shall we discuss?
  • I see the future...
  • Drawing the future
  • Ticket to the future
  • Drawing an indicator into the future
  • The future of automated trading
  • Drawing lines to the future
  • Future time

and so on for 300 pages of word-of-the-future titles.

But everything is the same here by the word future: we have the same search for 300 pages as we do for them.
At least it was the same here.
Karputov Vladimir:
Now installing Windows 10 update, version 1607. Anyone out there who's tried it yet?

Nah, I'm on 1511 for now.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Nah, I'm on 1511 for now.

I'm the one with 1607 (x32 system) rolled onto my tablet. The laptop didn't see 1607 for some reason.
And finally, the word grail.

Since our glitches more than ours, we can assume that by the word grail our search will give more sheets here than they have for the same word (but in English).

Although, to be quite correct, the word grail in the English version should be put in quotes. But not because we doubt that there are no grails (they exist!), but because of not confusing our technical term grail with religious one. But in the Russian version the inverted commas are usually not required.
Naturally, this is a technical forum and no one writes these inverted commas in the English variant. That is, they ask for it without quotes - Grail in a personal letter (yes, the holy one).

So - they have only 12 sheets in search of the word grail, while we have 160.

But that's understandable, because there are more of us glitching.

Sergey Golubev:
And finally - the word grail.

Since there are more glitches in our forum, we may suppose that our search by the word grail will give more pages here than in theirs by the same word (in English).

Although, to be quite correct, the word grail in the English version should be put in quotes. But not because we doubt that there are no grails (they exist!), but because of not confusing our technical term grail with religious one. But in the Russian version the inverted commas are usually not required.
Naturally, this is a technical forum and no one writes these inverted commas in the English variant. That is, they ask for it without quotes - Grail in a personal letter (yes, the holy one).

So - they have only 12 sheets in search of the word grail, while we have 160.

But that's understandable, because there are more of us glitching.

And the winner of our ranking on the word grail:

  • "Help me find a bug in my grail" in the English section of the forum.
  • in the russian part of the forum - "Grail for Zero Spread Pair".
Karputov Vladimir:
Windows 10 update, version 1607, is being installed now. Anyone out there who's tried it yet?

Yep, updated on one computer. Adobe PDF Reader fell off and reinstalling doesn't help, the rest I don't know.

Everything is different again, don't recognise my computer. The touchpad settings have been reset. The desktop picture has been removed and a splash screen with some kind of picture appears at login. But they did ask me if you like the picture. It seems that they have introduced some kind of intelligent system for selecting pictures according to user preferences, so they have been spying on the whole thing.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yep, updated on one computer. Adobe PDF Reader fell off and reinstalling doesn't help, the rest I don't know.

Everything is different again, don't recognise my computer. The touchpad settings have been reset. The desktop picture has been removed and a splash screen with some kind of picture appears at login. But they did ask me if you like the picture. They seem to have introduced some kind of intelligent system for selecting pictures according to the user's preferences, which means that they were spying on the whole thing.

Well, on the tablet when logging in, like it or not the picture began to ask about half a year ago. And indeed, the picture ranking system really works.
Karputov Vladimir:
This is my tablet rolling 1607 (x32 system). The laptop did not see 1607 for some reason.
I had this update installed on my laptop yesterday. And this morning Adobe Flash updated. Didn't notice any unpleasant effects after all that.