Interesting and Humour - page 3198

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Vladimir, there are some people who find it very difficult to understand what you have said. :-)

Of course, in the history of Russia this city appeared not so long ago. But it is very old indeed.
No matter what state it belongs to, it doesn't make it any less ancient,
it's now part of Russia, so why not issue a coin.
It is also useful to know history, and you can start by re-reading Karamzin.

And what exactly did Karamzin write about Königsberg?
Aleksey Levashov:
You got it wrong. It is just that in recent years, in the Russian academic (hightech) environment, English terms have been used more often, in particular, doctorate instead of PhD.

Then do a full explanation. So that it is clear to those who are not at all in the subject.

In Russian scientific practice there are: defense of a candidate dissertation and defense of a doctoral dissertation -- respectively, there is a candidate of science and doctor of science -- respectively, there is an associate professor and a professor. I.e. to become a doctor of science in Russian scientific practice it is necessary to defend two dissertations -- a candidate dissertation and then a doctoral dissertation.

And in Russian scientific practice, there is a doctoral student, which is a kind of doctoral school, but for writing a doctoral dissertation.

In Western scientific practice is limited to one dissertation (called doctorate) and the results are obtained the degree of "doctor".

Therefore, to use the term "doctorate" in the Russian scientific environment is ridiculous. It strongly resembles an admission of oneself as an inherently underdeveloped scientist. Although, some people, when spelling out their regalia, write: "Ph.D., doctor of philosophy" -- sounds very ridiculous. There's a Russian word for it: "sycophant."

Aleksey Levashov:
You have misunderstood. It is just that in recent years , in the Russian academic (hightech) environment, English terms have been used more often, in particular, doctorate instead of PhD.

The zeitgeist. You are probably not surprised by many English words that have become quite commonplace in Russian. Now even some grandmothers say "imho, securiti, franchise...".

And as for Western education, you should ask the Russian elite - ministers, big state officials and State Duma deputies. Many of them have children studying in the West.

However, there is no criminality here. This is also the currents of the times... But not for mere mortals, but for the chosen few.
Alexei, you are full of nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, in what recent years? - There is no and has never been any clear boundary of time.
Since very ancient times, Greek, Italian and French English words have penetrated into the Russian language. The military terms have almost all been borrowed.
With education you are right, practically all of its history for the most part since Peter the Great,
including Peter the Great himself, the Russian elite were educated mostly abroad. (with some exceptions from 1917 to 1991)
And rightly noted of course they were not mere mortals.
Take the time of the Lomonosov Russian Academy of Sciences, the surnames are all foreigners.
We have only one Russian scientist at that time - Lomonosov.

L.L. Blumentrost 1692-1755 President of the Academy
I.D. Schumacher 1690-1761 secretary of the Academy
Я. Herman 1678-1733 academician in the department of higher mathematics
Х. Martini 1699-after 1739 academician in the department of logic and metaphysics[23]
J. P. Kohl 1698-1778 academician in the department of eloquence and church history
G. B. Bilfinger 1693-1750 academician in the department of experimental and theoretical physics[23]
Н. Bernoulli 1695-1726 academic in the Department of Mechanics
Д. Bernoulli 1700-1782 academician in the Department of Physiology
J. N. Delillet 1688-1768 academician in the Department of Astronomy
J. H. Buxbaum 1693-1730 academician in botany department
Х. Goldbach 1690-1764 Conference Secretary of the Academy
М. Bürger ?-1726 Academician in the Department of Chemistry and Practical Medicine
J. G. Duvernois 1691-1759 academic in the Department of anatomy and zoology
G.Z. Bayer 1694-1738 academician in Greek and Roman Antiquities
I.S. Bekenstein 1684-1742 academician in the department of jurisprudence

Блюментрост — Википедия
Блюментрост (нем.  ) — фамилия немецкого происхождения. Известные носители: Блюментрост, Иван Лаврентьевич (1676—1756) — аптекарь, глава Медицинской канцелярии в период 1721—1730 годов. Лейб-медик Петра I, Екатерины I и царевича Алексея. Блюментрост, Лаврентий Алферьевич (1619—1705) — государственный...
And what exactly did Karamzin write about Koenigsberg?

Beg1: // program description here

for ( ;; )


Vladimir, there are some people who find it very difficult to understand what you are saying. :-)


GOTO Beg1: // if you happen to fall out of the loop


Wherever Zelinsky appears, the rest of the clowns always run in and start shitting.

Always and in all threads.


Wherever Zelinsky appears, the rest of the clowns always run in and start shitting.

Always and in all threads.

When you have nothing to say, you start getting personal, it's a well-known liberal technique.


OK, Dimitri has admitted to being a running clown, I have to hand it to you, that's progress. ( that's deliberately getting personal, using a tool from the "liberal" arsenal)

Yuriy Zaytsev:
When you have nothing to say, you get into personalities, which is a well-known liberal technique.

What do I have to cover for if I haven't got into all this arguing and shitting in a few threads?


What's there to "cover" for when I haven't got into all this arguing and shitting for several threads?

You have to use foul language and go to a bathhouse to wash your body and soul of dirt for a long time.

Well, he did join ... - I was reminded of a joke :-) about the boy and his grandmother joining the pioneer organization


you are having trouble understanding it, you must have fallen out of the loop, then go again
Интересное и Юмор
Интересное и Юмор
Форум трейдеров

Photo: Valery Shcherbina


Good Morning.

The Morning of Streletsky Execution. Surikov, 1881, Tretyakov Gallery.

In this work the artist shows the tragic finale of the last Streltsy uprising.

The streltsys, the old pre-Petrine army, were for the most part small tradesmen and craftsmen who in addition to their wages and allowances for military service received plots of land and a number of trading privileges. The weakness of the Streltsy units as far as military service was concerned had already become apparent before Peter the Great and they were replaced by "foreign regiments" and given over to domestic service. Disadvantaged in their economic interests by the new procedures, the Streltsy units repeatedly revolted against the power and the reforms undertaken by it. Streltsy uprisings resonated with the people as a protest against the authorities intensifying the enslavement and oppression. Wishing to pacify the Streltsy, Peter removes them from Moscow. But this only leads to another riot in 1698 when the Streltsy decided to overthrow Peter and install his sister, Tsarevna Sophia, on the throne. This last Streltsy uprising was put down with exceptional cruelty - thousands of Streltsy men went to the scaffold and the gallows, the rest were sent to the outskirts and the Streltsy army was destroyed.

Taking Streltsy execution as the subject of his painting, Surikov did not show the execution itself. The brutal melodramatic effects - running streams of blood and turning blue heads of those hanged - were alien to him.The clash of two worlds, the terrible tragedy of the people - that's what Surikov was trying to convey.

On the Red Square, facing each other, two crowds, two irreconcilable camps: the people - the perturbed old Russia, and the power - the new Russia, headed by Peter. The last moments before the inevitable execution.