Interesting and Humour - page 3249

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I was not hindered by ideology. I lived as I saw fit.

And about creation.

Let's open our eyes and look around. Almost everything around is Soviet. And what is the result of entrepreneurship? A couple of years ago we seem to have reached the level of hydrocarbon production of 1989.... And so everything is foreign, a shame.

If we talk about models in economy, I did much more serious things in Soviet times than today. Today, having the experience, I cannot repeat the Soviet level - not the infrastructure.

Yes, it was not hampered by ideology - to sit at the feeding trough which half of the country worked for.

I open my eyes, look around and... I don't see anything like that.

What should be the result of entrepreneurship? A person should have the right to entrepreneurship, that is all.

In the USSR there was no foreign business, because it was not allowed. There was a bit here and there, but you wouldn't compare the quality of a Charm tape recorder with a Electronica 321, would you?

СанСаныч Фоменко:
Sorry, you're not making any sense. We didn't have today's abundance, but on holidays (70s, 80s) all my acquaintances and I had a table full of them. No one went hungry on ordinary days either.

You still haven't understood anything about the nuances of life in the USSR. That's because you are crouched at the feeding trough and have no idea what life was really like in the USSR. Did you even go to the November demonstration? I remember, it was freezing -30 below zero, schoolchildren were being chased through the city.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yeah, ideology didn't get in the way - sitting at the trough that half the country worked for

Well, why at the trough? With their own labor. Others could, too. My classmates, who went to military school, lived better. One rule: You have to work, not drink. Have a goal.

About the trough.

I started at the factory, as a turner. Nearby was a machine almost retired, a turner of the 6th category: a Hero of Socialist Labor, a Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, who came to work in his own Volga, with a suit and tie, with all the orders and medals (not at war). I like him a lot better than all those Abramovichs... and other "entrepreneurs".

What should be the result of entrepreneurship? A person should have rights, that's all.

All these modern "rights" are bullshit. Rights can be ensured only by the state, regardless of the individual. The common man, in comparison to the USSR, has no rights at all. Just think of the right to work.

all clear
Dmitry Fedoseev:

You still haven't understood anything about the nuances of life in the USSR. That's because you are crouched at the feeding trough and have no idea what life was really like in the USSR. Did you even go to the November demonstration? I remember, it was freezing -30 below zero, schoolchildren were being driven across town.

Why not?

Before my salary of 400, I got 170 with two small children. That leaves 3 rubles, and there's still a week till payday.

Somebody's been working their ass off to get a bonus because they got a Sharpe at a thrift store. And I was aiming to write my dissertation. And then the owners of the Sharp became jealous of me...

Life was different. But it was fair - that is the main thing for me.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

You still haven't understood anything about the nuances of life in the USSR. That's because you are sitting on a warm seat at the trough and have no idea what life was really like in the USSR. Did you even go to the November demonstration? I remember, it was freezing -30 below zero, schoolchildren were being chased through the city.

Poor bastard. Minus 30. It's freezing you out. One day of the year and your whole life is negative.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Why not?

Before the salary of 400, I was getting 170 with two small children. That leaves me 3 roubles and a week before payday.

Somebody was going out of their way to get a bonus because they'd bought a Sharp at a thrift store. And I was aiming to write my dissertation. And then the owners of the Sharp became jealous of me...

Life was different. But it was fair - that is the main thing for me.

But do not tell me that as a candidate in the Soviet Union was so chic, just perestroika overtook me in the institute, and before that I have not seen teachers coming to work in a car, only the rector, but after perestroika, literally before my eyes, some teachers have acquired cars. So they are more likely to agree with me than with you.

Alexander Laur:


Sharpe is shit compared to Rostov.

Maybe it was probably too good, never made it to the hinterland. At least I got to see the Sharp once, but I didn't see the Rostov.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

...just as perestroika was catching up with me in college...

Yikes. You were in the Union when you were a kid. So you're way off base.

Where is the best place for a woman to meet a positive man?

Electric train

