Interesting and Humour - page 3186

Alexandr Saprykin:

It was written somewhere many pages ago that users of the Russian-language forum are very reluctant to see kitties in the thread. The English-language forum is totally cool about it, I would even say supportive.

I remember this conversation. Back then, the same Sergey Golubev sent us a never-ending stream of cats in various poses. And he was told directly and bluntly that the thread is called "interesting and humorous" and that there is nothing interesting and funny in pictures of cats in different poses?

Here in a cloud of text on a black background -- what's interesting and what's the joke? I just don't get it.

Alexandr Saprykin:

It was written somewhere many pages ago that users of the Russian-language forum are very reluctant to see kitties in the thread. The English-language forum is totally cool about it, I'd even say they support it.


Russian forum users are very tolerant.

I remember on 4 there was a user who had a picture of two male squirrels kissing on his avaque - no one said a word to him over the years!



Russian-speaking forum users are very tolerant.

I remember on 4 there was a user who had a picture of two male squirrels kissing on his avatar - no one said a word to him at all over the years!

They're male squirrels... If he had a picture of two kissing male human beings in his avatar it is unlikely that no one would have said anything to him)). Where would the tolerance be?

I remember on 4 there was a user who had a picture of two male squirrels kissing on his avatar - no one had said a word to him in years!

Come on, translate your bulging preoccupation with the world around you -- and lie about kissing male squirrels -- that's my avatar on 4:

For the preoccupied, the interpretation is:

-- one squirrel with his eyes closed.

-- another open-eyed squirrel (boy squirrel)

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Come on, translate your bulging preoccupation with the world around you -- and lie about male squirrels kissing -- that's my avatar on 4:

For those preoccupied, the interpretation is:

-- one squirrel with his eyes closed.

-- another squirrel with his eyes open (boy squirrel).

OK, tell me here -- two male squirrels.

Sex is not determined by the width of the open eyeballs.


OK, tell me about it - two male squirrels.

Sex is not determined by the width of the open eyeballs.

You, I see that you are a big expert (among other things) on males and homo bonding. I'm not going to argue with you here -- off the subject.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I remember this conversation. At that time there was an endless stream of cats in different poses from the same Sergei Golubev. And he was told directly and bluntly that the thread is called "interesting and humour" and that there is nothing interesting and funny in pictures of cats in different poses?

Here in a cloud of text on a black background -- what's interesting and what's the joke? I just don't get it.

It's here that the Humour branch is the freest. For example, in the English part of the "he said straight out and no offense" - immediately ban who said ... and here in the Russian part it's normal, and no one gets offended...

I remember when I opened the Humour branch in the English section it was generally difficult.

  • you can't paint a picture of an artist if the female character's lips are painted on,
  • arms exposed from the elbow down to the hand -- no,
  • exposed shoulders, no,
  • a landscape with an elephant (photo, Thailand for example) - not allowed, because the elephant there in the US (unlike in SEA) is a symbol of very bad ... I'm not even going to write that word here.
  • ... (and so on).

Now we've got used to it, you can even rock music from YouTube now... but not all of it.
In English the listeners from around the world - from Russia, Ukraine and the USA, and to Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran and Cambodia ...

But the English part is not the most puritanical. The most puritanical is the Chinese. They do not allow anything at all (their moderator once deleted a post saying "It's not our humor") ...
There are fine reproductions of Chinese artists from the beginning of the millennium, for example, and then you have to look at the content.

It's different everywhere.

Sergey Golubev:
It's here that the Humour branch is the freest. For example, in the English part of the "and told him directly and without offence" - immediately ban who said ... And here in the Russian part of it is normal, and no one is offended ...


It's different everywhere.

Actually -- it's the same everywhere. From your post I understand the following:

-- on the English thread, users post, and the moderator removes them if they go against tradition or are offensive to folk traditions -- that's right, that's the function of the moderator

-- but in the russian thread we say that the moderator (i.e. you) started posting seagulls and was asked not to, because he was fed up with them.

Yesterday you've cited a problem from a school textbook, allegedly, the problem on quantity of drinks in Russia -- I, for example, was offended by such a problem, firstly, by its lie and, secondly, irrelevance -- if I were moderator, I would delete it, as it offended people, but I am not moderator.

But you say that "in Russian it is normal, and nobody is offended" -- so what now? Yes, in Russia the people are tolerant, for the time being.

p.s. my post, if it violates the rules of the forum, you can remove -- I just made my thoughts (no offence, because this is a Russian thread, no one takes offence, as you say)

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

In fact -- it's the same everywhere. What I understood from your post is this:

-- on the English thread, users post, and the moderator removes them if they go against tradition or are offensive to folk traditions -- that's right, that's the function of the moderator

-- but in the russian thread we say that the moderator (i.e. you) started posting seagulls and was asked not to, because he was fed up with them.

Yesterday you've cited a problem from a school textbook, allegedly, the problem on quantity of drinks in Russia -- I, for example, was offended by such a problem, firstly, by its lie and, secondly, irrelevance -- if I were moderator, I would delete it, as it offended people, but I am not moderator.

But you say that "in Russian it is normal, and nobody is offended" -- so what now? Yes, in Russia people are tolerant, for the time being.

p.s. if my post, if it violates forum rules, you can remove it -- i'm just making a point (no offense, though This is a Russian branch. no offence taken, as you say)


The real problem from the pre-revolutionary textbook.

If you do not want - do not read it.

p.s. And I'm more fed up with squirrels than cats - can I ban you on that basis?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

In fact -- it's the same everywhere. What I gather from your post is this:

-- on the English thread, users post, and the moderator removes them if they go against tradition or are offensive to folk traditions -- that's right, that's the function of the moderator

-- but in the russian thread we say that the moderator (i.e. you) started posting seagulls and was asked not to, because he was fed up with them.

Yesterday you've cited a problem from a school textbook, allegedly, the problem on quantity of drinks in Russia -- I, for example, was offended by such a problem, firstly, by its lie and, secondly, irrelevance -- if I were moderator, I would delete it, as it offended people, but I am not moderator.

But you say that "in Russian it is normal, and nobody is offended" -- so what now? Yes, in Russia people are tolerant, for the time being.

Not like that at all. You are making a monster of me :) You're about to unite with a monster...

  • in the English part, I opened a branch and posted (... not national/religious traditions);
  • in Russian part - better cats than what it was (I don't want to remember).

In fact -- it's the same everywhere.

No, it's different everywhere.

There's more freedom here (not just in the branch, in the ru section in general).
And we should appreciate it and not abuse it.

More freedom means more bans.
Less freedom means less bans.
No freedom means no bans.
(And for every example there is a language section of the forum).
Which one do you want?