Interesting and Humour - page 3328


There are many more different, so to speak, smaller bad things that are used in Internet communication (I gave some of the most common ones above), but almost all of them are in English (name + description etc.), since in general almost all of it came to us from abroad (i.e. it's not all ours). There's a lot of stuff like that.

I started a thread on an English-language forum once a long time ago and there were several sheets with such names and definitions with links to sources/reference books. It turned out to be a lot of sheets. And what ended up happening was that any post could fall under such a thing (where frud, where something else) :) That is, no matter who wrote, their post would still be identified as bad :)
It's good that many of these things have remained in the English-language segment of the Internet (where some of them came to us in due course).

Sergey Golubev:

There are many more different, so to speak, smaller bad things that are used in Internet communication (I gave some of the most common ones above), but almost all of them are in English (name + description etc.), since in general almost all of it came to us from abroad (i.e. it's not all ours). There's a lot of stuff like that.

I started a thread on an English-language forum once a long time ago, there are several listings with such names and definitions with links to sources/reference books. It turned out to be a lot of sheets. And what ended up happening was that any post could fall under such a thing (where frud, where something else) :) That is, no matter who writes, their post will still be identified as bad :)
It's good that many of these things have remained in the English-language segment of the Internet (which is where they came to us in their day).

There they were analysed, identified, systematised, described and published.
Sergey Golubev:

There are many more different, so to speak, smaller bad things that are used in Internet communication (I gave some of the most common ones above), but almost all of them are in English (name + description etc.), since in general almost all of it came to us from abroad (i.e. it's not all ours). There's a lot of stuff like that.

I started a thread on an English-language forum once a long time ago and there were several sheets with such names and definitions with links to sources/reference books. It turned out to be a lot of sheets. And what ended up happening was that any post could fall under such a thing (where frud, where something else) :) That is, no matter who wrote, their post would still be identified as bad :)
It's good that many of these things have remained in the English-language segment of the Internet (where some of them came to us in due course).

Theoretical course conducted...
When do the practical classes start?
In which classroom is the credit?
Fun facts.

Venice is built on stilts of Russian larch, which hardly ever rots in water.

When transporting live fish in closed holds filled with water, the main problem was that the fish would not move and would die of suffocation.
Various stirring devices were installed, but the fish did not want to move. The solution was quite simple - predatory fish were introduced into the hold.

In the USA, Reebok trainers are sold in the original assembly. And to combat shoe theft from the finished product factories, they came up with the following:
the right trainer is made in Taiwan and the left trainer is made in Thailand.

Henry Ford's statement "You can choose any colour Ford car you want, provided that colour is black" is not based on Ford's colour preferences.
Only the Japanese black lacquer had time to dry while the car was going down the assembly line.

Sultan Abdul-Ata won several battles. Before battle, he forced his wives to open their faces and undress in front of the enemy army.
This so shocked the enemy's Muslim warriors that it often resulted in suicide.


Soon we will be eating Polish apples grown in Russia. Sanctions are beginning to bear fruit, but not at all what their authors hoped for).

Polish businessmen want to grow apples in Kaliningrad region

Польские бизнесмены хотят выращивать яблоки в Калининградской области
Польские бизнесмены хотят выращивать яблоки в Калининградской области
Польский бизнес готов инвестировать в садоводство в России. Развивать сотрудничество с калининградскими коллегами намерен крупный производитель фруктов, компания «Топ-Сад». Как передает правительственная пресс-служба, в среду, 17 августа, состоялась рабочая встреча инвестора и главы регионального Минсельхоза Сергея Лютаревича. Как сообщил...


Can someone decipher some of these sentences, I don't get it.)

I mainly use delta-neutral strategies, the essence of which is to remain neutral to the market and not depend on where the price goes. The profit in this case will be due to volatility changes and the decay of the time value of the options.

Server Muradasilov:


Can someone decipher some of these sentences, I don't get it.)

I mainly use delta-neutral strategies, the essence of which is to remain neutral to the market and not depend on where the price goes. The profit in this case will be due to volatility changes and the decay of the time value of the options.

Well, it's like buying put and call options at the same time. Probably.
Andrey Dik:
Well, it's like buying put and call options at the same time. I guess.
I googled it, it looks like that, the underlying asset etc. .......... They are risky and you can wait months for profits, but they are not sure they will be profitable.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Doesn't even that admit it?

The paradox of the murdered grandfather is a time travel paradox first described by the science fiction writer René Barjaval in his 1943 bookLe voyageur imprudent.

The plot consisted of a man using a time machine totravel back in time, where he killed his biological grandfather before the latter met the traveller's grandmother. The result suggests that one of the traveller's parents, and by extension the traveller himself, would never have been born. That is, he would ultimately not have been able to travel through time, which in turn means that his grandfather would have remained alive and the traveller would have been born, and this would have allowed him to travel through time and kill his grandfather. Thus, every possibility implies a negation of itself, creating a logical paradox.

The plot assumes that time moves linearly, like a tram on a track. Yes, in that case there really would be a grandfather paradox. In fact, time and the universe are constantly branching out and there is no such paradox.

That's why I destroyed my time machine as a useless invention ))