Interesting and Humour - page 3242

You seem to have only one problem in life now - bears ))))
No, I don't have a teddy bear problem in my life at all.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:


Thought he was a quality troll - wrong. He's not a troll in fact. He's quick to get personal and insulting. A quality troll, respecting the rules, will sway his interlocutor to insult. And if the troll himself is insulting, what kind of troll is he?


And how did you make that conclusion by cursorily watching one of the ten posts of a person you're not interested in? 0_o

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
No, there is no mishka problem in my life at all. You just do not read carefully what I write.

I read carefullyAndrey F. Zelinsky: For any viable culture there is a rule: "It was yours and now it's ours".

5 times I asked you to answer the question - is this your life position?

You have answered zero.

So you're a thief who preaches a thief's way of life and culture.

Igor Konyashin:

And how did you make that conclusion by glancing through one post out of ten of someone you are not interested in? 0_o

So all the posts are monotonous. A quick glance at a couple is enough.

What's wrong with my conclusions? Let's wait a little longer and all my conclusions will come true. I'm not going to erase my posts. It'll be easy to check later.


No, no, you're talking about him - he's a regular sh... he's a regular sh...

There's just no one here right now - he's got you all to himself.

I see. I guess it didn't work out in the family. It happens.

Seth Rogen hides talking food in the supermarket

"Actor Seth Rogen pulled a very scary prank: he laid out talking foods in a New York supermarket. Melon, bread and sausage, endowed with eyes and mouths, were hidden among ordinary products and began to speak to customers at an unexpected moment. They were voiced by Seth Rogen himself, hidden in the next room."

"Seth Rogen's spoof is part of a promotional campaign for the animated film Full Rumble, which follows the adventures of supermarket food. The film will be released in Russia in September with an age restriction of 18+."


No, no, you're not talking about him. He's a regular sh...

You have to have the support of moderators to cause a scandal.

And I don't have that support. So, by definition, I can't cause a scandal here.

The moderators who are currently active are so active that they react faster than they can read a post.

That's where the attacks have to be fought off.

I won't say I'm white and fluffy, because I'm not -- but your: "regularly fights... "regularly, uh, causes scandals" -- that's definitely not about me.

I'm a loner -- and a loner can't make a scene. A loner can only fight back and get away in time.


A monument to a woman's handbag

Как нанимают программистов. Интервью с Катериной Гавриловой из DigitalHR
Как нанимают программистов. Интервью с Катериной Гавриловой из DigitalHR
Рекрутеров редко спрашивают про то, как устроена их работа: обычно на собеседованиях кандидатам интереснее узнавать про проекты, куда они будут выходить. Оно и правильно. Но в одну пятницу CEO DigitalHR Катя Гаврилова в интервью с Hexlet отвечала на поток вопросов от разработчиков: почему эйчары не перезванивают, как становятся рекрутерами и...
Is there one for -should-be? )

I hope that's not a rhetorical question.)

I had something like that, but I can't remember it now, which is strange, because when I get a question about how to spell it correctly, I remember it.

It seems that you have to ask a question and if the verb has a soft sign in the question, then it's with a soft sign.