Interesting and Humour - page 3195

 Alexandr Saprykin:

And 70 years of Russian history of Kaliningrad does not give you the right? You have a double standard, however. For some people, even that period is already ancient.

I do not have double standards, and you, sorry, have lacunae in education. Ask historians, archaeologists, what should be considered antiquities.

It would be ridiculous and ridiculous among them to say the following phrase: " An ancient coin from 1945 was found on the territory of.......".
Aleksey Levashov:
I don't have double standards, and you, sorry, lacunae in education. Ask historians, archaeologists what should be considered antiquities.

A ridiculous and ridiculous among them would be, say, the following phrase: " An ancient coin from 1945 was found on the territory of.......".

Sorry, but Kaliningrad is over 750 years old. Ancient? Yes.

It's been Russian for 70 years. So it is an ancient city of Russia.

P.S. This is my personal opinion. I don't impose it on anyone and I see further discussion on this subject as absurd.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Sorry, but Kaliningrad is over 750 years old. Ancient? Yes.

It's been Russian for 70 years. So it is an ancient city of Russia.

P.S. This is my personal opinion. I don't impose it on anyone, and I see further discussion on the subject as absurd.

The ancient city is part of Russia.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Sorry, but Kaliningrad is over 750 years old. Ancient? Yes.

It's been Russian for 70 years. So it is an ancient city of Russia.

Alexander, you are contradicting yourself: Not Kaliningrad, but Königsberg is over 750 years old. An ancient city? Of course it is.

Kaliningrad was Soviet (as part of the USSR) for 46 years? Of course, yes.

Has Kaliningrad been Russian for 25 years? Of course, yes.

Is Kaliningrad an ancient Russian city? Of course not.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
An ancient city within Russia.
To be more precise: an ancient Prussian city, which has recently been part of Russia.

But it is precisely this recent time that prevents us from calling Kaliningrad an ancient Russian city. The very name of the city simply shouts about it.
All in all a good series of coins, stimulates interest in history.
There's not much space on the coin, so I had to write briefly.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
All in all a good series of coins, stimulates interest in history.
That's a statement I agree with 100%.
Herkus Mantas was a Prussian leader who led the national liberation movement of the Prussians against the Teutonic Order in the 13th century.
In 1972 the Lithuanian Film Studio made a film "Herkus Mantas" dedicated to the memory of the Prussian people destroyed by the Teutonic Order.
Hercus Mantas has a monument in Klaipeda (Lithuanians consider him their national hero).
We were told about him at school in Kaliningrad back in Soviet times.
Aleksey Levashov:
Alexander, you are contradicting yourself: Not Kaliningrad, but Königsberg is over 750 years old. Ancient city? Of course it is.

Kaliningrad was Soviet (as part of the USSR) for 46 years? Of course, yes.

Kaliningrad has been Russian for 15 years? Of course, yes.

Is Kaliningrad an ancient Russian city? Of course not.
Aleksey Levashov:
I'll clarify: an ancient Prussian city, which is a part of Russia since recently.

But it is exactly this recent time that prevents us from calling Kaliningrad an ancient Russian city. The very name of the city simply screams about it.
It is time for you to familiarise yourself with two terms [apparently] new to you:"succession" and"legal succession".