Interesting and Humour - page 3329

Sergey Golubev:


That's because people don't play sports. I assure you, after 2 hours of amateur boxing you won't have an ounce of aggression left in you. And 2-2.5 litres of sweat.

I emphasize, boxing is amateur, we don't need battered heads.)


Good morning

Good morning, gentlemen!)))

Server Muradasilov:
I did a little googling now, it looks like the underlying asset etc. .......... I would say there is no less risk, one can wait for months for profit, and I do not know that there will be any profit.
Of course, there is no such thing as free cheese in the financial markets.

Likewise - inpodobike

Disliked - beka

Dos attack - bitch attack

Мудрофон, самознімка и лобхлоп. Украинская версия популярных иностранных слов
Мудрофон, самознімка и лобхлоп. Украинская версия популярных иностранных слов
  • 2016.09.13
Если ты хочешь быть в теме, недостаточно просто употреблять модные английские слова. Важно еще и знать, как они переводятся на украинский язык. Не важно, говоришь ты по-русски или по-украински (но украинцем быть обязан, иначе попросту не поймешь). В данном случае важен сам факт знания перевода популярных «зарубежных» слов. Но для начала немного...

The prophetic cartoon Winter in Prostokvashino tells us every year about the time in which we now live. At the end of 2014, the meanings of this cartoon crystallise especially: The conflict between Sharik and Matroskin takes place not on the verbal level, but on the media level. As today's internet savants, the two animals send messages to each other with the help of a media intermediary (Postman Pechkin), who personifies the internet and profits from the parties' conflict by giving birth to ugly meanings.The ball even resorts to the visual language of pictures, which, just as pictures on today's internet, are based on word games (VigVam is VigVam, such silly jokes fill the entire web, and are often the last argument of several animals) "The television set has replaced nature for me" complains Pote Matroskin, to the acoustic guitar, heralding a media catastrophe to come.Mum appears at the end in two hypostases - a virtual mute, beautiful in an evening gown, and a live one - singing, on skis, in a jumpsuit.Your mother is shown both there and there - and all of us are now shown both there and there, and there too.The singer Valentina Tolkunova, who sang her hit song 'If only there was no winter', performed the song 'If only there was no war' after this cartoon and now, in 2014, it really reminds us to continue this song, 'If only there was no war, in the cities and villages, we would never know those cheerful days.But no, this is too sad. And we don't want to think that soon the riding academics will really fill the post-apocalypse. There is no eternal Summer, but you want to have fun in winter too. We hope that Leningrad has done the most important thing for you this year. That we helped you to see the meanings, events and hysterics around you in a more positive, cheerful, joyful, unbridledly desperate way. Not to dance on the bones, but to understand that it's all beautiful and fleeting little things that are worth dancing on them, like on a table. See you in the new year!

Published: 31 Dec. 2014 г.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

That's because people don't do sport. I assure you, after 2 hours of amateur boxing, you won't have a drop of aggression left in you. And 2-2.5 litres of sweat.

I emphasize, boxing is amateur, we don't need heads beaten off.)

Yes, boxing is life. I've been doing it for a long time now.

At least like this (in the gym at work, after work):


The name of the threads here are searched by the word glitch:

  • Weird glitch in the script
  • Glitch or no glitch
  • Glitches with stops
  • Glitches in MQL-editor
  • Glitches. build 206
  • Glitches with DDE
  • What kind of glitches
  • Glitches on the contest
  • Glitch with input parameters
  • Glitches with Library
  • Glitch?
  • New glitch
  • Shell bug
  • Object bug
  • Is it a glitch?
  • Glitch with hint
  • Detected glitch
  • I have such a glitch
  • A detected glitch.
  • Another glitch
  • What kind of glitch?
  • Apparently it's a glitch.
  • Must be a glitch.
  • nasty glitch

and so on for 129 sheets of glitches in the search.


The name of the branches here in a search for the word future:

  • The future
  • Our future
  • The future or the lure. Shall we discuss?
  • I see the future...
  • Drawing the future
  • Ticket to the future
  • Drawing an indicator into the future
  • The future of automated trading
  • Drawing lines to the future
  • Future time

and so on for 300 pages of word-of-the-future titles.

The winner of the ranking for the word glitch could be the branch called "nasty glitch", and for the word future, the branch called "Future Time".
Sergey Golubev:
The winner of the ranking for the word glitch could be a branch called 'nasty glitch', and for the word future, a branch called 'Future Time'.
The writers of Hollywood screenplays can draw inspiration. What a sound! - "Future Time".