Interesting and Humour - page 3187


You've been summoned by a hobgoblin :)



Karputov Vladimir:

You've been summoned by a hobgoblin :)


I was just kidding.
Sergey Golubev:
I was joking.
Alright then, I'll go back to the rustle ...
Sergey Golubev:

By the way, here's an explanation about artists - why some are realists and others abstractionists:

Полифония сюрреализма | Публикации | Вокруг Света
Полифония сюрреализма | Публикации | Вокруг Света
Джордж Оруэлл как-то сказал о Сальвадоре Дали: «Этот человек оснащен настолько полным и превосходным комплексом извращений, что ему может позавидовать любой». Действительно, фрейдист, глядя на картины Дали, без труда диагностирует у художника склонность и к нарциссизму, и к параноидальным галлюцинациям, и бог знает к чему еще. Но любой...

For example

  • Third-party links (from authoritative sources, not brokers or personal websites) are allowed here, if on the topic and to the point. But in the English part - you can only in one branch, and if it is necessary in other branches, then post there "out of pocket". Why only in one? There was a discussion - "moderators are users" ...
  • I've already mentioned the difference in the humour section.
  • about complaints. If they don't like something in the ru part - they often write about it publicly. And in English - often click on the link "complaint" because they know that he will press, and it will see not only moderators, but also servers desk, admins, managers, top managers ...

In the ru part, they post dissent publicly (more freedom, but more bans), and in the english part less publicly (less freedom, but less bans) - often they click on the "complaint" link. In the Kit part, no one bothers at all, and there are almost no bans there.

Sergey Golubev:

For example

  • As for third-party links (from reputable sources, not brokers or personal sites), they may do it if it fits the subject and the place. But in the English part - you can only in one branch, and if it is necessary in other branches - it is posted there "out of pocket". Why only in one? There was a discussion - "moderators are users" ...
  • about the difference in the humour branch - I already said that.
  • about complaints. If they don't like something in the ru part - they often write about it publicly. And in English - often click on the link "complaint" because they know that he will press, and it will see not only moderators, but also servers desk, admins, managers, top managers ...

In the ru part, they post dissent publicly (more freedom, but more bans), and in the english part less publicly (less freedom, but less bans) - often they click on the "complaint" link. In the Kit part, no one bothers at all, and there are almost no bans there.

That's right. What's the chinese got to do with it? They are used to being shot at the drop of a hat. So they do not even bother.)

Alexandr Saprykin:

That's right. What's the Chinese got to do with it? They are used to being shot at the drop of a hat. So they don't even bother.)

Chinese moderators moderate according to the laws of the People's Republic of China and the CPC Plenum.
I remember posting a link to an article and a couple of photos of a Chinese artist in the humor thread. The link to his official website, the artist is already dead, all in Chinese.
The immediate question (in Chinese) is "What country?". And the artist is from Hong Kong... I wrote - "Hong Kong / China" ... it's fine, the answer is satisfactory...

Here's the opening of the free economic zone in Shanghai, so they are very hopeful in the Chinese section there that forex will be allowed (as they say - allowed in mainland China). If it will be like they want it to be, then the Chinese part of the forum will go up a lot and will be one of the main parts of the forum.
And then it will not be necessary to learn English ...
Sergey Golubev:

They have opened a free economic zone in Shanghai and they are really hoping in the Chinese section that forex will be allowed (as they say - allowed in mainland China). If it will be like they want it to be, then the Chinese part of the forum will go up a lot and will be one of the main parts of the forum.
And then it will not be necessary to learn English ...

and buy a keyboard like this:

Chinese layout

The best thing is to have several computers:
  • one with English only (English Windows, English keyboard without Russian font);
  • The second one - only Russian (no English at all).
  • Then (in a few years) I will probably need a third one, in Chinese only.

Otherwise, to switch fonts, post them in English, then in Russian, and constantly ... I'm not a robot... There are days when I don't type anything in Russian... Very confusing to remember all the switching and so on... It's better to have different computers separated by language...


Earthquake Ukraine 07.08.2016 11:15