Interesting and Humour - page 3268

The Amphibian Man, or what is the secret of American Michael Phelps's victories.
Человек-амфибия, или в чем секрет побед американца Майкла Фелпса
Человек-амфибия, или в чем секрет побед американца Майкла Фелпса
  • Степан Чаушьян
Майкл Фелпс самый титулованный спортсмен в современной истории. К 31 году он успел выиграть 21 золотую Олимпийскую медаль. Всего же наград с Игр у Майкла 25. Рекорд Ларисы Латыниной, которой за свою карьеру удалось собрать «лишь» 18 Олимпийских медалей, американец побил еще на прошлых Играх 2012 года в Лондоне. Этим летом, к пятому...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Abalone... very interesting, what does the author call possessed witchcraft? The article traces that sort of inquisitors call possessed witchcraft. However, it also traces somewhere that an abundance of witches are called possessed by witchcraft. Some strange article with a double meaning.

What witchcraft is is known, and it is in no way appropriate for inquisitors. Also, the phrase "possession by an agency" is kind of ridiculous. In short, it's not an article, it's complete nonsense. The question is why?

It would be good to ask the author of the article.

There is only a link to the source.

Wolfgang Tarnowski/per. A. Volkov "Witches and the Inquisition", -M.:Tessloff Vertag, Nurnberg, 1962

Yury Reshetov:

Tales for children, quote:

"And finally remembered the Dalai Lama's warning. Just in case, without explaining the real reason ..."

I.e. the author of this nonsense "reads Brezhnev's thoughts from a distance". Otherwise, how could he "know" that Brezhnev then remembered and did not tell anyone? Did the cat murmur to the author?

Reading this "tale" I thought roughly the same thing.

This is from the book Anitreligious Azubka, 1933 edition.

The Archangel Michael has been entrusted with eradicating corruption in Russia.

At the initiative of Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia , in the interests of strengthening the spiritual and moral foundations of the staff of the Investigative Committee of Russia
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia gave his blessing to designate Saint Archangel Michael as the spiritual (heavenly) patron of the agency.
Святейший Патриарх Московский и Всея Руси Кирилл благословил определить духовным покровителем Следственного комитета России Архангела Михаила - Следственный Комитет Российской Федерации
Святейший Патриарх Московский и Всея Руси Кирилл благословил определить духовным покровителем Следственного комитета России Архангела Михаила - Следственный Комитет Российской Федерации
По инициативе Председателя Следственного комитета России Александра Бастрыкина в интересах укрепления духовно-нравственных основ кадрового состава СК России Святейший Патриарх Московский и Всея Руси Кирилл благословил определить духовным (небесным) покровителем ведомства Святого Архистратига Божия Михаила. Выбор небесного покровителя...

Better about Juju.


In short, Zhu Zhu went to Bollywood in India after playing the role of Chi Chi and started acting in films there and all her other photos are already with Indian men.

And then there's Zhu (just Zhu, man), on wikipedia about him here.
He is 27 years old, an electronic music producer and vocalist.

This song ("Zhu from the morning") has more than 10 million views on YouTube.

There is also a song by Kirkorov, which many people sing as "I love you Zhuzhu, .
"I love you more and more day by day...", but that's from a series of jokes.

It's all about Zhuzhu.
Zhu Zhu played Chi Chi in Iron Fist, what a cliché. I immediately saw her as Natasha Rostova in the Chinese version of War and Peace. I wish I could post our actresses in that role now. They look very much alike.
Yuri Evseenkov:
Zhu Zhu played Chi Chi in Iron Fist, what a cliché. I immediately saw her as Natasha Rostova in the Chinese version of War and Peace. Too bad I can't post our actresses in that role right now. They are very much alike.

The Chinese version of War and Peace, cool!

It'll probably be as long as the Chinese Wall and have more episodes than Beverly Hills, Zhu Zhu will grow old sooner.