Interesting and Humour - page 3207

Alexey Viktorov:
I feel as if I have entered a forum of numismatic historians...
It happens here, now about numismatics, now about a healthy lifestyle... Popcorn and watch the show=)
Dmitry Fedoseev:

What the hell... Are you trying to trick me or something? I'm going to cry from confession.

An example of someone foolishly and ignorantly making a great discovery, please... please...

Ahh, I knew you wouldn't like it, no, not a trick, but rather an attempt to think objectively about reality, but it seems to have failed.

With an example, hm, in general this phrase - Everyone since childhood knows that this and that is impossible. But there is always an ignoramus who does not know this. He is the one who makes the discovery. - said Einstein.

He probably meant those about whom he knew more than you and me, or maybe even himself.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I knew you wouldn't like it. No, it's not. It's more about trying to think objectively about reality.

With an example, hmm, in general, the phrase is that everyone knows since childhood that something or other is impossible. But there is always an ignoramus who does not know it. He is the one who makes the discovery. - said Einstein.

He probably meant those about whom he knew more than you and me, or maybe even himself.

Yes yes of course!

Everyone may know the phrase. Einstein may have said it, but he didn't say it to me. And if you say it, then answer the question - give me an example.

Alexander Laur:

The peaches are ripe... Beautiful.


That's it, we're coming to you.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yes yes of course!

Everyone may know the phrase. Einstein may have said it, but he didn't say it to me. And if you say it, then answer the question - give me an example.

And you need him to tell it to you personally, otherwise you don't get it. Cool!

And who else has not reported to you personally that something, will you wait for a personal appeal?

There is, for example, the North Pole and the South Pole, but I doubt you have been there personally, but they have not ceased to exist because of that.

I get the feeling you have a problem with perception of the world.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

And you need him to tell it to you personally, otherwise it is not perceived. Cool!

And who else has not reported anything to you personally, will you wait for a personal appeal?

There is, for example, the North Pole and the South Pole, but I doubt you have been there in person, but they do not cease to exist.

It seems that you have a problem with the perception of the world.

No, he has given you an amazing opportunity to quote him and blame everything on him. Are you his adjutant?

About that last point - dream on, dream on.


Yuri, call your friends, they're good with perception, they'll help

perception of the world
Alexandr Saprykin:
Often, but not always. Keep a close eye on what is going on.