Interesting and Humour - page 3241

Alexandr Saprykin:

You poor souls are racking your brains as to why it is so and not otherwise.

You might want to start thinking about why a machine is called a machine and not otherwise. Why robot is robot and not some other word?

There is such a thing as linguistic ontology, which studies why...
Anatoli Kazharski:

There had to be something to settle on. Or should we have stuck with a lot of options and let everyone choose which system to follow? If people had done that in everything, the world would probably be a very different place now. It might have been better, I don't know. ))

Suit yourself, but for me it makes sense, as from the point of view of someone who has had 15 years of experience playing guitar every day and interacting with professional musicians in his own studio. Even on the harp you can sometimes see how the strings with the notes Do and E are highlighted in different colours to make it easier to navigate. But really, when you have mastered the instrument well enough you don't even have to look at it when playing. There are even blind musicians who master the instrument relying solely on their hearing.

But in any case, initially, of course, there could have been any sense. To tell you the truth, during all time of communication with many professional musicians I have never faced with such a question. Musicians, who teach music, just pay attention to this marking. You can see at a glance where the C and E are.

Why do you think we're racking our brains, poor man? The usual dialogue. At least I'm used to the subject and I'm interested in it. This guitarist (see video below), once visited me in the studio at the invitation of my friend Sergey Efimov (ex-drummer of "Cruise" band). One of the best guitarists in Russia is Dmitry Chetregov.

The subject of music is familiar to me too, I have collaborated with musical bands... But I didn't break my head much about piano keys, and which ones taste better))
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Actually, I really don't want to get banned, but first of all, the thread would be deprived of any kind of discussion. You have to admit it would get really boring.

And who are you going to ban? Mishek? Let him hang out. What's the use of him? Russophobia will not develop, at least the posts are removed and deleted quickly. Insulting do not start, also delete posts.

I thought that he was a quality troll, I was wrong. He is not a troll in fact. He is quick to fall into personalities and insults. A quality troll, abiding by the rules, will sway his interlocutor to insults. If he is insulting, what kind of troll is he?

So -- let Mishek hang out -- when he gets bored, he will fuck off -- or (which is more likely) when he wants to fuck off, he will deliberately get himself banned, like a sufferer.

Vasily Fomyuk. In the bathhouse.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Who are you going to send to the baths? Misheka? Let him hang out. What is the use of him? Russophobia will not develop, at least the posts are deleted and deleted quickly. Insulting do not start, also delete posts.

I thought that he was a quality troll, I was wrong. He is not a troll in fact. He is quick to fall into personalities and insults. A quality troll, abiding by the rules, will sway his interlocutor to insults. If he is insulting, what kind of troll is he?

So -- let Mishek hang out -- when he gets bored, he will fuck off -- or (which is more likely) when he wants to fuck off, he will deliberately get himself banned, like a sufferer.

So he expects to be banned himself, it seems he likes to go to the bathhouse, he can't do without it)


just beautiful numbers

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Who are you going to send to the baths? Misheka? Let him hang out. What is the use of him? Russophobia will not develop, at least the posts are deleted and deleted quickly. Insulting do not start, also delete posts.

I thought that he was a quality troll, I was wrong. He is not a troll in fact. He is quick to fall into personalities and insults. A quality troll, abiding by the rules, will sway his interlocutor to insults. If he is insulting, what kind of troll is he?

So -- let Mishek hang out -- when he gets bored, he will fuck off -- or (which is more likely) when he wants to fuck off, he will deliberately get himself banned, like a sufferer.

You seem to have only one problem in life now -- bears.))
You seem to have only one problem in life now - bears ))))

No, no, you're talking about him - he's a regular sh... he's a regular sh...

There's just no one here right now - he's got you all to himself.