Interesting and Humour - page 3176

What is the "department" of a private enterprise?
And what is the "department" of a private enterprise?
A harmonious state needs a solid legal framework (all of a sudden), functioning democratic institutions and a real separation of powers

It seems to me that you are a typical idealist.

You cannot personally enforce your own rights in a big way. Your rights can only be secured by someone who has the power to use that power to protect your rights.

Today, human rights are measured solely by the thickness of one's wallet.

I am fascinated by the phrase: "If you disagree, you can go to court". That's why I know the exact prices - a civil trial is around 1 million, and I'm not talking about bribes. Without any bribes. Nowadays, if you don't have absolutely one million, one million that you can throw away, there is nothing to do in court.


Private businesses are driven by notions of profitability, not simplicity.

Don't be stupid.

You and I have not had a drink on the brotherhood table so that you could "poke fun at me", let alone be rude.

You have not met - and God be with you. I am writing here about what I have encountered in my practice.


A shaggy dog of indeterminate nationality walked leisurely. From the green fence to the blue one. From blue to green. The iron chain on which the dog sat rattled lazily.

Not far away, two smelling women stopped. One held a leash with a dog like the dog had never seen in his life. How could he, a grayish dog, know that a blue dainty lamb was called a Bedlington?

Bedlington, beady eyes swept across the dog's face, said:

- Hello! Hey, doggie! What's your name?!

- Toosic, sir!

- Oh, Toosic! And I'm Lord! You've been chained up all your life, muy frande?!

The dog, however, does not go back on his word:

- You've been chasing your mistress on a leash, Friend... May... June!

Bedlington stepped from foot to foot:

- You should know where I run to! To receptions, to exhibitions, you see, a gold medal! For the exterior!

- Is that for the shape of the face?

- Yes, for the shape of the face! You should know where we go! And what we eat! You wouldn't dream of it! I personally prefer julienne with mushrooms. That's OK!

- I'm not going to lie, I haven't eaten ocean,' said the dog. - But a good bone is a full broth with meat!

- And I've been in the sauna! - Bedlington said proudly.

- What's that?

- Decent people get together and sweat for hours!

- Is the only place you can get sweaty besides the sauna? - The dog was surprised. - Oh, dear!

- We've been watching some videos from our friends! Horror movies! Three nights he barked in his sleep! - Bedlington shuddered.

- I haven't seen the video," the dog admitted. - But a neighbour came back yesterday... He used a key to open the fence for half an hour! What a cinema!

- And I'm being taken to Moscow on a honeymoon next week. And a girl is coming specially from Sweden! There are only seven of us left in the world! We can't be with just anyone! Can you imagine, they're taking a girl from Sweden to marry me!

- Wait! - the dog is amazed. - Wait! So you only if yours is coming from Sweden!? Gee! I can get any one! Any one that runs through here, pins it against the fence, it's mine! Sometimes two a day. By the way, I can introduce you.

- No, I can't. - Bedlington sighed. - The breed must be saved. Curse her! But mine are worth a thousand dollars, and they wouldn't give a ruble for your cocktail terriers!

- Yeah, mine aren't for sale or purchase! And how many of them are running around the world for free!

- Merci beaucoup," said Bedlington, taking umbrage. - But I get to walk the world! We're going on a cruise round Europe last week! And you're sitting here on a chain! Sorry, iscuse me!

- No, you're the one who's suing me,' the dog replied. - You're on a leash! Fun cruise! Around the whole of Europe on a leash.

- And you, you! - Bedlington shrieked. - What do you see here? A cruise from the green fence to the blue fence! You've been sitting on a chain for years!

- Who told you I was sitting on a chain? Chained me up! I can stand on chains! I can lie on chains! I can do what I want! Nobody's pulling me! I'm my own boss!

- Big deal! - Bedlington tried to lie down, but hung back on the leash, wheezing.

- C'est la vie," said the dog, "which translates as 'freedom is determined by the length of the chain.


What's inside the Olympic torch?

Alexandr Saprykin:
Have you ever met a team member who demanded by a majority vote to change the director of his subordinate unit and the upper management actually dealt with the issue? I have.

When the manager is inadequate, the team is divided into two parts -- those who report and those who have the manager in mind.

When the manager has a couple of employees in mind -- it's easier to change a couple of employees.

When the majority of staff has the manager in mind, it's cheaper to change.

About life...
kicking the shit out