Interesting and Humour - page 3203

Dmitry Fedoseev:
I wonder what you mean by that. You should first read what is written here, then add. Kaliningrad has been a part of Russia since 1946, what does antiquity have to do with it? If you take antiquity of Kaliningrad, what has its antiquity got to do with Russia?
I have a desire (which hasn't been realized for some reasons) to buy a BMW model 1937 in good condition and without any modifications (the original).
So, when I will buy this work of art I will be able to say about it "my rarity BMW". And that will be an absolutely correct statement, despite the fact that the car was produced in a German factory, has changed several owners and is almost 2 times older than me. Some newspaper article (probably) will have a caption under a photo of this technical marvel: "Rarity BMW of Ukrainian Mr. Sushchenko Volodymyr". A sensible person would not have any cognitive dissonance.
Московский игроман решил жениться на покемоне
Московский игроман решил жениться на покемоне
  • 2016.08.09
Житель Иван решил обратиться в Кутузовский ЗАГС, чтобы официально зарегистрировать свои отношения с покемоном. Карманный монстр женского пола по кличкеДитто считается одним из самых редких, поэтому столичный игроман решил предложить мультперсонажу руку и сердце в надежде поймать его. «Я люблю покемона Дитто. Она способна к покемонопроизводству...
Vladimir Suschenko:
I have a desire (not yet realised for a number of reasons) to buy a 1937 BMW model in good condition and without alterations (original).
So, when I buy this work of art I will be able to talk about it as "my vintage BMW". And that will be an absolutely correct statement, despite the fact that the car was produced in a German factory, has changed several owners and is almost 2 times older than me. Some newspaper article (probably) will have a caption under a photo of this technical marvel: "Rarity BMW of Ukrainian Volodymyr Sushchenko". Such wording will not cause any cognitive dissonance of sane people.
But if under a photo you will write "Rarity car of SWA model"...
What's the point?"Ditto are sexless pokemons, it's impossibleto get a ditto egg"
Dmitry Fedoseev:
But if under the photo you write "Rarity car model SWA"...
There was no caption "Kaliningrad - ancient city of Russian architecture".

Laziness is a sign of high intelligence

The original English version is here.
Specifically, it says that people who think are much less active than people who are not inclined to think/think a lot.

Ученые доказали, что лень является признаком высокого интеллекта
Ученые доказали, что лень является признаком высокого интеллекта
Ученые из США установили, что лень свидетельствует о высоком уровне IQ. Об этом пишет The Independent со ссылкой на Journal of Health Psychology, передает РИА Новости. Исследователи из Университета Флориды провели опрос среди нескольких десятков студентов, во время которого им было предложено выбрать один из вариантов действий при решении...
Vladimir Suschenko:
There was no caption "Kaliningrad is an ancient city of Russian architecture".
And what do you mean by a city? People? If people, they are all under 100 years old (with rare exception), what is ancient?
Sergey Golubev:

Laziness is a sign of high intelligence

The original English version is here.
Specifically, it says that people who think are much less active than people who are not inclined to think/think a lot.

"Why are We so smart? Because we are lazy. You have to think before you do something. That's why We don't make any unnecessary moves.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
And what do you think is meant by a city? People? If people, they're all under 100 years old (with a few exceptions), what's ancient?
It's not my credo to imply... All the more ridiculous.
Vladimir Suschenko:
It's not my credo to imply... Much less the nonsensical.

So for you words exist by themselves without an implied meaning? That's funny...

What's absurd? The city is a nonsense? I see, for you a city is architecture. As I've written here before, for some people the concept of culture is beyond perception and understanding. The thesis is confirmed.